Chapter Fourteen

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"And what are we gonna do here in Manhattan?" I asked getting out the car. Justin locked the car. I walked towards him. "Maybe you just wanna hang out. I owe you at least that much." He smiled. I nodded in agreement looking around. Manhattan was pretty busy in the morning. Nonstop honking, business men an women walking down the streets, constant hollering, and the buildings were amazing. I felt my phone vibrating, I looked at the caller I.D.. Austin.. I looked at Justin giving him an apologetic smile. He nodded his head.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey where are you?! I thought you were coming to school today! April was looking for you! She said something about you missing work yesterday.. She's worried." Austin said quickly. I sighed. I must've forgotten I had to work yesterday.

"I'm sorry.. I was busy. With Justin.. I must've lost track of time. I'll stop by April's later. Thanks Austin." I replied looking at Justin who seemed to be in his own world. "Justin? Oh.. So you guys are together?" Austin asked. I sensed a bit of hurt in his voice.

"Austin. Me and Justin aren't gonna happen. We are just old friends. And that's how it's gonna stay." I assured Austin that, this is how it is. I wasn't interested in love at the moment. And it's not like Justin is either. Austin and I hung up and I walked towards Justin.

"So what do you wanna do?" I asked putting my phone in my pocket. Justin turned and looked at me. His jaw was slightly in a right line. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. He just looked at me. I looked behind me. Nothing. I turned an looked back at him.

"What?!" I asked my cheeks flushing slightly. "Why does Austin ask constant questions?" Justin asked asked in a stern tone. "Austin is my best friend. And he just worries about me. I mean I would worry about him if he was with someone like.." I trailed off looking at my feet.

"Someone like me?" He questioned. I looked at him. His eyes showed that he was hurt but his face was emotionless. I stepped back slightly.

"He doesn't know what you do. I never told him. I don't like what you do." I answered honestly. "If you don't like what I do then why are you here?" He asked raising his voice. People started looking our way. I grabbed Justin pulling him in the nearest alley.

"You wanna know why I am here? Because I owe you my life for saving mine! Now whether it comes to the people in my life worrying about me it's none of your goddamn business." I yelled back. He didn't flinch. He just stared at me. Why does he just look at me? "Stop fucking looking at me! It's really fucking weird!" I snapped walking away. I walked down the ally about to turn the corner when someone grabbed my arm turning me around. "Don't.." Justin's voice came out in a whisper. His face was only I few inches from mine. His hazel eyes melting into my green ones.

"Why..?" I whispered. He just hugged me. He pulled me into his arms. His smell filled my lungs. He buried his face into my neck. I slid my arms between his arms squeezing his waist. I put my forehead against his chest.

This is where I felt safe for some reason. Justin makes me feel safe. I don't care what he does for a living. Even though I don't enjoy his lifestyle. The fact of the matter is I'm really here because I've always loved Justin. From day one. I don't care if he doesn't feel the same way back. I wanna let him know that I love him. For years these feelings have been locked away. Wanting to come out. I just can't bring myself to telling him how I really feel.

He pulled away looking at me.

"I'm sorry.. If I worry to much. Okay?" He said softly. "Don't worry about it!" I laughed. He smiled.

"Now.. Where I really wanted to take you was to Central Park. There's a Carnival there. If you wanna go." He sighed looking down. "I would love to go Justin." I smiled. Justin pulled my arm walking down the alley.

"Isn't Central Park that way?" I asked giggles escaping my mouth.

"I know a short cut! I've always wanted to take someone to the Carnival!" He smiled big scratching the back of his head. I pulled on my hair chewing on my lip. "What about Dest?" I asked cautiously hoping not to trigger anything. "She doesn't like stuff like that. I mean hopefully you do." He shrugged putting his hands in his pockets.

"I do." I said smiling big. He looked at me and cracked a crooked smile. I felt my cheeks burning up. And I have no idea why they are. He reached over touching my cheek. "You have the rosiest cheeks." He said his cheeks flushing slightly. My cheeks where on fire. I closed my eyes breathing out. I opened my eyes.

"Are you okay? I think lost you for a second." Justin laughed showing his pearly white teeth. His beautiful childish laugh. "I'm fine." I sighed. "Lets go!" He exclaimed pulling on my arm. I laughed grabbing his shirt. His height was incredible. I'm a smurf compared to him. We walked up to the Central Park. There was rides, games, and food.

"I wanna ride everything!" He laughed jumping up and down staring at the Carnival in complete and utter awe. "Okay!" I laughed. He smiled down at me. We paid for our wristbands and walked towards the first ride. Which was a small roller coaster. But with my fear of heights this looked like pure death.

"What do we have here? Do I smell a chicken?" Justin asked making chicken noses. I crossed my arms gaping at him. "I'm no chicken Bieber!" I shot at him getting in line.

"Ooo feisty! Lets do this then Diaz!" He getting in line next to me.

"Lets go Bieber!" I mocked him. He laughed bending down slightly getting to my level. "Listen here short stack. If you come off crying, puking or even the slightest hint of fear.. You owe me.. A date." He smirked. My eyes widened my heart started doing backflips. I mentally did a happy dance. Is this real? Holy shit.

"Deal Bieber! Hmm. And if I win.. You've gotten win me a giant stuffed monkey." I smiled. He laughed.

"Deal!" He smiled shaking my hand, "You're so gonna loose Minnie!"

"You wish Justin!" I shook my head in confidence. The line moved faster. My palms were getting sweaty. We sat in our coaster. I clutched the bar praying for dear life. "Scared?" Justin asked looking at me. I shook my head 'no' looking ahead. Justin chuckled. The cart started to move. He hollered in excitement. I put my head down not wanting to see.

"Nope! You've gotta look!" He laughed pulling my head up. The cart was still going up preparing for the drop. My fear was starting to kick in. I can't do this.. I just can't.

"J-Justin! You won okay! I don't wanna look!" I yelled at him. He yelled in victory as we reached the top. I grabbed his hand squeezing it as we dropped. Once this agony was over I got off the ride dizzy. I clutched the railing for support. "Guess who won?" Justin asked obviously wanting for me to answer. "You!" I answered annoyed. I sat on the bench staring as he jumped with joy.

Seems like he really wanted to win. Maybe he really does like me. Or just felt bad for me. "Don't worry short stack I'll get you your bear." He said pulling me off the bench. I smiled as we walked towards the Balloon Dart stand. Justin gave the stand attendant the money as he threw the darts popping all five large balloons.

"Stuffed panda please!" Justin asked for the prize. He walked over to me.

"His name is Drew and he likes short stacks like you." He playfully introduced the panda to me. I laughed hugging the bear.

"Thank you Justin." I smiled hugging the bear tight. "No problem. Now lets eat." He gestured to the hamburger stand I nodded walking towards the food. Justin walked up behind me linking his fingers with mine. I looked up at him he was blushing, smiling, looking ahead.

I bit my lip, hugging my bear.

This was perfect.

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