Chapter Twenty Eight

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Whoa! Guys I'm not ending my story. I was just thanking you for your support. Haha. Don't worry I will continue.


I turned and saw a auburn haired, green eyed, beautiful girl. She had on a very short dress and six inch pumps on. I bit my cheek at her presences what was a really beautiful girl yet trashy girl doing in Justin's house. A lot of questions were running through my mind.

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow at her confused by her question.

"You're the reason Justin stopped using me. You're the reason I don't get paid anymore." She growled at me taking a step forward. I stared at her with wide eyes.

"Excuse me?" I asked with a hint of intimidation in my voice. What the fuck was she even talking about? Using her? Justin used a women?!

"I was Justin's submissive. Until you came around and he doesn't need my service anymore." She crossed her arms across her chest. A submissive? A fucking submissive as in sex slave?! I took a step back trying to collect myself. I can't picture Justin with a submissive.. Than again I can.. With his lifestyle there comes urges a man needs to take care of.

"Yes I was Justin's sex slave. Than you show up and he gives me my final pay check and never shows up. I'm guessing it's you. Does he pay you more than me?" She questioned, her attitude getting more and more horrible. I raised my eyebrows at her.

"J-Justin doesn't pay me. I'd never be with a man for money. I'm his girlfriend." I defended myself making her crack a smile as if what I said was funny.

"Girlfriend? Please Justin isn't capable of being with a girl. All he does is sell drugs, smokes, parties and fucks.. Hard." She giggled evilly at me. I was getting pissed off. Who does she think she is? I was about to say something but Justin appeared and his eyes went wide. "Kayla? What are you doing here?" Justin asked scratching the back of his neck. Seriously what was she doing here?

"I wanna know why you've stopped coming to see me? It's been weeks Justin." She practically whined to him. I rolled my eyes at her. I looked down. I was feeling really upset. I didn't want Justin to see it on my face. I was glad that my hair shielded my open book of a face from him. "Kayla please go." Justin hissed at her. I stared at my socks hearing her suck her teeth at him. "You'll be back.. I'll be waiting.. She won't last." And with that she left. Or at least I assumed cause I heated the front door close.

"Minnie.." Justin breathed placing his hand on my arm. I jerked away from his touch looking at him. So much shit I've been through today and this is possible the fucking icing on the fucking cake. "Sex Slave?" I yelled at him. He licked his lips running his hands through his hair. "Okay so I had needs. Yes it was a fucked up way for you to find out. But you have to understand that, that is the past. Kayla is fucked up in the head. She doesn't take a hint. Fuck what she said." Justin defended himself quickly. I couldn't respond. My lip was quivering. Tears were forming. I honestly don't know what's wrong with me. Justin's eyes softened as he stared at me.

"Please stop doing that.. Don't.. Don't cry.. I can't.. Minnie stop.." He pleaded taking my hands in his. "Is that what I am to you? A submissive?" I croaked looking down at our hands that were still in one another's. They looked so perfectly together. I'm practically falling in love with this boy by the second and just seems that the more I fall the more bullshit gets in the way.

"No.. You're more than that. Just.. Dating me comes with skeletons in the closet. I have a past. Okay? Just calm down. Please." He ran his fingers through my hair comforting me. When you care about someone you accept their past no matter how dark it is. I sighed looking up at him. "I can't compete with her." I muttered to him, looking into his eyes. He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Compete? Minnie that's her job. You're not obligated to have sex on commanded with me. You're my girlfriend. If you were a submissive I would've had sex with you in the study earlier without hesitation. But I respect you." He said placing his hands on my waist. He respects me. Which is something that made me care about him more. No one usually respects me. I'm usually just trash to everyone. I just nodded wrapping my arms around his waist. He placed his chin on the top of my head sighing.

"What's the deal you made with Selena?" I asked closing my eyes. I felt him tense up. "I thought you've forgotten about that." He sighed pulling away to look at me. I opened my eyes to meet his beautiful hazel ones, which were hard. "I told Selena I'd return her diamonds in return she'd leave you and I alone." He said with hesitation peeking in his voice.

"And you're forgetting the deal because you want to end this once and for all?" I question cocking my head to the side. He nodded pursing his lips. This idiot! Oh my god. I wanna fucking slap him! I just wanna ugh! What the fuck is wrong with him?! Is he insane?! Calm down! Calm down! I sighed. "Fine but I'm helping! You keep me in the loop at all time. You can't hide anything from me Bieber." I requested placing my hands on my hips. He raised his eyebrow at me.

"No. I don't know what I'd do if you get hurt." He said in a deep tone shaking his head. "I don't care. Your bullshit is my bullshit! I'm taking no for an answer." I glares at him which he returned. I'm standing my ground. He's not cracking. "No." He simply said walking towards his room. I turned around running towards him, jumping on his back. "I said yes! So it's yes!" I growled in his ear. He groaned throwing me on the bed. I propped up on my elbows looking up at him. He stood there in his white V neck, grey sweats, and black fuzzy sucks. He looked so sexy. He climbed slowly on top of the bed hovering over me. I felt his rosary cold on my chest. He leaned down and whispered, "No." I nodded my head 'yes' and he groaned again placing his head into my neck. I pushed him off running towards the bathroom locking the door.

This whole submissive thing is stuck in my head. It's really getting to me. Even after what Justin said. I tied up my hair and stripped off all of my clothes and placed a towel around my body. I gotta do this. I can give Justin more in this relationship. I opened the door slowly. Justin was laying on the bed staring at the ceiling. I walked towards the foot of the bed. Justin looked up at me and his eyes were wide. "What're you doing?" He asked siting all the way up. He crawled towards the foot of the bed so he was about a foot from me.

"Don't protest against it. Just go with it." I blushed at him. I placed my hands at the top of the towel. "You don't have clothes under that now do you?" He nervously chuckled. I shook my head 'no'.

And in that instant I dropped my towel...

I was completely naked in front of Justin.

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