Three Little Words (SMUT)

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Electra's POV

"Please don't say it". I beg him to stop, I'm not ready to let go.

"I love you, Electra.", he says his pleading eyes burning into my soul. I start crying.

I turn on my heel trying to escape, but I realize I'm in my house. "Electra, wait comeback".

I stop in my tracks, and wait for him to say something. He grabs my arm and twist me around, keeping me in close proximity. "I love you".

He slowly leans in and I eagerly fill the space. I feel sparks and god do I love the way it feels. Before I lose my mind completely, I realize what's going on and immediately push him away.

"You can't say that," I motion between us. "This can't happen".

"Why not?", he asked hurt.

"Because I love you too, and I'm scared I'm gonna lose you", I reply crying hysterically.

"You wont", he says promise in his voice.

You won't say that, when you find out about the bet.

I kiss him and he's shocked at my actions. It takes him a minute to register what's going on, but he kisses me back eventually. The kiss starts getting heated, and soon were kissing all the way back to my room. As we walk in, Jace kicks the door close with his foot. He pushes me back to the point where my back is being pushed into the wall.

I moan at the impact and Jace smiles into the kiss. Jace grinds his hips a little and it makes my body burn. Chills are sent all over my body. I bite down on his lip, and Jace moans.

I slide my tongue into his mouth and we fight for dominance and I let Jace win. His hands start roaming and soon, he is kissing me all the way from my jawline, to the soft spot on my neck.

Jace breaks away from the kiss and pulls off my shirt before going back to kissing me. I find space to jump and wrap my legs around Jace, and he again pushes me into the wall. Somehow, he gets my pants lose and they start sliding off.

I grab the hem of his shirt and start tugging and he breaks away from the kiss one more time to slide his shirt off.

I look at his glistening abs and I bite my lip. He growls a little before kissing me back and in between he says: "God, don't bite your lip like that again if you know what's good for you".

I pull back and bite my lip. "Don't hold back".

He pushes himself into me more. I find my hands traveling to his pants and I undo them letting them fall to his ankles.

I feel his hard on being pressed against my core, and I let out a moan. "That was sexy as hell, babe. Next time, let's make sure it's my name".

With that he peels us off the wall, and we drop on my bed. Him on top, and me under him. "Wow, you even undressed up for me".

I blush. "Anything for you".

Jace was referring to my black lace panties and bra set. I put it on just in case this happened.

He goes back to attacking my neck and leaving me a hot trail wherever he kissed. I arch my back and he undoes my bra. When he peels it away, his eyes cloud with lust. They become a darker shade of brown, almost chocolate.

He leans down slowly starts kissing around my breats before he kisses his way into the center. He starts kissing my nipples and I start grinding my lower half against his. After a couple minutes. I notice his smirk. I look down and notice the endless amount of love bites I have on my breast.

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