Chapter Thirty One

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Selena stood there with her hands on her hips. An evil smirked painted on her face.

"Well! Shall I get down to business." She chuckled pulling a chair sitting down.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Derek questioned clenching his fist. Selena stayed there smiling like an idiot. I'm beyond scared. Selena just fucking showed up at my apartment with bodyguards. What the fuck does she plan on doing? She motioned for her guards to bring someone in.

It was brown haired boy with pale skin and brown eyes.

"Chaz." Justin whispered under his breath pulling me closer to him. Selena smirked. "Justin. Do you or do you not have my diamonds?" She asked with a wicked grin. She pulled out a switch blade. My eyes widen. What the fuck does she plan on doing with that?!

I looked up at Justin. His lips were parted but no words were coming out. Chaz had wide eyes but other than that he showed no fear.

"Okay." Selena shrugged her shoulders standing up. "Guess will have to do this the hard way. Huh?" She chuckled evilly. In that instant she sunk her blade into Chaz's back, earning screams of agony from him. I flinched as she repeated this action twice more.

"STOP!" Derek yelled stepping closer to her. Her guards stepped up blocking him from walking any further.

"Derek you do realize this is between Justin and I." Selena hissed. Derek isn't even intimidated by her. Which amazed me cause I was scared of her and all the power she possessed.

"I don't give a fuck. Stop!" Derek growled making Selena step up and get in his face. "Or?" She laughed.

Derek grabbed Selena by the neck with his hand making Justin react by putting me behind him pulling out two pistols pointing them at the guards.

Holy shit!

I honestly did not expect this. But sadly we were out numbered in an instant by more guards rushing in. Derek dropped his hold of Selena roughly, stepping back. Justin lowered his weapons.

"Okay. Wanna play dirty?" Selena spat rubbing her neck. She turned to face Chaz grabbing his chin. "Any last words?" She pouted mockingly.

"Fuck you bitch." Chaz growled at her. Selena slit his throat in one swift motion. I gasped covering my mouth. My knees felt weak as his limp body fell on my dining room floor.

"Oh my god." I yelped. Selena's eyes met mine. "You monster! You psychotic bitch! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yelled at her. Tears forming in my eyes. Justin looked at me with an odd look. "Why?! Why do you do this?! All because of diamonds?! By the looks of it you seem to own more than a couple of thousand dollar worth diamonds! You're sick Selena!" I screamed stepping up to her.

Where the fuck did this come from? But I felt powerful. I felt like I was holding my ground.

"It's more than that. I will make his life a living hell. He did something way worse to me." Selena steppe in front of me so we were eye an eye.

"I don't care how many guards, guns, knives, bombs, or threats you may have. I will not let you lay one finger on Justin." I said clenching my fist. Selena's went wide with shock.

"Bold. But honey I got more tricks up my sleeve. Till next time. Miss Minnie." She tapped the tip of her blade on my nose. I didn't flinch. With that she left. Guards an all. Chaz laid there lifeless. His blood staining the floor.

"Minnie." Justin whispered. I've seen two people die in a two day period. I've been through so much bullshit. I'm pissed off. I want it to end. There's only so much I can handle! I turned and looked at Justin. He stared at me with a sad expression. "I'm gonna see if Dest and the guys are okay." Derek said leaving Justin and I alone.

"This shit! Isn't normal! This is the type of fucked up shit you see in movies! Justin! I'm scared! You tell me not to be scared but I am! This shit is completely scary! What if something happens to you!" I wiped my tears away with my hand. Justin walked up to me.

"Nothing's gonna happen to me." He muttered grabbing my hand.

"What did you do to her?" I asked looking at our hands.

"Does it matter?" He asked seriously. I looked at him with a more serious expression. He sighed.

"I killed her brother."

My eyes widened.

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