Chapter 20

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Tabby POV
I've been up all night studying witch spells and teaching myself new things. But that's not the only thing I've been doing. I've been teaching myself more about witches and their history. I've finally put all the pieces together. Jackson is a witch. He has to be. I noticed that he is sensitive to bright lights like me. Whenever someone turns on a light without warning his eyes will change color like mine do. They get to be a light shade then go back to their original color. Luckily this happens fast so the only people who know are the people I told. He has curtains covering every single window in his house, that's probably how he practices spells. When a witch performs a spell it needs to be dark, no sunlight.

I just don't know what to say to him. I want to help him and let him know that he's not alone. But then again I am not one hundred percent sure that he is a witch. I can't risk him knowing about me. I can't trust him. The only people that I trust are the people I told. That's only Camryn and Kendall.

I turn on the news and I hear that their was a fire at one of the near by restaurants. They said that it wasn't an accident. The only thing found in the fire was a big book. I pause my tv and take a closer look. I've seen that book before. It's the book of all witch spells. Every single witch spell is in there. I read this online so I don't know if it's exactly true or not. But then I look at the cover and theirs the witch symbol on it. A witches hat with flames surrounding it. Now I know that it's definitely the book. Legend said that it went missing hundreds of years ago.

I also know something else. I'm not the only witch in town.

Vampire crushDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora