Chapter Fourty Three

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I picked at my spaghetti while everyone kept up conversation about the cruise. Justin looked at me while chewing his spaghetti. How can a person look so attractive while eating? Like nigga damn! You can't be perfect at everything! I looked away from him, sipping my drink. Derek pinched my elbow making me flinch. I looked at him from across the table trying not to show my smile, which probably was a poor attempt. I felt Justin's hand rest on my thigh squeezing it a bit hard, I gasped looking at him. He just winked at me and started eating again. I decided that a little fore play wouldn't be bad.

I grabbed Justin's hand moving it up my thigh so that it was close to my womanhood. I felt his fingers tense up as he squeezed my upper thigh making me bite my lip. I tried best to pay attention to the conversation going on at the other end of the table but Justin leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "If this is your way of getting me to tell you who I was talking too, you're gonna have to work harder baby."

I huffed, rolling my eyes. Once I finished eating I leaned back in my seat causing Justin to brush his fingers over my womanhood. I flinched, grabbing his arm. The way his hand touched me caused a little surge of pleasure to jolt through my body. I looked at him furrowing my eyebrows in sexual frustration, he smirked at me kissing my cheek. As the desert came in I got comfortable shifting in my seat, Justin took that as the opportunity to grab my butt. "Justin!" I whispered/yelled at him. He but his lip pulling me closer to him. "You two couldn't be anymore obvious as to what you guys are doing." Dest rolled her eyes at us. I blushed hiding my face in Justin's neck. I craned my head up to whisper in his ear, "You're an asshole."

By the time dinner was finished, I was tired. And the way this boat shifts suddenly makes me really scared. We said goodnight to everybody else and went to our room. I looked through my suitcases for a pair of pajamas.

"I hate you I hope you know that." I said out loud as I heard Justin walking in the room. He chuckled, I heard him take off his Rolex and chain placing it on the bed side table. I grabbed some shorts and tank top going towards the bathroom. I closed the door, changing quickly. I tied my hair in messy bun. I walked out the bathroom on to the soft white carpet and our my clothes in a bag. I looked up and saw Justin laying on the bed shirtless, in sweats, on his phone. I started getting nervous. I know I've slept with Justin before as in only sleeping. But it makes me nervous cause I know our relationship is gonna progress into a sexual one. I just don't know when it will happen. A part of me is exciting and is practically in her birthday suit waiting for Justin to take her right now and the other half of me is scared Justin will take advantage of me and leave me right after I give my all to him. I bit my lip, shaking away my thoughts. One thing I know for sure, tonight isn't the night we have sex. It may be soon but not tonight, so I shouldn't freak out.

I walked towards the bed, climbing over Justin and into the blankets. He didn't even seem to be fazed at my presences. I sighed putting my chin on his chest staring at him. He looked at me for a brief second, then went back to doing what he was doing on his phone. Really? I sighed again, very loudly to get his attention. He didn't even look at me. I threw the blankets off of me, groaning.


I rolled my eyes, hopping up and down on the bed trying to get his attention. He just coughed still on his phone. I climbed on top of him, and tried to pry the phone out his hand. He smiled, wrapping his arms around me, pining me to his chest, I gasped. My face was now buried into his neck, his arms were tight around me. I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but that only made him roll over so he was on top of me.

"Justin! Get off of me! You're really heavy!" I laughed really hard, pushing his chest. I heard him throw something on the floor, I'm guessing it was his phone. He wrapped his arm around my waist, looking me in the eyes. "Why do you have to constantly tease me with these short ass shorts?" He growled making my inner horny self moan.

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