Only Exception

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Jace POV

As she stands up there, beside her mom, I cant help but notice how beautiful she looks. I love her, and im lucky she feels the sane way. A year ago, if you wouldve asked me if I was ever going to settle down, I wouldve answered fuck no. Surprisingly, I have. I mean, Jace Lakewood, fuckboy settling down is a pretty wild concept. Im on my way to believing and Electra is too. There's so much thats changed between the both of us. For the better.

My whole life I believed love was some fairytale that only existed in movies. Hell, almost every one of those are based off Romeo and Juliet, they just don't die at the end. But, as I sit here today, I realize that that son of bitch Shakespeare may have known what he was talking about.

In the midst of my thoughts, I notice a faint smile from her. Then she looks back to her mom.

"And you may now kiss the bride", says the priest.

They kiss and everyone cheers, typical wedding stuff.

"Hey big boy, you ready for the after party", Electra joins me in the crowd.

" Whenever you are, love".

The After Party 3 hours later

The bride and groom had a beach sunset wedding. Now its going on 8 and Electra and I are pretty wasted. Electra snatched a bottle of red wine, while no one was watching and now, we're all giggles.

"Oh, Jace let's go dance please, I love this song".

"You like Paramore?"

"Oh shut up, and come on", she laughs tugging me up.

Slowly we make our way to the middle if the dance floor. We embrace each other, Electra laying her head on my chest and me gripping her waist as her arms fall gracefully around my neck. Swaying silently for the next couple of minutes. It feels like its just us.

Electra's POV

Giving myself to him was the best decision I've made in a while. I appreciate everything he is and isn't. He's made the world more tolerable. Bad girl meets bad boy, your typical story book. But in the end, you see them both change for the better. There's a part of me that is still curious what would've happened if I let this one slip through the cracks, but none of that matters as I lay in his arms.

This whole journey just screams stereotype. Yeah, yeah well I deserve this fairytale. I'm fucked up in more ways than most can ever imagine. Now, in love, we know that's a con in itself. We know we care deeply for each other, but no one can truly pinpoint what love is. Love is undefined. Love is what you make of it and I know I'm trying to make the most of mine. This jackass right here, is one of the best things to happen to me in a while. And who knows, we may last we may not. Every story has a beginning, middle and end. I just hopes ours last for a long time.

"Its time for the bride to throw her flowers!", says my Mom's maid of honor.

I leave Jace, and join the parade of women in the middle of the dance flower. I stay in the back and sorta just bounce on my heels.

" One...Two...Three", the flowers go flying through the air.

It flies past everyone and lands, right on the floor. Guess no one is getting married anytime soon.

All the ladies scatter towards the flowers. As I stare at them, I see Jace step in front of them, stopping the hoard of ladies and picks them up.

"Here you go, love", he beckons.

I stand there dumbfounded. What the hell. As I take them from his hand and put my arm in his, the ladies look pissed.

I smile at him. "What the hell was that?". We walk from the tent and to the shoreline, just like our first date

"I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure, none of them are gonna be the next one to be married", he laughs.

"Why do you say that?"

Jace stops abruptly, and gets down on one knee. With a big box in his hand.

"Electra, this last year with you has been, a long, long ass ride. But through it all I never, and I mean never stopped loving you. Through the deception, heartbreak and pregnancy scares. From ex boyfriends to ex girlfriends, we've always had each others back. You make me a better person, you make me want to he a better person. I love all your weirdness and all your faults. I love the way we love each other and no one will never understand me like you do".

He opens the box. "And I promise to keep doing so, as long as you promise to love me back. Will you accept this promise ring?".

Breathing in to calm down, I answer. " Sure, why not".

He laughs and puts his head down. "Such an answer for. someone who was just crying uncontrollably"

Sniffling, "I wasn't crying you were crying".

"I love you", he says.

"I love you more".

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