Chapter Fourty

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I stared into Justin's hazels eyes as he stared into my green ones. All I wanted to do was forgive him. But in this cause it's mind over the heart.

"Justin... I wanna forgive you. I want everything between us to be amazing. In every way possible..." I trailed off sighing. Justin nodded, giving our intertwined fingers a squeeze. I let out a soft breathe. "Meaning I want to trust you again. I want everything between us to be normal." I put my hand in his chest. "I want to be with you. I want to make you happy." Justin said, putting his free hand on my waist. Starting over with Justin seemed like a good way to go.

"And I want to be happy with you." I gave him a small smile, rubbing the tip of my nose against his. He let out a small laugh, making me giggle. It felt like nothing bad ever happened between us. It felt we where the old us again. "So a do over?" Justin asked, with hope in his eyes. This was proof. This was proof that all the times I doubted our relationship in the past was just stupid. Justin really wanted to be with me. And that made my heart swell with excitement.

"Maybe. If you take me back to my place." I nodded, with a smile on my face.

"I would if I could." He opened his bedroom door wiping the dried tears off his face. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You almost got hurt. Selena almost killed you. I can't risk you dying on me. So you'll stay here." He walked down the hall to a bedroom, not giving me anytime to process this. He's still the same old Justin. Trying to protect me. I walked to the room he was in. I saw all my stuff in this room. It had a big white queen sized bed, wooden floor, pale purple walls and cherry wood furniture. I pulled on my thumb. I don't know how to feel. I get it. He's trying to keep me out of harms way, but still.. I just forgave him. Or basically in the process of forgiving him. I felt like this was a little bit to fast.

"I'll give you, you're space if that's what you want." Justin muttered walking towards the door. I grabbed his arm, looking down. "I don't need you to give me space.. I need you to hold me. I need you to just hold me, because I have no one. So much shit happens to me and the only thing I want is for you to just hold me." I croaked, looking up at him through my teary eyes, Justin looked at me frowning, in that instant he pulled me into a large embrace. I buried my face into his chest, letting out silent sobs. I love being in his arms. Surprisingly this was the safest place I've felt in the longest. I felt Justin pick me up bridal style, and lay me on the bed. He laid behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'll hold you for as long as you need me to hold you." Justin whispered into my ear. I sniffled pulling on Justin's fingers, softly. Seven months ago I wouldn't think I'd be in Justin's arms again. It just feels like home. I sighed closing my eyes. I was really tired.

"Forever." I muttered, sleepily. With that I fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of thunder crackling. I gasped, grabbing the sheet. Justin wasn't next to me. I looked at the clock next to the table.


My birthday is officially over. Even though it sucked. I was glad it was over. I hated my birthday. It was stupid. Every year my birthday comes and I hate it because something horrible always happens. And if nothing bad happens it just fucking sucks.

I sighed.

I got up from the bed and made my way to the door. I opened it and looked down the hall. Justin's room had the light on. I swallowed slowly, tip toeing my way to his room. I opened the door, to find Justin sitting on his bed shirtless, with his eyes glued to his lap top. I bit my lip, admiring his toned chest.

"Having fun?" He asked smirking, his eyes still glued to his screen. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. I thought he didn't notice I was here. Justin placed his lap top to the side and walked over to me. My heart fluttered a he got closer. All I know is that I'm madly in love with Justin. Even if he hasn't said it back. That doesn't change the way I feel about him.

"Do you wanna go away?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck. I raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean?" I muttered.

"Like for your birthday? I know it's a bit late but let's go. Me, you, Dest, Alfredo, Derek, and Krissy. It'll be fun." He explained with hope in his eyes. It would be nice. Just to get away. For once not worry about Selena and her bullshit. Plus... Maybe I get to be alone with Justin. I smiled at that thought.

"Yes." I agreed, smiling harder. Justin smiled. "Good so we leave tomorrow." He grabbed his laptop typing quickly. My eyes widened. "Tomorrow? I don't even know where we are going!" I giggled nervously. Justin closed his laptop slipping on a shirt. "We are going on a cruise. So pack lots of summer clothes." He fixed his chain.

"A cruise? Two weeks before my graduation?" I questioned, running a hand through my hair. This was all sudden but the inner me was excited. She was leaping for joy. On the other hand the other half of me was a little skeptical about it. Why does he wanna get away so fast? Is he hiding something from me?

"Don't worry you'll be back before graduation. Now get some rest. We have a long day ahead of us." He laughed softly, pulling me on his bed. I laid down staring at the ceiling as Justin turned off the light. I'm still trying to believe Justin's actual back by my side.

"Did you really miss me?" I whispered still staring at the dark ceiling. I felt Justin turn towards me, making me turn my head.

"I've missed you so much. Having you by my side. I missed when you touched me, your voice, just your presence." He whispered back. I sighed.

"If I kiss you will you hurt me?" Justin laughed placing his hand on my cheek. I giggled blushing. "You'll have to find out." I managed to say between giggles. Justin leaned placing his soft lips against mine. My heart felt like it was gonna explode with excitement. I pulled him closer, by his shirt deepening the kiss.

This is where I wanna be....

In Justin's arms..

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