Keep You Safe

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Electra's POV

I slowly open my eyes and I feel a sudden rush of heat against me. I try to turn, but a heavy arm is over me. I carefully turn my head and see Jace's face snuggled into the crook of my neck. I subtly smile, and then last night's events come rushing back to me.

"Jace, wake up", I whisper in his ear.

He groans and snuggles deeper into my side.

"Jace, come on I have to pee". I smack his face a little and he lifts his head a little bit before opening his eyes.

"Good Morning babe, how'd you sleep?", he asked. He laid back down and smiled, with his eyes closed.

He looked perfect in this moment. The windows that were open, let in the sunlight that cast a glowing shadow around him. "I slept fine, anyways, I have to pee so can you...umm?". I looked down at his arm.

"Oh, yeah my bad", he lifted his arm.

I hastily got up and ran to the bathroom. I used the bathroom and washed my hands. My eyes drifted to my reflection in the mirror and I noticed I had racoon eyes. I grabbed some tissue and tried to wipe it away, but it wouldn't come off.

"Mmhm". I whip around to see Jace standing in the doorway. "What are you doing?".

"Trying to get this stupid make up off....God I look terrible".

"Hold on, I think my mom has some makeup remover". He disappears down the hall and soon emerges with a brown bottle of makeup remover.

"Thanks", I mutter.

"You know, you don't look so bad", he says.

"Oh, really. I look like it's my first time putting on makeup". I turn around and scowl at my appearance, I really look disgusting. I put some make up remover on a piece of tissue and proceed to clear my face.

"No it doesnt, I think you look experienced", he smirks.

"How experienced?"

"Like a professional birthday clown", he laughs.

"Asshole, no wonder you don't have a girlfriend".

"Hey, that's a low blow, and plus you didn't let me finish, you look like a sexy clown".

My face heats up and I look down. "Whatever", I mutter.

I turn around and continue taking off my makeup. It's quiet for a couple moments before I hear Jace walk towards the toilet and proceed to go to the bathroom.

"You couldn't wait till I got out?", I yell.

"It was an emergency, and don't act like you didn't want to see this". He motions to his dick.

"Actually, I dont".

After he is done, he turns around. "You mean to tell me, you don't like this?".

I look at him and notice his shirt is off. I find my eyes wondering to his lips, down his abs, to his v-line.

"I'm disgusted by it, actually". God is that a lie.

"Oh really?"


I start making my way out the bathroom. When I'm halfway down the hall, I hear Jace close behind. I run down the steps and am followed by Jace.

"Come back here", he shouts after me.

"Never", I shout back. I see a sitting area and dive behind a couch. I hear footsteps enter the room, and my heart beat quickens.

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