Chapter Twenty Six

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Justin opened the door and there stood Jaden. The man who wanted to buy me off of Justin like some cheap whore. I held my wine glass to my chest as Justin let him in. Jaden stared at me winking. I scrunched my nose up in pure disgust.

"Justin.." Jaden greeted giving him a nod. Justin nodded back stiffly, grabbing my waist. What could he possibly want with Justin after Justin turned down his offer and why wasn't Justin worried about his sudden appearance at his front door? "Justin I'm surprised you even answered my call. Considering on how you left our conversation last time we spoke." Jaden spoke walking towards the living room Justin followed dragging me along. What was this about? Justin sat down with me glued to his side. I watched as they spoke.

"Ryan found the location of Selena's Diamonds. We tracked it and it led to you." Justin said with a hint of anger in his voice. So Jaden lied. He had them all along. Jaden smirked pulling the black bag out of his coat. "You mean these. Justin I will gladly give them to you. You know my price." Jaden sneered at Justin his eyes landing on me. Seriously what's so special about me? Justin let a annoyed sigh.

"I'll give you anything but that. I'll pay anything but I will never in a fucking million years give you that." Justin growled putting his hand on my knee protectively. So this was about me yet they talked about me as if I was an object that made me really mad. I sighed focusing my attention back on the conversation.

"Justin no need to get feisty. I see she has an attachment to you already." Jaden's eyes flew to my arms around Justin's arm. It is true I do have a sort of attachment towards Justin. "I'll change my offer. I'm not always the bad guy. I want.. A business partner." Jaden continued and Justin's eyes widened. See something that I've learned about Justin in our short period of time together is that he is very independent and doesn't like working with anybody. I watched as Jaden stood up extending his hand for Justin to shake on it. Justin looked as if he was in deep thought. I wonder what he is thinking about. "I'll give you an answer tomorrow." Justin said blankly, he stood up ready to show Jaden to the door. "I don't like to wait Bieber." Jaden stood at the door. He gave me a wink, and Justin started to get mad. "I understand.. Goodbye." Justin bluntly replied his lips forming into a thin line.

Once Jaden left Justin looked at me as if he knew I was going to bombard him with questions. He was so fucking right. "Okay so.. Jaden still has an obsession with me and you just turned down an offer that can save our lives. Is there something you aren't telling me or.." I trailed off staring at him. Justin sighed grabbing his wine chugging it down.

"Nothing you need to worry about." He replied, his eyes were hard to read but his lips were in a hard line. He walked towards his room with me hot on his heels. "What do you mean I shouldn't worry? Justin last time I checked he wants me! And all of a sudden he changes his mind and you have to think about it. What's going on?" I nearly yelled at him. He looked at me and raked a hand through his hair. "How many times do I have to say that I will protect you with my life! You don't have to worry about anything! Jaden's not gonna touch you and neither is Selena!" Justin snapped at me his voice was raised and he was really pissed off. I gulped, intimidated by him but I have to stand my ground.

"You can't protect me from everything. At some point I'll be without you and something can happen to me! So if there is something you aren't telling me then speak up!" I snapped back at him making his eyes widened at my sudden wave of anger. He sighed walking up to me. "I seriously do not wanna fight with you. And what do you mean you'll be without me?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows slightly.

"I mean I won't be near you. I-I-I could be walking out the store or something alone! Don't confuse me and answer my fucking question before I get really mad Justin!" I exclaimed angrily at him. I have a very short temper. Like seriously. "I said you don't have to worry about it." Justin growled in frustration, taking off his shoes walking towards the living room. I wanted to fucking hit something. He's really making me mad.

"Fine! If you won't tell me anything then I wanna go home! I don't wanna see you right now!" I shot at him grabbing my bag. Justin turned around and he was really mad. "Minnie why are you acting like this?! You're really starting piss me off! This is what I get for getting myself involved with someone like you! Just UGH!" He let out a annoyed groan sitting on the couch. I crossed my arms across my chest and scoffed.

"Someone like me?! Justin I didn't ask to get raped! I was just raped! I asked you to call the cops! You got involved with me cause you wanted too! I got involved with you because I actually fucking like you! Someone like me?! Fine! If you don't want shit to do with me then I'm gone! But I swear to god if Jaden or Selena come knocking at my door asking for fucking diamonds I'm killing bitches! And if I die I'm gonna fucking haunt you so fucking bad you don't know what hit you!" I gritted my teeth at him walking towards the front door.

As soon as I reached for the door knob Justin's hand landed on mine and his other was placed on my waist. I could feel his warm breath on my neck. I was to angry to even notice how big of a turn on his warm body against me was. "I didn't mean it like that.. It's just new to me.. Having a girlfriend in such a long time. Please stay." He whispered turning me around to face him. I can't let a stupid fight get in the way. I sighed. "Then what's in the room back there. What's such a big secret you keep it locked up?" I asked staring at the door that was driving me nuts. The door that was closed shut. The door that intended no one to know its secrets. Justin's jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed. "It's.. Something.. You honestly don't need to worry about." Justin breathed out heavily leaning me against the door. I know what he's doing. He's trying to seduce me into forgetting this conversation.

"Okay.. So you tell me the little things about you but you're keeping out large gaps here. Like the fact that we know each other since we were little. You've never explained that. You can't keep me in the dark." I whispered pulling on his rosary. "I'm only protecting you from the horrible truth." He whispered back, ducking his head low to my level, "I know I can't protect you from everything but I can fucking try." He continued in a deep raspy whisper as his lips inched towards mine. I put my hand on his chest stopping him for a second. "Just explain this then I won't bother you anymore with it. Why are you so hesitant to work with Jaden?" I questioned looking into his eyes. He put his hand on the door above my head and let out a soft sigh.

"When I was 15 my mom died of an overdose on pain killers. She died right in my bathroom. I tried everything I could to save her but she was gone. By that time Derek couldn't handle it he got depressed and left. I stayed with my sister Destiny at my uncles house. My father was currently getting clean because Jazzy and Jaxon were coming into the picture with his other wife. My uncle wasn't a good man. He tried to touch my sister in that way. I stopped him. Ever since then I wanted to be independent and provide for Dest so I turned to Jaden my former best friend. Who was also a drug leader at the time. And I asked for a job. He accepted and my first job was to kill a thirteen year old girl named Kristina also known as Krissy. See I don't kill for fun. I kill with a reason. She was innocent so I saved her. She's like a sister to me. To this day Jaden hates me for disobeying his rules. I don't work with trash and ignorant people. That's why I'm hesitant Minnie. All he wants is you. He wants to hit me were it hurts." Justin explained, his nails digging into the paint on the door. I watched as his expression changed to upset to really pissed off. Now I understand.

Well if he would've explained this I wouldn't have gone all crazy bitch on him. "I'm sorry I didn't know..." I muttered, looking down. He cupped my chin so I would look at him.

"Of course you wouldn't know.. Are we good now?" He asked smirking softly. I nodded and put my forehead on his chest. I'll make him tell me what's in that room sooner or later. Justin's past is so dark. Makes me my spine tingle to know he's killed someone. But with reason.

I care about this man. And even his was of living. I wanna protect him.

Why won't he let me?


Days passed after the incident at Justin's house. Justin decided to take up the business proposition with Jaden. Justin now has the diamonds and plans to return them to Selena.

I've been tired with work and feel bad about the fact I'm always tired and sleepy that I hardly have time with Justin. He says he understands. But with the look in his eyes he was kinda upset cause of how distant I was.

I walked towards the kitchen after a long nap I just took to get some water. Once I opened the fridge I heard someone knock. I mentally groaned to myself and went to go see..


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