New Perspectives

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Jace's POV

I look over my bed stand and see my phone vibrating violently. The caller ID says Electra. Something is telling me to answer, but another part of me is telling me not to.

I'm in a battle with myself. Do I really want to put myself in a bad situation. Just as I reached for the phone, it stopped ringing and seconds later a voice mail popped up.

I'm not gonna answer it.

I'm not gonna answer it.

I'm not gonna answer it.

I'm gonna answer.

I hastily grabbed the phone and pressed the voicemail. I hear nothing for awhile.

Maybe she butt dialed me.

I go to hang up, but the silence is replaced by one quiet but evident sob.

My voicemail.

That's the only way she would be crying. Our past happiness all compacted into a few minutes. All the happy memories spurred by our voices, only to lead her back to what ended our happiness altogether.

It's our own little tragedy. Fate never on our side.

Maybe she still loves me?

Electra's POV

I walk into school and all anybody does is stare. Stare and whisper. Don't they know it's annoying?

I go to my locker and am soon faced with Jace. I can't look him in the eyes, it hurts.

I grab my stuff and put it in my bag. I slam my locker and rush to my first period. I can't let him win.


She walked away from me. She couldn't even look at me. I can't beat myself up over that. I heard her, and I know she still cares, she has too. I close my locker and lean my forehead against it, when I am greeted with Harley.

"Wow Lakewood, I've heard some fucked up shit about you, and honestly with what you've been through, I would've thought you'd be tougher than this.", she sighs.

"What's that supposed to mean?", I question.

"I mean that you can't let her just walk away, I know your not used to doing the chasing, and I'm not saying you need bust out into a full sprint, but you at least have to jog a little to get her back".

"She won't even talk to me, let alone be near me".

"Look, I'm probably gonna get an ear full for telling you this, but she is hosting my little sisters birthday party, cooking, maybe you should swing by stay for a while".

"Why are you helping me? What's in it for you?".

"Free help, you come help Electra in the kitchen making cookies or whatever. You talk to her, I get more service free of charge".


"I mean that's only-", she rambles.

"Harley", she stopped. "I said Ok".

"Oh well, it's this Saturday, 6-9", don't be late".

"Gotcha". Looks like I got my opening.

After School

Packing sucks. I have such a large closet and only so much suitcase. I have to choose between my blacks or my blacker blacks. I don't really have a spectrum of colors in my closet.

I put on some music and drown out everything around me. Music helps me move faster and concentrate better.

After a couple I'm done packing and I put my bag in the corner of the room. Only about 2 weeks until I leave. Looking at my closer it looks bare. I only have enough clothes left to last me until I leave.

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