Chapter Seventeen

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It was that time of the month. The one every girl hated. I can hardly walk. These cramps are giving me hell.

I hauled myself out of bed and to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at my exhausted expression. Three hours of sleep simply isn't cutting it. And to top it all off I have an extra shift at the diner for missing yesterday's shift. Kill me now. I brushed my teeth and hopped in the shower. I washed my body and got out. I wrapped the towel around myself walking to my bedroom.

"You should lock the door." A familiar husky voice chimed. I jumped at the sight of Justin sitting on my bed. His eyes roamed my body making my cheeks heat up. "What are you doing here?" I asked gripping my towel for dear life. My eyes widened and I crossed my legs.

"Picking you up. Like I said I would. Do you have to pee or something?" He winced pointing at my position. The only reason I'm in this position is because of the 'time' of the month. And I don't have underwear on if you catch my drift. "No I don't Justin.. Can you just please give me a moment so I am put on some clothes?" I asked through my teeth. He nodded leaving closing the door. I sighed putting on some clothes which was just some dark black skinnies, a big hoodie and my converse. I tied up my hair opening the door. I walked to the bathroom, digging through my medicine cabinet, grabbing some Advil to lower my cramp pain. I swallowed the pill grabbing some tampons putting them in my bag.

Justin smirked looking at me.

"What?" I exclaimed sitting on the couch. He sat next to me. "At least you know you're not pregnant." He laughed throwing his head back. I pushed him away giving him an annoyed groan. My cheeks flushed. Just him knowing that I have my 'time' of the month is embarrassing. And that's all I have been feeling near him. Just embarrassment. I crossed my arms across my stomach laying on the couch. I rested my head on the arm rest sighing. I have at least one hour before school.

I just laid there in silence. When Justin's hand started rubbing stomach. I opened my eyes shocked.

"What are you doing?" I muttered looking at him. He grabbed my feet putting them on his lap. "Sshh.. I'm making you feel better." He whispered furrowing his eyebrows slightly. He placed his other hand in my thigh squeezing it as he rubbed my stomach. Usually most girls wouldn't want a gut touching her when she had her period but I liked it. I liked having someone rubbing my stomach. It actually helps.

"Justin.." I whispered sitting up. He looked at me with his large hazel eyes. I bit my cheek moving closer to him.

"If you don't like.. Um coming to pick me up or.. Or being around me I can take the bus and take care of myself." I told him pulling at my fingers. He let out a snicker leaning his face closer to mine. I gulped my eyes widening slightly. "I like taking care of you. Just trust me. You're not annoying.. Yet." He chuckled brushing a strand of my hair back. I put my head on his shoulder sighing. "You're too good to me.." I mumbled.

"That's cause I like you." He breathed putting his hands on my waist. My heart squeezed at his words. I looked at him. His hazel eyes had a lustful look in them. I bit my lip softly.

"I like you too.." I whispered to him. His cheeks flushed a shade of pink as a smile formed on his face. I don't know if Justin meant 'like' in a relationship way or a friendship way. Either way it's still amazing to know he has some sort of feelings towards me. And isn't just talking to me out of pity. He's talking to me because he likes me. When someone that is as sexy, caring, amazing, well built, and smart as Justin days that he likes you. It's just.. A feeling you can't describe.


I walked towards the lunch room sitting next to Austin. I didn't pay any attention to our tables conversations. I played with the top of my soda can thinking about Justin. He just kept playing through my mind. I'm falling for him really hard.

"Hey! Minnie!" Austin's voice broke me from my thoughts. I turned looking at him. "Yes?" I sighed.

"You've been in the clouds all day. Are you okay? What's going on?" He asked concerned but also confused. I can't tell him anything that's happened. I don't want the police involved. I just want it to be the past. "I'm fine. What do you mean?" I sighed propping my elbows on the table.

"First of all you start hanging with some rich guy named Justin what's that all about? Secondly I went to your house and step dad told me you left and he doesn't give a fuck. Third of all you haven't been to work in two days. April is nice but don't take advantage of it. If this Justin guy is holding you back then don't go near him." He said fixing his SnapBack. I closed my eyes as the dark memories started flowing back.

"You're mine!" My step fathers voice hissed in my head. His demonic laughter echoed but also sounded like it was close. I wanna get away. I wanna die. His black eyes staring at me devouring my innocence. His burning, disgusting, repulsive hands exploring my body. Last thing I heard were my screams.

