Almost, But Not Quite

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Electra's POV

Jace's type of crazy was nothing like I expected it to be. It was actually the complete opposite. When he said let's get crazy, I thought he meant let's go to a party or let's TP someone's house. But instead he hooked up his old Super Nintendo and we played Mario all night. Surprisingly, I loved it more than I love to go out.

Being with Jace, let's me be more like myself. I don't have to put up a facade to be liked, or to get someone to care for me.

It was currently 4 am, and Jace's turn playing. He looked like a kid who had too much candy. He's so energetic, he even makes sound effects as he plays, it's adorable. You know, they say you don't really no a person until you stay up till 4 am with them.

"Awe, come on, stupid cheat", Jace yells and I snicker at his complaining. "Oh you think this is funny?"

"It's not funny", I say and Jace smiles. "It's fucking hilarious". Jace's smile turn into a scowl and I immediately regret what I said.

"I'll get you back for that, Electra". I stop laughing abruptly and Jace smirks.


"Who knows, it can come at any moment".

I move away from him, keeping the distance between us. It makes it hard for me, because everytime I move he comes closer.

We continue playing old school Mario, until the sun comes up. I'm about ready to pass out, but Jace seems completely rested.

"Hey, I'm gonna go to sleep".

"Can't hang?"

"Bro, it's like sun up right now".

"I'm only joking, go ahead".

I make myself comfortable in the couch. My body pressed against Jace's and soon I'm sleep as peaceful as can be.


2 hours later

Jace's POV

It's been two hours since Electra went to sleep, and I'm bored out of my mind. There's nothing to do and no one to talk too. Normally, I just sit around anyway, but for some reason, I can't seem to get into it. T.V is boring, my phone is boring, my life is boring, yet the one person to make it all interesting is sitting right next to me.

Thinking of nothing else to do, I decide to make breakfast. It is like 9 am now anyway. I get up off the couch and head towards the kitchen. I grab the eggs, bacon and pancake mix. I make the batter for the pancakes and put some in the pancake maker, I crack a couple eggs, just for myself, Electra hates eggs and put 8 pieces of bacon on the stove. Soon I had,finished everything except for the eggs.

Midway through cooking, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my torso.

"Good Morning babe", I'm greeted by Electra.

"Morning baby. You hungry?"

"Extremely", she exclaims suddenly wide awake.

I turn around a grab her by her waist. "Well good thing, I made breakfast, huh".

"I see".

"Mhmm", I take some leftover pancake batter and put it on my finger. "You have something in the corner of your mouth".

"Eww, what is it".

"This", I put batter on the corners of her mouth.

"Ew, Jace that's gross". She goes to wipe it off but I stop her.

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