Chapter Fifteen

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We left the Carnival at noon. I had the best time with Justin. Between our laughs and bantering he kept holding my hand and wrapping his arms around my waist. Are these signs that he likes me? We reached my apartment building. I got out the car when Justin walked up to me.

"Yes what happened?" I asked squeezing my panda beat lightly. He cleared his throat scratching the back of his head. "I wanted to tell you I had an amazing time with you short stack." He said a nervous laugh slipping his lips. Just how can he be nervous with me? "I had a great time too Bieber. By the way it was a monkey but pandas work too." I giggled. He smiled putting his hands in his pocket. He was really nervous.

"Wanna come inside?" I asked stepping closer to him. His hazel eyes meeting mine. I started melting instantly. He nodded. I started walking upstairs blushing. I swear I could feel his eyes on my butt but I'm just gonna take it as a complement and ignore it. I unlocked the door putting them on the counter.

"Um.. I haven't still fully unpacked. But you can come sit in my room." I offered walking to it. I put my panda on the bed looking through my drawers for some PJs. I turned around seeing Justin sitting on my bed looking at my math books.

"I suck at math. My poorest subject." I sighed sitting across from him.

"Join the club." He laughed smiling a little. He rubbed his stubbily chin flipping through the pages. I stared at him. His perfect features always put me in awe. My eyes traced down his body landing on his necklace. The same golden rosary he always wears. I leaned over cautiously grabbing it. My fingers running softly over the smooth gold. "My.. Mom gave it to me." Justin's voice broke the silence. I pulled away blushing. I looked at him his eyes forming tears. He looked away quickly wiping his eyes. I pulled on my thumb. I'm not sure if I should comfort him. What if he rejects it?

"She died 5 years ago." He softly spoke looking at me. I frowned. I grabbed his hand rubbing it. "I'm sorry.. I know what it's like to loose a parent. Mines passed when I was 8. They aren't really dead. You make the choice. To pronounce them dead or to keep them in your heart. If you decide to keep them in your heart that's the one place where they can't die. As long as you keep them there and love them. You never let them go." I whispered tears falling down my face. My mom started popping into my mind. I shook my head looking at Justin. He caressed my cheek wiping away my tears with his hand.

"I can't tell you much but just know that your mom.. She loved you. She'd do anything to protect you. Know that. Keep it with you." Justin whispered. I looked at him confused. I opened my mouth to say something but he shook his head 'no'. My shoulders slumped. He's so secretive. Then he says these things that make me even more curious. Sooner or later I'll make him talk. I put my hand on his chin running my palm across it laughing softly.

"What?" He asked smiling.

"Your chin is so stubbly! I guess you forgot to shave!" I giggled smiling. I kept running my hand on his chin laughing when he closed his eyes. I stopped looking at him attentively. "Don't stop.." He muttered. I put both both my hands on his cheeks tracing his features. I ran my hands softly through his bronze quiff. He opened his eyes slowly showing his warm hazel eyes. He grabbed my wrist kissing it softly. My heart started racing. My cheeks felt warm and flushed. I smiled biting my cheek looking down. He lifted my chin shaking his head. "Don't you dare hide such a perfect smile. Listen short stack, I have some business to take care of. I'll pick you up for school tomorrow. Don't let anyone in unless its me. Got it?" He requested. I nodded. He kissed my forehead getting up.

"What kind of business?" I asked looking up at him. "My job." He simply answered leaving. I heard the door close. This empty feeling took over. I loved it when he was here. But once he left I felt alone. And what he told me 'My Job' is just scary. I don't know what to expect. Knowing what Justin does he could get hurt fast.

I just hope he's okay.

~Justin P.O.V~

I walked down the stairs of the apartment building walking to my car when I heard someone slowly clapping. I put my hand behind my back slowly reaching for my pistol. I turned seeing her.. Selena.

"It's cute what you do." She snickered. Her cat like eyes tracing my body. I felt awkward. But she never leaves her mansion. She always sends her goons to do her jobs. "What are you doing here?" I asked through my teeth gripping my pistol pulling it out. She gasped slightly shaking her finger 'no' walking closer to me. "

Don't think about it Bieber. You have about 5 snipers on you. Think I'd come out here unprotected? You've underestimated me. You lay a finger on me. That girl up there gets her brains blow away and you simply die... But maybe I should let you live with her death." She evilly laughed sitting on the hood of my car. I wrinkled my nose at her. Her presence disgusted me. I put my pistol away. "Good boy." She smiled like she was talking to a dog. I hate her so much. She ruined my life. "What do you want? I don't work for you anymore." I spoke in a harsh tone. She rolled her eyes.

"Okay! Lets cut to the chase! I want the diamonds. They're mine. And I want them back." She snarled standing up walking towards me.

"I don't have them. I sold them." I said stepping away from her. Her eyes went wide. She grabbed my shirt pulling me to her level. Her face inches from me. "Listen to me Diablo! You get me my diamonds and I'll consider not killing little miss sunshine upstairs! You've got 2 months! If I don't see progress I will slowly kill all your loved ones!" She snapped her Spanish accent thickly rolling off her tongue. I wasn't fazed by her tough girl act. "And what do I get?" I smirked pulling away from her.

"I spare her life like I said." Selena said fixing her dress.

"I'll do it as long as you promise to stay away from me and her." I said crossing my arms across my chest. She nodded in agreement. "This little love act will go away Justin you aren't capable of loving someone. You're not that type of person." She smirked walking away disappearing around the corner.

What did I just do?

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