Him ( Colton and Electra's History Pt 2)

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Past Electra

Over the next couple of days, Colton and I have grown fairly close. We eat lunch together everyday, we text each other constantly, and there isn't a day we don't hang out after school.

After the whole kiss thing, he texted me apologizing and this time I didn't interrupt him. He explained why he did it, and that was the end of it. We made plans the next day and ever since we've been inseperable. He's like my second bestfriend.

Today, Colton wanted to hang out at the mall. I decided to wait at his car. I was standing there for approximately 5 minutes, when I see Colton and someone else approaching.

I ruffle my hair and when they get close enough to see me, I fake a smile.

"Hey E"

"Hey, wassup?".

"Nothing much, you ready to go?".

Before I could answer a throat was cleared behind Colton. "Oh sorry man, Electra, this is Spencer".

The boy steps out from behind Colton and immediately my breath hitches.

Dude, there is no way this is real...

"Hey, I'm sorry my bestfriend is a terrible introductionist, your name is...", he says so suave.

This is really fudging happening, I'm gonna pass out.

"Uh, umm, its..."

"Electra", Colton says.

I was interrupted, but this time I wasn't mad, I was thankful. Colton had just saved me out of an awkward situation, and I couldn't help but notice he seemed a little pissed. I had brushed it off.

"Yeah, that's me",I say softly.

"What a beautiful name", says Spencer then he leans down to kiss my hand.

"Okay, let's get going", says a fuming Colton.

We all get into the car and Colton speeds off to the mall.

When we arrive, I'm the first to get out and am soon met with the other two. They meet me at the entrance as I stand there patiently waiting.

"What store are we going to first?", I ask as we walk in.

"I wanna go to the food court, Colton says and Spencer agrees.

"Okay", I say.

We walk in and find an empty table.

"I'm going to McDonald's, Electra you wanna come?", Spencer asked me.

"U-Um sure", I said.

I walked off with Spencer and left a fuming Colton at the table, when I glanced back he was walking towards the Arby's.

"So Electra, you and Colton?", Spencer asked.

"What do you mean?", I ask.

"You guys dating, or?".

"Oh God no, we're just friends. He's like a brother to me", I smile at the past couple of days we've had.

"So he wouldn't mind if, I ask you out on a date?", he asked nervously.

"No, he shouldn't", I blush.

Present Electra Pov

I don't know why but I got a bad feeling about this. I really did want to go on a date with Spencer but I knew something was just off. There was some familiarity with his name too, but I can't put my finger on it. Nonetheless, I still agreed to go on a date with him and it was great.There were multiple dates and Spencer and I were getting really close. We started spending all our time together, at home of course. Colton, however, didn't seem to like the idea he was jealous.

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