Chapter Ten

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I stared at the door as Justin answered it. The only thing I could hear was my own heart beating rapidly. Once Justin opened the door three people walked in. Alfredo, Dest and the girl I saw sniffing drugs in a room at Dest's house. I let out a shaky sigh.

Once Alfredo saw me looked at Justin than back at me. I looked down not knowing what to do. I soon heard them go outside leaving me with Dest and the Junky. This is one of the most awkward situations I've ever been in.

~Justin P.O.V~

Alfredo pushed me out the door closing it.

"Are you fucking insane?!" Alfredo exclaimed. I fixed my shirt.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked leaning against the wall lighting up a cigarette.

"Bringing that girl into this! She can cause so many problems for us! On top of the shit that's already happening!" He started pacing. He has a point. Bringing her into this could cause problems or could also be to our benefit. Either way I gotta keep an eye on her. I've gotta keep her safe.. I made my promise.

"Look Fredo she's not that much trouble. She handled Selena's goons perfectly. Except for her foot. Look I'll keep and eye on her." I said blowing smoke. Alfredo nodded but I can see he wasn't sure about this.

I know she can handle this life style hopefully. I flicked the cigarette walking back inside. Her pair of green eyes instantly found mine.

"Okay.. We'll just lay low until Selena decides to send another attack." I said sitting next to Minnie. Dest stood up confused.

"What?! We can easily take her out!" She said crossing her arms across her chest. Krissy rolled her eyes.

"No Dest. That's final. Now everybody back to your place Dest." I said grabbing my black bag.

"Um.. I'm fine here. I'm out of your way." Minnie chimed in picking at her shirt. "You'll need protection. Knowing how they got away Selena will want you dead as well." I said walking towards her to help her up but she simply declined. I sighed looking at her. "Come on." I rolled my eyes.

"No! I can take care of myself." She huffed crossing her arms across her chest. I shrugged walking out with Dest, Krissy and Alfredo.

~End Of P.O.V~

Whatever! I stood up on my tippy toes going to lock the door. When it opened with Justin walking straight into me. He caught before I fell. I gasped.

"Why are you here?" I asked squirming out his grip. He rolled his eyes sitting on the bed.

"Well didn't you miss me?" He smirked holding out his arms.

"You weren't even gone that long for me to miss you. Like I would anyways." I shot at him sitting down. My foot was killing me. The bleeding had stop but the throbbing isn't bearable. I groaned grabbing my foot.

"Does your foot hurt?" He asked looking at me. "No it feels so fucking amazing!" I sarcastically added. He raises my eyebrows at me.

"Yes it hurts Justin!" I said rubbing it slowly. He grabbed my foot unwrapping it. He looked at it then simply wrapped it up again. Well..

"It's just a small wound you'll be fine by tomorrow." He dropped my foot sitting on the couch. Ow!

"Asshole.." I grumbled. I got into bed closing my eyes. He smirked. I started falling asleep. When Justin started humming. "Hello! Trying to sleep." I threw a pillow at him. He threw the pillow back at me turning away.

This asswipe wants to die. I rolled my eyes letting sleep take over me.


I woke up to Justin poking me in the face with his finger. I slapped his hand away. "What are you doing?!" I grumbled sitting up yawning rubbing my eyes. He sat on the bed looking at me. "I was trying to wake you up." He yawned. "Why?" I asked tying up my hair. "So we can go eat! Duh!" He stated putting on his shoes.

"Let's make it quick I've gotta work." I said digging through my drawers.

"Meet me downstairs." He said walking out the door. I dug looking for my clothes when I came across a roll of money and a note.

"Don't Ask Questions.. Just Take It." I read the note. I counted the money. It summed up to about 5,000. My eyes widened.

Why? Why is he giving me money?

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