Chapter Twenty Four

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Justin stopped in place staring at his shirt. Blood.. Blood was on this perfect boys shirt. Exposing what he really does for a living. "Shit.." He whispered going to his trunk. I followed him watching as he took off his shirt. His perfect structured abs showed exposing more tattoos. He slipped on another shirt throwing the other in the trunk, closing it. "There.. Ready to go?" He asked walking towards the car grabbing my wrist. I snatched it away making him look at me confused.

"Who's blood is that?!" I said through my teeth trying to hide my fear. He sighed running his hand through his hair. "It's my blood Minnie now let's go!" He said reaching for my wrist again. But I shot up lifting his arms looking for where he was hurt.

"What are you doing?" He asked trying to hide his laughter but was failing horribly. I lifted his shirt up. Finding a small cut. Really?! "You asshole I thought you were really hurt! You worried me you prick!" I nearly yelled at him pushing him softly. He started dying with laughter. I just stared at him in disbelief. "It's not funny.." I yelled at dropping my bag running my hand through my hair. "I know it's not. I'm sorry.. Stop shaking.. I just got hurt putting the furniture into my house." He grabbed me hugging me. I just stood there inhaling his scent.

"I need a shower!" I whined remembering my stained shirt. He chuckled letting me go. I grabbed my bag getting in his car. "Wanna come over?" He hesitated but asked, staring at his hands. I nodded letting out a soft, "Yes." I'll just shower at Justin's new place. He smiled an started driving. His usually maniac way of driving. Like I'm gonna have a heart attack because of the way he drives. And he just smiles like its nothing. We arrived at Justin's house. It was by the beach. Really big. I got out staring at it in amazement. Justin grabbed my hand leading me inside.

It was really open. Lots of windows for sure. Justin threw my bag on the couch pulling me to his room making giggles escape my lips. "What are you doing?" I laughed sitting on his bed. He went digging in his closet pulling out some sweats and a big shirt. He walked over and gave them to me. I took them.

"Go shower and I'll order some pizza." He said bending down in front of me. I stared at with wonder as he placed both of his hands on my thighs kissing my neck softly. An involuntary moan escaped my mouth. I could feel him smirking against my jaw. His hands traveled mid way up my shirt only under my bra. "Justin..." I whispered putting my hands on his shoulder. He looked up at me his eyes filled with pure lust. "Hmm?" He hummed scooting more in between my legs. I just looked into his eyes. I could myself getting lost in them. He leaned in kissing me. I grabbed a fist full of his hair as he stood up hovering over my body. He deepened the kiss making my back touch the mattress. I felt his tongue explore every inch if my mouth. I started to get tingly in certain places. He grabbed my leg wrapping it around his waist. I bit my lip as he kissed my neck sucking on it softly. Yup that's gonna leave a mark. Before things could escalate even more we heard someone clear their throat making Justin get off me looking at the tall figure at his bedroom door.

I sat up fixing my shirt looking at where Justin was looking. The man by the door looked exactly like Justin. I'm talking about exactly like Justin. My eyes widened a bit. Justin has a brother?! Justin groaned sitting next to me. "What Derek?" Justin whined clearly annoyed with the interruption of out make out session. To be honest I didn't mind being interrupted. I was rather glad we were interrupted. I'm just not ready to take things that far.. Sex disgusted me.. My Step Dad took away the joy of it.. And that makes me angry an upset. Cause when the time comes with Justin I have no idea if I'll be ready. Why am I even thinking about this?! I focused my attention on Justin and Derek as they continued to talk.

"Well excuse me for interrupting you two! Buuuuttttt! I think Ryan just found Selena's diamonds." Derek said giving me a big smile. Justin kissed my cheek standing up. I grabbed the clothes he handed me earlier and walked towards the bathroom. Justin and Derek went to the living room discussing the Diamonds.

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