Chapter Fourty Eight

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"Justin!" I called after him in a shushed whisper as he exited the pool area in a rush. I ran in front of him stopping him in his tracks. He looked down at me, his chest rising and lowering very slowly, but heavily with every breath.

"What are you doing? Calm down." I panted, pulling the sweater I borrowed from Dest around my body. Justin ran his long fingers through his hair. I leaned against the railing of the boat, my back facing the edge, as I stared at Justin. "Minnie, how much do you love me?" He looked me dead in the eye, I couldn't read his face, he walked towards me. My face was blank, my heart started racing at the sudden random question. Once Justin was in front of me, I grabbed his face looking into his eyes.

"Way too damn much." I breathed out, he cracked a smile placing his firm hands on my waist. "I got a feeling Selena followed us here. And I want you to know that I will protect you at all times, okay?" He placed his forehead against mine. I sighed. I bit my cheek pulling away slightly. "Justin, who the fuck cares if she's here? All she does is follow you. Why does she care so much about you that much? Fucking put that petty ass shit about diamonds aside.. What does she have on you?" I honestly asked him, staring into his eyes. He swallowed, looking away from my gaze. Justin scratched the back of his neck, running his fingers through his hair. Now I'm curious as fuck.

"It's n-nothing. Just.. N-Nothing.. Don't worry." He practically stuttered. I raised my eyebrow at him, crossing my arms, I stood my ground. "Speak, Bieber." I growled through my clenched teeth.

"Nows not a good time." He reached out to touch me but I slapped his hand away. I feel like raging right now. I promised myself things will be different this time. No lies. And to be fucking honest he's off to a shitty start.

"What?" He questioned, stepping closer to me, towering over me. I looked up at my 6.0ft boyfriend. Looking into his hazel eyes. I wonder every fucking day about all the secrets that those eyes have seen, and his plump lips that refuse to tell me those secrets.

"You fucked her?" I blurted out, making his eyes widened. Holy shit! I can't believe I said that. Let me take it back! Holy fuck! My nails practically digging into my arms, my scalp felt itchy anticipating his reaction.

"Can we talk about this later?" With that he walked away from me. Yet again leaving me in the dark and in my own bubble of jealousy that seemed to keep growing and growing. I ran after him grabbing his arm. "Did you?!" This time I demanded an answer. Justin sighed. I knew right there what the answer was gonna be. My heart clenched in pain. My eyes felt heavy. "I'm.. G-Gonna.. Go back.. To the room." I spoke slowly.

"No stop." Justin protested, but I just walked away not wanting him to see me cry. I ran up the stairs of the boat, racing to my... Our room. I opened it quickly, falling back into the door tears escaping. I slid down the door, clutching my chest right above my aching heart as if it was some way to comfort the pain. Justin and Selena were a couple? Did he love her? Does he still love her? Is that why he won't say he loves me? Am I in a one sided relationship? A one way street with Justin? He doesn't love me... I picked myself off the ground, ripping off the bracelet Justin gave me, throwing it across the room. I screamed in heartache. Sniffling, I went to the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. Looking at myself, puffy eyed, red cheeked, teary eyed mess of an idiot. An 18 year old idiot who fell in love with a 22 year old, drug dealing asshole.

"Stop." I whispered to myself. My clothes felt heavy. I took off all of my clothes, running a bubble bath. I sat there soaking in everything.

Victoria.. Selena..

I wanna claw my face off. Why does he do this to me? Why am I an idiot? I wiped away my tears, hissing in pain as soap got in my eye. I reached out grabbing a towel, jumping at the sound of the suite door slamming close. Shit! I didn't close the bathroom door. I turned my head, humming a random tune as I heard footsteps nearing the bathroom.

"Go away." I screamed, knowing it was Justin.

"No! Stop being like this!" He screamed back. I scoffed, turning my head towards him. I sat ups little, my chest still covered by the bubbles. "Fuck you, Justin Drew Bieber! You fucking dick head! I'm so fucking done with your shit! Who the fuck is Victoria? Baby mama number what exactly? Let's not forget about Selena! You fucked her, Bieber! Didn't you? I feel so disgusting! I let you fuck me! UGH!" I screamed at him, all my anger pouring out of me. Tears streaming down my face. He just stood there, silent. Typically Justin.

"I just-"

"Fuck you!" I interrupted him, flipping him off. I probably look like a immature teenager right now.

"Jesus fuck! Shut the fuck up and let me talk!" Justin screamed at me, making me flinch. He looked pissed off right now.

"You don't know shit about what happened two and half years ago with Selena, so you need to stop. Jealousy is disgusting on you! You look so very fucking immature right fucking now! Victoria just wants money, you don't know shit about that either. Actually how the fuck do you know about Victoria? I don't fucking know! You're incredibly hard headed. So fucking stubborn. Calm the fuck down." I've never seen Justin spoke in such a stern tone. I've never seen him like this. But to be honest it's pissing me off.

"No! I won't calm down. That's, that shit I fucking talk about! You always pin this shit on me. What the fuck do you expect, Justin? I'm your fucking girlfriend, your other half, your God damn partner! You don't act like I'm any of those things. I'm not your fucking ho of the year! I'm done with your secretive ass bullshit. I can't go on like this. You never think about the other person, that's what makes you unattractive and nasty. You fucking loser! You've had your way to fucking long. If it wasn't for this pain I feel in my chest every time your fucking prick self leaves me I wouldn't be here. You don't suffer like me! I CANT DO THIS ONE SIDE LOVE ANYMORE!" I shouted the last part, pulling my knees to my chest. My chest heaved as cries escaped my lips. I felt cold. Justin is my warmth. But I can't live like this anymore.

"Baby.." He whispered, I felt him run his fingers through my hair. Making me cry harder.

"I'll tell you everything. Please don't cry." He muttered, kissing my head. I shook my head, staring at the bubbles.

"That's not enough. My heart can't go one. There's always you.. And never me the other person in this 'relationship' ." I used air quotations sniffling.

"Go away I want to be alone." I whispered, taking his hand off of me. I ran a my hand through my hair sighing. Justin got up walking towards the bathroom door. It felt like he was walking out my life. My chest tightened even more, as if it was harder to breathe. He stood at the bathroom door. I stared at him in confusion.

"I love you, other person." Justin whispered, loud enough for me to here.

My eyes widened, my breath hitched in my throat.

He finally said it.

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