Chapter Seven

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~Justin P.O.V~

I sat on my bed opening up to where I left off.

"January 19th 3013

Dear Diary,

12th grade is annoying.. The only person who keeps me sane is Austin. My best friend for life. Without him I'm nothing. In 7th grade we even dated a little. But turns out we weren't really the whole couple thing so we just stuck to being buddies. Today he even got me a teddy bear for our 6 year anniversary of being best friends.

My names him Ben. And I'm happy with it. Austin is probably the only guy who's ever treated me like a princess. He's always calling me beautiful and always putting me first. It's new to me. And I like it. He makes me feel loved and its something that I've hardly gotten and is something I've been needing....."

I closed her diary shoving it away for me. It's so depressing. She wasn't like this before. She would always smile before. She was always bubbly. Now it's gone.. All of her happiness is gone all because of her step dad.

~End Of P.O.V~

Even though today was Saturday I still had to do some things before work. I got up doing my morning routine grabbing my phone and my bag. I ran down the stairs to the bus stop catching it on time. Since I'm basically on my own I have to see if I can get extra hours. I'm not surprised my disgusting step father hasn't come and look for me. Which makes me glad. My dreams have started to kinda fade. But when I think of step dad I start to tremble.. What he's done cannot be undone but it can most certainly be forgotten.

I got off at the nearest Starbucks. I grabbed a coffee and headed for April's Diner. When April gave me this job I was so grateful. She's been nice she's probably the closest thing I have to a mom. I sighed walking in the diner.

"Oh dear! What are you doing here so early?" April asked wiping the counter. I smiled sitting on a stool.

"April.. I need your help." I said picking my nails. April leaned across the counter placing her hands on mine. She smile warmly. "Anything for you dear." She said patting my hands. I sighed leaning forward a little.

"Is there any possible way you can give me extra hours? I know.. It's probably to much.. I just really need the money." I breathed biting my cheek.

"Now why would you need the extra money?" She asked sweetly with concerned hitched in her voice. I can't tell her what happened. "Um college. I really wanna go but tuitions are expensive." I answered smoothly picking at my cup.

"Be here after school. You am have the extra hours." She patted my hands again smiling. I smiled at her. April was just a bundle of sweetness.
"Thank you so much April." I said getting up hugging her. She chuckled.

"Anything for you sweetie. You don't have to come into work today. I'm closing early. Earl has bowling tonight." She smiled. Earl and April have been married longer than I am remember. And they are always so happy together. I wonder if love like that can really last.

When I made it back to the hotel Justin was sitting on his car on his phone. I walked over to him crossing my arms across my chest.

"What are you doing here?" I laughed biting my lip. "I knocked on your door. You're weren't here. I'm guessing you were out." He said hoping off his car. He was wearing a white V neck, black jeans, red converse and a black beanie. And that cross necklace he never seems to take off.

"I was at my job looking for extra hours. I need the money to get out of this place." I said looking at my foot.

"I can help you." He muttered. I looked at him. He was only about a couple inches away from me. I gulped.

"No don't. You've done way too much. I can't take nothing more from you. Just please don't." I frantically blurted out. He laughed. "Okay chill. I won't help. Come on.." He gestures with his head to his car. "Where?" I asked following him. I got in and he started the car. "My place.." He said starting down the road.

"I've already been to your place before." I confusingly said.

"That's Dest my sisters place. My place is in New York." He looked at me smiling.

"So you drive nearly an hour just to come to my hotel just to take me to school?" I asked smiling. I bit my lip smiling softly. His cheeks were kinda turning pink. He licked his lips.

"It's worth it.. Besides I come and see my sister." He said quickly. I smirked putting my arms across my chest sitting back. The ride to Justin's house consisted in him driving like a maniac, me staring at him like he was crazy and him laughing a lot. Once we got to Justin's house my eyes went wide. He lived in a penthouse. He's a rich boy.

We walked to the elevator the receptionist greeted him warmly. Justin smiled and greeted them back. When we made it to his floor we walked to his door. I was completely amazed by this while it didn't seem to effect him at all. We walked in to an all white and black living room. Leather furniture, white carpet, chandelier, a great view the Empire State Building.

I walked towards the window looking outside. We were on the top floor.

"You live here alone?" I asked turning and looking at him. He nodded walking to what seemed like the kitchen. I followed him. It was in fact the kitchen and a big one at that. Justin put his keys in a center bowl sitting on a stool. Everything looked new and unused.

"How long have you lived here?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Two years." He said strumming his fingers on the granite counter.
"And you don't use any appliances?" I asked gesturing around. He snickered smiling looking at me.

"I don't like company." He said hardly his face dead serious. I was taken back a little. I looks down playing with my fingers. "Then why am I here?" I asked with a hint of hurt in my voice. I pulled on my thumb hard. Justin got up. I looked up at me. He looked me in the eyes.

"You're just exceptionally different." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows. I opened my mouth but with that he walked away.

I hate when he does that.

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