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Electra's POV

I storm in my house and storm straight to my room. I drop my keys on my dresser and head straight to my vanity. I immediately get nauseous looking at all these pictures of Jace and I. We're so happy, so in.....love.

At least that's what I thought.

In a fit of anger, I grab a box from my closet and start filling it with tainted memories.

Pictures, gifts, anything that reminds me of him. By the time, I've finished I've slipped from anger to sadness. I take the box and wrap it, putting a stamp on it. I put Jace's on it and put it in my mail box. Might as well, send it back.

I plop on my couch, phone in hand, as I scroll through my pictures.

Slowly, I delete us, 1 by 1.

Now, I'm left with only my memories.

I heave a sigh of content. It's really over.


Over the next couple of days, I've finally hit that stage of depression. I know what you reader's are thinking.

Wow, how cliche another girl crying over a guy who cheated on her.

Yeah, well not this love story.

I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty bumbed about the situation, but to think all the precious time I've wasted. The wasted hope, the friends lost, the enemies made.

And for what, to have another dim witted teen, be completely and utterly dramatic over something we saw was coming in the first place.

The true devastation in this stupid ass situation, is how tragic it is that I cared enough for all this to happen. Not because I love him and Ive been cheated on...again, but for of all this precious stuff we take for granted and don't get much of.

All wasted.

And that my friends, is how the fucked up cookie crumbles.

I've literally stayed in bed for these four days, wallowing in my own pathetic despair over time.

Of course, I've been eating. Trust me, it isn't that bad, but of course, who can put a price on time.

All day I've been receiving text from Spencer, Harley and Tristan. Spencer has been trying to convince me, that it's not Jace'smiles fault, that he's the reason Jace was drinking in the first place.

Alcohol or anything that puts you under the influence, is not an excuse. Dont fall for it.

Harley, on the other hand, has been telling me to get my fat lazy ass up and get to school. She hasn't really bothered me about the bet. As soon as I see her, go about paying my debt though.

Tristan, my favorite out of the bunch so far, has been telling me to take my time and just to know he's here. Well, that's exactly what I'm doing.

There's only so much time though.


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