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Electra's POV

The whole lunch, I was distracted. Jace warned me about speaking to Spencer. I've never seen so much hatred come out of his mouth. He specifically said: "Electra I do not want you to talk to him.  He's bad news. Stay away".

I wanted to say. "You can't tell me what to do".

I thought the better of it. Why start arguing like a bunch of 3 year olds? He made me promise, but I crossed my fingers.

A promise is like a sacred bond. If it breaks it'll cause a wound. It'll heal, but the scar will forever be there. I told Jace I don't do promises, they are meant to be broken.

The only promise I have made to Jace has been our forever. Other than that, I will not promise anything else.

This time he'll just have to be mad, I have to break this 'promise'.

I walked up to the porch and gently knocked the door. I waited about 5 minutes before someone opened it.

When the short, slightly chubby lady opened the door, she looks like she's seen a ghost.

"E-Electra", she breathes.

"Hey Ma", I say. You may be confused. I get that.

When Spencer and I were dating, I met his mom. We immediately hit it off. She found out that I didn't really have a motherly figure in my household anymore and she insisted that I call her mom, and she be that figure for me.

I hesitantly agreed. Ever since she has sincerely been a mother to me. After Spencer, I didn't really make an effort to contact her. I didn't see a need too, being as though me and her son were no longer together. I was going through my recovery, she was going with Spence through his senior year. She made efforts to call, I never answered.

"Well, come in. I've missed you these past 2 years".

"Yeah, well I've been busy, busy busy....", I drift off. "Is Spencer here by any chance?".

"Yeah, he's right in his room, feel free to go up there".

"Thanks", I mutter. I make my way to the first platform of the steps. Geez this feels so weird.

"And Electra", I turn around her piercing gaze on me. "Don't be a stranger".

I nod in acknowledgement. She is right, it's like I don't know her anymore.

I make my way up the steps, quietly so he won't here me. I reach the top and to the right is his room. I can't help but feel a sense of Deja Vu being in this house. The door was slightly a jar, and I could partially see Spencer laying down listening to music. He looks disappointed, defeated. It's heartbreaking.

I walk in slowly and stand at the foot of the bed. He looked up and his eyes widened in shock. He snatched his earplugs out and proceeded to stand up.

"What are doing here?", he asked looking out his window.

"You asked me to talk so I came here", I sit in his desk chair.

"Your boyfriend said you cant be here", he says pure disgust seeping through his lips.

"Well, he doesn't dictate my life or my life choices. Now. TALK".

"This isn-", he sighs.


He sits on the foot of the bed, obviously contemplating something. He looks at me and takes a deep breathe.

"I see you've changed", he says barely looking at me.

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