Chapter Thirty Two

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"Why are you leaving shit out?! Like it doesn't fucking concern me?!" I yelled at Justin.

Great! He keeps this shit from me, Selena is plotting to fuck up my life even more and Chaz's body is on the fucking floor lifeless.

"Well excuse me Minnie! I didn't think telling my girlfriend about how many people I killed was necessary! I don't just tell people that!" Justin yelled back crossing his arms across his chest. I grabbed a blanket covering Chaz's body. "Well if my life depends on it you should." I rolled my eyes at him, running my hand through my hair.

"I gotta take care of Chaz's body." Justin muttered walking pass me. I scoffed. "So that's it? We are done talking about this?" I questioned looking at him. Justin sighed looking at me.

"On a serious ass note. Are you on your period?" Justin asked narrowing his eyes. My eyes widened. "Are you serious?!" I threw my hands in the air. He shrugged. I'm so done right now.

"JUST GET THAT BODY OUT MY APARTMENT! AND DONT TALK TO ME!" I screamed at him stomping towards my room. Clearly I know I seem childish an unreasonable. But if anybody was in my position they'd feel like this. I changed into some sweats an but my hair in a messy bun. I don't wanna speak to Justin at all. I plopped down on my bed and sighed.

I always wondered what my life would be like if my mom was still alive an she never married my step dad. Maybe Justin would've grown up normal and not into a life of drugs and crime. An I wouldn't have been assaulted. I wouldn't be like this. I absolutely am falling in love with Justin but sometimes his lifestyle scares me. Now I feel like I was to hard on him.

I groaned and got up. I walked out towards the living room to find Justin cleaning Chaz's blood off the floor. I walked up to him and got on my knees. I grabbed the rag out his hand and started cleaning. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "I got it." He whispered back placing his hand on top of mine. I looked up at him.

"I'm scared." I whispered my voice cracking a little. "Don't be." He murmured pulling me into a hug. I felt safe in his arms. Even if it was the most dangerous place to be. I finished cleaning and sat with Justin on the couch. "Justin.. I.. I... Um.." I can't seem to find my words. He looked at me confused. I sighed. I turned to look at him. Here goes nothing.

"Justin I want to.. I want to be able to make you happy. I know doing that I have to accept the way you do things. I can accept it. I know I can. But go easy on me." I said looking him in the eyes. He smiled softly. "As long as you stop yelling at me. Cause to be honest it's a turn on." He laughed pulling me on top of his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked him softly on the lips.

"Worst timing but.." I said against his lips. He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Hmm?" He hummed.

"I wanna have sex." I blushed making his eyes widened. At this point in this relationship with Justin I am ready to give myself to him. Justin placed his hands on my hips and looked me on the eyes. "We had this conversation before-" I cut him off by kissing him.

"I know we did. And you said when I was ready and I am ready." I sighed reading my eyebrows slightly at him.

"Um.. You can't just plan it. It's gotta just happen." He said raising his eyebrows back at me, matching my tone of voice. He's mocking me.

"Um I know that. But I'm just telling you that I'm ready." I rubbed his shoulders smiling. He smirked at me.

"I.. I um.. I care about you." He sighed placing his head on my shoulder. Sometimes Justin does that. He hesitates as if he's gonna say so something else. It bugs me.

"I still have unfinished business to handle." He sighed again looking at me.

"I'm coming." I got up and slipped on my Jordan's. "You don't have too." Justin said standing up. "I know. But I want too." I shrugged walking towards the door.

"Where are we going?" I asked opening the door.

"Um.. Well.. She's kinda a close friend." He chuckled nervously, stepping out.


"How close?" I questioned nonchalantly.

"Ex-Girlfriend close."

What the fuck?


Sorry I haven't been updating.

I've been busy.

I'll be updating more.

Thanks for the support. xx

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