I gasped in horror, snapping back to reality. I got up ignoring Austin running straight towards the hallways. I put my hand over my chest breathing slowly. I tried hard to contain my sobs. Those dark memories of that night keep playing in my head. It's been at least two weeks since it happened. Not being able to sleep correctly without his face popping up in my dreams, every time I eat I get nausea just by getting the slightest memory rushing back. The feeling of having his hands on me.. Him inside of me violating my innocence. I wiped away my tears looking down.

I bumped into someone, stumbling backwards. I closed my eyes waiting for the impact of the floor hitting my body. A set of strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist catching me. I opened to be looked back at by emerald green ones.

"Are you okay?" His British accent nearly making me melt. I nodded standing straight fixing my shirt.

"I'm Harry by the way. And you are?" He asked fixing his mop of curls.

"I'm Minnie.." I sighed tucking my loose strands of hair behind my ear. Harry was tall very talk compared to me, his eyes were so beautiful, he had a mop of chestnut curls on his head. I tore my eyes from exploring the rest of his body. "Well shouldn't you be in class?" He smirked leaning against the wall. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Um no I shouldn't.. And who are you to tell me were I should and shouldn't be?" I rolled my eyes chuckling.

"Well Miss Minnie that's Mr. Styles to you. I'm a new tutor here." He walked towards me putting his hands in his pockets. "Well I have to go my classes ended today. It was nice meeting you Mr. Styles.. See ya." I cleared my throat walking towards the door. Okay what a weirdo. I opened the front exit. And of course Justin is waiting for me. I know by now I should get use to this but it still shocks me every time I see him standing there waiting for me. I walked towards him pulling on the straps to my book bag.

"Sup short stack?" Justin blew smoke from his cigarette bobbing his head in my direction. I stared at him wide eyed. "What?" He asked flicking his cigarette. "You smoke?" I blurted out in shock. He let out a small laugh rolling his eyes.

"Yea nothing big so don't act shock." He said opening the car door for me. I hesitated but got in. Justin got in the drivers side starting the car. We drove to a drug store instead of my apartment. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Don't you need lady things.." He muttered shyly. My cheeks felt warm.
"Justin.. Really?" I gasped biting my lip, "I'm not buying tampons with you.. It's strange and embarrassing." I hissed at him. He got out the car closing it leaning down at the window.

"Fine stay here an lock the door I'll get them without you." He sighed. With that I got out the car stepping on front of him. "You aren't buying me tampons." I groaned grossing my hands across my chest. "You need some. If you don't want me too do it alone then do it with me." He demanded walking into the store. I stomped my foot annoyed and followed him. I looked aisle to aisle until I found him. He was bent down with a confused look on his face and two different brands of tampons in his hand. "What are you doing?" I muttered bending down next to him. He rubbed his chin. "I don't understand how a girl can bleed for nearly a week and not die.. It's fucking weird." He laughed tilting his head to the side. I leaned down grabbing my brand handing it to him. He stood up reading the box. I wanted to just die right now. The fact my crush is buying me tampons. No one knows how just mortifying this is. I snatched the box away from him.

"You're making things awkward Justin." I said in a singsong voice.

"I'm sorry.. I'm just trying to find out what type you need for future reference." He muttered grabbing the box walking towards the cashier. My heart did a back flip. He's being an utter sweetheart about the whole thing. It's almost as if he's trying to act boyfriend like towards me.. No just no! I'm getting ahead of myself. I walked towards the cashier were Justin was. I watched as the cashier attendant flirted with Justin. I saw him dodge her flirtatious jabs. I wonder why. She's very attractive and looks as if she's his age. Unlike me. I'm three years younger than Justin. He's nineteen I'm seventeen. He graduated last year from high school. Maybe he's not into younger girls. Justin thanked the cashier attendant and walked to the car. I have to admit I was kinda jealous of the flirting going on back there. I wanted to slap her silly.

I got in the car putting on my seatbelt. Justin started the engine. He sighed looking at me. "We have to go somewhere real quick. When we get there you stay by my side. Do not and I mean do not speak to anyone. Am I clear?" Justin demanded starting down the rode. This was concentrated, bossy, violent Justin. When he's in this zone he means business. I nodded chewing on my lip. "Where are we going?" I asked softly.

"I have to visit an old friend."

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