Dinner Date

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Jace's POV

Tonight's the night. After school yesterday, Electra and I decided to go back to my place and talk. We discussed everything and decided to start over. I drove her home and we left things like that. The next day, I texted her and decided to ask her out, this time on a proper date.

At first she objected but I eventually talked her into it, for a price.
I pick the place and time, and at the end of the night, she decides whether or not we continue 'dating' or not.

I told her to wear something nice, because instead of going to a comic book shop, I decided we should go to dinner. It's a little French restaurant in the heart of downtown. I've only been there once, and it's really nice, but it's not too expensive or too cheap either.

I eventually pull into her driveway, and get out the car. I walk up the steps and knock on her front door, only to be greeted by Harley.

"Well, hello lover boy".

"Hey Harley, where's Electra".

"Electra is on her way down, but why don't you come in let's talk".

She pulls me into the house and leads me into a sitting area. I take a seat and she proceeds into what looks like the kitchen. "Would you like something to drink".

"Umm, sure water please".

"Okay". She soon brings over a glass of water and hands it to me before sitting down in the chair across from me.

I take a sip of my water and immediately regret doing so. "So I'm not one to beat around the bush, so are you planning to hit it and quit it with Electra?".

I spit out my water into the cup, some actually making it in and some landing on my shirt. I feel highly uncomfortable now.

Don't get me wrong that would be nice, I mean what guy wouldn't think that, but those aren't my intentions."Um no, I'm not planning to".

"Then what's your game?", she raises an eyebrow at me.

"I have no game, I like Electra". I start to get nervous when she stands up and walks over to me.

Then she does the unthinkable. She grabs my hand and leads me into another room. I don't object but only out of fear of what she might do.

As she leads me down a hall she speaks up. "Have I showed you Mr. Grey's old shotgun collection?".

"Um no", I reply. Wow I can't believe I'm getting the talk from a girl. Not to mention this girl is Electra's best friend. You would think she would want her friend to get laid.

Soon were infront of a glass case and my heart drops. There is like 8 different guns in this case, each one bigger than the last.

"Looking at these, what do you see?"

"My untimely death", I gulp, wishing this to be over.

"Good, now every time you think of touching Electra in any way sexual, I want you to think of these guns. For each act you do, a different one will be used. The more sexual an act the bigger the gun gets and the spot I shoot changes. Got it".

"Crystal Clear". I notice that there is sweat on my forehead and I immediately wipe it away. Just then Electra appears.

"Hey, you ready to go?"

"Yeah, come on", I respond.

"What happened to your shirt?", Electra asked curiously.

"Nothing, it's fine, just some water". I guide Electra through the hallway, with Harley right on my heels.

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