Chapter Sixteen

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~Minnie P.O.V~

It was about 2:00am in the morning. I haven't heard back from Justin. I know he told me he'd pick me up for school but I would've thought he would called or texted me letting me know he's okay. I know he's not really anything to me. But I care about him. I care about him more than he can imagine. With faint memories of my past knowing he was a part of it. It lights some kind of protectiveness in me. Even though I can't really remember anything after my mom died. Mainly from ages ten to seventeen are the only memories I have. I don't really know how my mom died or where my real dad is. Or if he's even alive at this point. Knowing that Justin is a piece of my past, even if its a small piece. I have to cherish that and protect him. With everything that's happened to me. From being bullied at school, raped by my step father and to being saved by him. I owe him everything. I have to protect him with my life even if I'm just a small petite teenager. Who he probably looks at like she's his little sister.

I shook my head closing the tap in the kitchen. Sisters don't get asked out on dates. Hopefully this 'date' is something he wants to do. Not something he has to do because he pity's me. I shouldn't think like that. Maybe he does like me and is having a hard way of showing it. Maybe he's one of those people who have a hard time showing their real emotions. Hopefully he is so I don't have to live with this doubt anymore.

I flicked off the lights and walked out the kitchen to my bedroom. Half way there I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned around, my heart was pounding, my breath hitched in my throat. I opened my eyes bumping into someone's chest. I put my hands in front of me inhaling. It was Justin.. I knew from the cinnamon, mint and cotton candy scent he had.

"What are you doing here?" I asked stepping back a little. He put his hands in his pockets, biting his lip looking at me. I raised my eyebrows at him. "I bought the apartment, remember? So of course I got a spare key for myself. Now why aren't you asleep?" He asked scratching his stubbly chin.

"I'm not tired.. Now if you're going to make coming into my house.." I started saying but Justin cut me off with his laughter. "Calm down short stack! I just came to see if you're alright! And it's not like me. Coming in here is a problem.. Seeing as to how you basically jumped on me." He smirked leaning against the wall. I gaped at him crossing my arms across my chest. How dare he? I shook my head letting out small laughs.

"Psh.. What are you saying? That I wanted you in t-that.. Way?" I managed to say between my laughs. He was completely outta of his mind to even imply this. He kicked his heels off the wall walking towards me. I stepped back as his towering figure lingered over me. He placed both his hands on my waist putting his forehead against mine. I breathed out slowly, putting my hands closer to my chest backing away for him. Justin's grip tightened around my waist pulling me closer to him. Our eyes never leaving each others.

"What were you saying?" He muttered his hands traveling up my shirt his fingers softly lacing themselves around my bra strap. I gasped putting my hands on his chest. "I can do almost anything.. And make you go weak in the knees." He whispered seductively, his other hand tracing my collar bone. I gripped his shirt hard indicating got him to stop. But he continued. My body was shaking. What Justin was saying was true. I do go weak in the knees for him. But I can't show him. He'll take advantage of it. I looked away from his hazel orbs pushing him away. "Stop.." I said running my hand through my hair. He stepped away with a smirk on his face.

"What's wrong?" He asked leaning against the wall. I looked at him dumbfounded. "Are you serious? You come into my apartment at 2:00am trying to seduce me! While I was worried about you Justin! So don't ask what's wrong!" I hissed at him walking to my bedroom. I heard him hot on my heels.

"Why are you worried about me?" He asked confused. My eyes went wide. He just looked at me. I looked down picking at my my fingers. "I don't know!" I shook my head completely flustered. I felt embarrassment take over me. "Look just forget about everything. Let me at least get three hours of sleep." I babbled getting under my blankets. I covered my face trying to hide this embarrassment.

"Minnie.." Justin began touching my shoulder. I shrugged him off. "Please just go before this gets more awkward." I whispered to him peaking through the covers. "Okay.. By the way I like the fact you care about me." He whispered back and with that he left.

Once I heard the front door close I sat up rubbing my face. My feelings towards Justin were getting stronger and I can't help it. And with him touching me and saying things to me. Making my heart fluttered, my cheeks flush, my palms sweaty, and my body having these weird feelings towards him.. This sexual attraction that's building up inside of me. I shook my head of these ridiculous thoughts.

I need to stop thinking this way..

Cause I have this gut feeling he doesn't feel the same way back.

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