Need Me

28 3 0

Electra's POV

Its all my fault? I didn't mean for any of this to happen, not to mention the fact that he still left me. Well maybe he didn't leave, but he left. God, what am I supposed to do apologize. Yea maybe, I could of made better choices but I was drunk off my ass. I wanted to forget, I needed to forget. Am I really at fault for this?

I stop pacing my room and collapse on my bed. How could I be so foolish?

I lay there for about an hour before I get up and head to the bathroom to take a shower. I wash my hair and body and hurry to get dressed in the bathroom. My hair is wet so I put it in a messy bun.

I walk to my bed and snuggle into the comforter, and let sleep consume me.


You know that sleep you have, where it feels like you aren't sleeping and when you wake up your tired as hell. Well, thats how I feel right now. It's now 7 am and even though I went to bed at 3 am I feel like I haven't even had 4 hours of sleep.

Due to last night's circumstances I feel it's only appropriate not to dress up for school, no make up, no revealing clothing and I'm not gonna do my hair. I throw on some sweats and a hoodie and put my hair in a bun. I grab my car keys and head to school.

When I get there, everyone is outside in a circle. I hurry out and lock my car being rushing over. I push myself through the crud when I see a fight between Harley and Savanah.

"What the fuck is going on here", I yell catching both of their attention. Harley has Savanah by her hair and Savanah is just sitting there helpless.

"The bitch won't pay up", says Harley. I laugh and let me tell you it's not pretty. I sound like Ed the Hyena from The Lion King."What's so funny?"

"Yeah, get this thing off of me", Savanah cries.

"What did you call me?".

"You sound like a drug dealer or pimp...look let go of her hair, I'll pay it".

Looking at Harley you would think she was a lover not a fighter, but that kitty can scratch and at the end it won't be pretty.

"Fine", Harley turns around smiling with her hand out. "That will be 100 dollars".

"I'll give it to you after school, now come on". I grab her hand and drag her off leaving Savanah in the middle of the crowd. "Oh and Savanah", I yell over my shoulder. "You owe me big time, still don't like you though". I swear she is all bark no bite.

I walk Harley to class and make sure she doesn't try to kill anyone again, regrettably I run into the last person I wanted to see. Jace.

He looked at me and gave me a small smile, but I just turned around and walked to class, ignoring him.


"Harley!", I yell from across the cafe.

"I'm not doing anything", she jumps up, but sighs when it's only me.

"What did you bet Savanah and why wouldn't she pay up".

"Hey I keep my business to myself, nothing personal".

"Whatever", I roll my eyes.

"Speaking of business...what's up with ours?".

"It's going good", I lied. It was a complete trainwreck but I couldn't let Harley know that.

"All you have to do is get him to fall for you, how hard can it be?"

"I like to take my time...geez...back off".

"Okay Miss Defensive, but remember the sooner he falls the sooner you get out of the bet". I nod my head and change the conversation. I rather not dwell on my secret unsuccessfulness. (That's not even a word...I don't think so at least).

The rest of the day goes by fairy smoothly, I'm now at my locker packing up for the day when Jace comes to his locker as well. Things only get worse when he speaks.

"Still ignoring me?". I don't answer his question he can easily figure it out.

"Come on, I saved your life",he whispers so only I can hear. This infuriates me so I slam my locker getting everyone's attention, then I storm off.

"Wait Electra!". I speed up my pace but Jace is too fast. He turns me around and smashes his lips to mine. I try not to kiss him back but I can't resist. I move my lips in sync with his and I actually get butterflies in my stomach. My senses slowly come back to me and I pull way and punch Jace's face. The impact is so loud you can hear it through the hall. It's dead quiet and everyone is watching. Jace and I stare at each other for a moment, then I remember Harley's words earlier.

'The sooner you make him fall for you, the sooner you're out of the bet'.

I smile sweetly and look over to Harley, who has managed to make her way to the front of the crowd. I wink at her and hope Jace doesn't notice.

I slam my lips onto Jace's again, moving in sync just like last time. He pulls back and says, "Let me make up for last night. I'm sorry I spazzed on you like that. I care about you alot, and I haven't for anyone in a while".

"Okay", i say. We walk off hand in hand and all I can do is think of is the bet.

I hate that I'm lying to Jace but if I lose this bet who knows what I'll have to do.

If the bet doesn't kill me, Jace will.....Let's hope neither of them do though

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