Open Wounds

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Electra's POV

"Where do you want me to start from?", I ask feeling uneasy.

"Where ever you're comfortable, you don't have to tell me every single detail"

"Okay...About 3 years ago, freshman year, my dad died. He had a problem with drugs, since I was like nine. He never brought around the house but one day, he came home high, and started to try and abuse my mom". I start crying. "We called the cops and got him locked up, when he went in front of the judge, they told him he had to get clean. He tried multiple rehab facilities, but none of them worked. As soon as he got out he would relaspe. Then we finally found one that starting showing progress. Soon he was clean and came home, he wasn't doing drugs, he was spending time with his family, everything was great". I start choking on my sobs.

"Look, Electra if you cant finish, you don't have too", Jace says.

"No, I've started might as well finish", I try to laugh off the pain.

"You sure?"

"Positive", I say. "6 months into him being clean, he just disappeared. We didn't hear from him for days. We reported him missing, and soon enough, the cops came knocking on the door saying they want us to come identify a body, they found in a drain pipe. Sure enough it was my dad. The autopsy said he had a heroine overdose, and it stopped his heart".

I feel Jace wrap his arms around me, and it makes me break down more. I melt into him, letting his body consume mine. "My family was hurt, it pained us to live, we loved him. We planned his funeral and after we buried him, we thought everything would go back to normal but it didnt. Everything reminded us of him. My mom couldn't take it anymore, she left me here and went somewhere in Europe. She checks in every so often, but it's not the same. I'm left to fend for myself. I'm living off the money my dad left me, for when after he died".

"It's okay baby, you have me now",Jace says lovingly.

"The shittiest part about it, was that I was only 15". Jace starts rubbing small circles in my back. "I was depressed and for awhile I didn't feel any emotion. I was numb. I wanted to know I could feel again so I started cutting myself. It showed me I could still hurt, still feel pain, that I was alive".

"Cutting yourself is not the answer", Jace says concerned.

"I haven't song it in a while anyway".

"Is that how you got the slits on your wrist?".

"No, that was from sophomore year".

"What happened".

"I don't know how to tell you, it still kills me to talk about it".

"Then don't tell me every detail, just what pushed you there".

"It was sophomore year, and I had just started going back to school after my mom left. I was still depressed and had self esteem problems. I was made fun of everyday about my appearance and personality. Then this boy named Spencer Lewis came up to me and asked me out. Every girl I school was in love with him and even if they had a chance or not. Me being me, I followed suit so when he asked me out I was excited", I explain.

"Is that what the S is on the bear I picked up?"

"Yeah, he got me that for our one month anniversary. We dated for four months and with each month that passed I started getting happier he took me out of my depression and pushed me right back into it".


"For our 4 month anniversary, I decided to give myself up to him. He was my first. The next day I went to school and I walked up to him, he ignored me so I called him out. He told me I was never his girlfriend, he never loved me and the only reason why he was pretending to be with me was because I was a 'better fuck' as he put it. It crushed me, I ran out the school crying and ran to my comfort".


The Aftermath

I ran all the way home, it started raining and I was soaked from head to toe. I went straight upstairs to the box with all my razors. I went in the bathroom with the box and laid in the tub, setting the box on the edge. I slowly open it and take out my razor. I put it on my wrist and slice horizontally. The cut was deeper so it hurt more. One wrist done one more to go. I did the same to my right wrist, but halfway through Harley burst the door open.

"Electra!", she screams crying.

I rush to pull the blade across the rest of my wrist.

"Stop, please Electra".

My eye sight starts getting blurry and spotted. I feel light headed.

"991, yeah, my friend is in the bathroom, she's cutting her wrist. Thank you!". Harley says. See looks up and starts panicking.

She runs to me as I slide down the tiles. She gets in the tub and cradles me. I start to pass out and the last thing I remember is hearing sirens.

End of Flashback

"Wow, I can't imagine what you've been through after that", Jace said

"Yeah, well it's no walk in the park. If I could take back anything it would be that", I sigh.

"I'm sorry for making you relive that", he says looking down.

"Don't be, it feels great getting that off my chest".

"Even though we just something sad, the nights not over yet, let's get crazy", Jace fist pumps.

"Get crazy? Is that a thing?". I laugh.

"That's what all the kids are saying, don't ridicule me".

"No kids say that, but what do you have in mind".

Jace smirks and for some reason, I get this uneasy feeling.

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