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Electra's POV


1 week and a 1/2 later

"Electra, just talk to me", Jace pleads for the millionth time this week.

"I'm sorry, Harley, Tristan, do you hear something?".

"Don't be so immature",he scoffs.

"Oh nevermind, it seems to have disappeared", I sigh. "Anyway, like I've said that paper due in Mr.Baker's class is going to take me all weekend".

Harley and Tristan exchanged looks, and then proceeded to look at me. I know this look all too well.

Not this time. I'm not giving in.

"Please, just 2 minutes",he sets his and on my shoulder. I turn and look at his hand.

I've never looked at something so coldly in my life. "You have 5 seconds to get your hand off me".

My tone was so dark, it scared even me.

"One second E, that's all I'm asking".


"Can we just talk about this?"


"Look, I really don't want to have to do this"




"You leave me no choice"


I went for his hand but before I could it was moved. I smiled smugly to my friends, and they only greeted with wide eyes. I gave them a look of confusion.

"Why the weird faces?".

Before they could answer, I was sweeped off my feet and thrown over Jace's shoulder.

"Let me go, you stupid prick".

"You sure liked it last night",he retorted.

Welp, I know what you guys are thinking. Weren't you just mad at him for cheating.

Let's just say it was a moment of weakness.

Let us go back to Monday.

Now, all week he had been bothering me and I was starting too get annoyed. Not only was I being bothered by Jace but the decision to leave by my mom.

"Hey, um, can we talk?".

"Kiss my ass", I say to Jace.


I go to open my locker and a note falls out.

Dear Electra,
             Please just give me a moment of your time. I'll be out in the courtyard. I'll be waiting.
                                                        XOXO, Jace.

I left him waiting.


"You never showed", he stiff his hands in his pockets.

"Oops, guess I didn't".

"It rained, I was out there till 5".

"And who's fault is that", I slammed my locker and walked off.

Now Yesterday, I had an attitude already. I was not up to deal with anuone's shit.


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