Chapter 34

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"You guys used to be friends?" She asked me.

Crap. I can't tell her the story. Then I would have to tell her that I'm a vampire because this isn't my first time in high school.

"Yea but the important thing is that we find a way to destroy him or at least make a deal with him." I said.

"Okay how do we do that?"

"Call tabby"
Kendall pov
"It says here that the only way to destroy an original is to take away his powers." Tabby says, looking through her book of spells.

"How do we do that?" I ask.

"I found it! It says that 'originals aren't harmed by garlic like vampires are but, one stab to the heart is all it takes. But it can't be done with any knife in the kitchen, it must be soaked in kerosene.'"

"Why kerosene?" I ask

"I don't know but if that's what it takes then that is what we'll do." Jackson says.

"Woah you can't just go up to him and stab him. He's an original, who has ten times the strength of a human being like yourself. You need to make a good plan and do it fast." Tabby says.

"Yeah I don't think he's what you would call a patient person." I add.

"Thanks for the advice." Jackson says

Sydney pov

So far things have kind of been on pause with me and Mr.oakley. Obviously I still go to his class but I stopped going to see him after school because I'm all caught up now. Secretly I wish i wasn't because I had fun staying after. We would always joke around about the books we've read or any of the recent movies that were out in theaters.

I'm in his class right now and the bell is gonna ring soon so I pack up my things. Today is also the last day of school before winter break starts. Mr.Oakley comes over to my desk and slips me a candy cane. I always like to bring candy canes and pass them out to my friends and I just happened to have one left over. So when the bell rang I walked up to his desk and said

"Have a nice holiday."

"Thanks you too" he smiled back.

I was just about to walk out of class when he asks me

"Do you want a ride home? Just so you don't have to walk because it is very cold out."

"Yea I'd like that." I reply with a grin.

Luckily he parks in the back lot so we won't get many weird looks.

"Why do you park back here?" I ask

"It all depends on the building that you teach in. This building is for teachers who teach in the 300 building." He said.

I get in the passenger seat and put on my seat belt. On the way to my house we actually talk like we've been friends for a while. I like how we can just talk about anything and it isn't weird. I found out that it was his birthday a couple days ago.

Eventually he gets to my house and I get out of the car.

"Bye Mr.O thank you for the ride." I say.

"Anytime." He says with a smile.
Camryn pov
Its been 4 months since me and Cameron have been together. But I've done some thinking recently. Unfortunately I just don't feel the spark that used to be there like when we first started dating. I'm just not into it anymore. So today I am breaking up with him.

~~one week later~~
It's only been a week since I broke up with Cam and I feel like crap. Obviously I feel bad for breaking his heart but he doesn't even want to be friends. At least that's the vibe I'm getting. I texted him and told him that he can ask whatever questions he has. Ever since that I haven't heard from him. I see him in school but that's it. Only a glance. I used to be friends with his friends but now I think that they hate me, since I broke up with their friend. I just hate this feeling of hatred toward me, like everyone hates me. I've told cam how sorry I am, but I know I did the right thing. Then I hear my phone buzz. I texted my apologies to Cam about an hour ago. I hope we can be friends. But when I look at my phone all I feel is worse.

Stop texting me! I don't want to hear your apologies. Don't you get it? I hate you! I don't ever want to see your number come across my phone. I don't want to hear your voice saying my name. Your a heart breaking bitch.

I don't know how I should even feel, sad or pissed off? In a way he's right though. I did break his heart. There's no point in texting him back. I close the message icon and go to sleep as it is Sunday night, 11:00.

I see my friends, Tabby and Kendall ,during lunch and we all decide to go to the bathroom. I feel like I should tell them about last night. After we wash our hands I say "So Cam texted me last night."

"What did he say? Does he forgive you?" Tabby says.

"Not exactly." I say sadly, handing her my phone.

She and Kendall read the message.

"Oh my gosh. I can't believe he'd say such a thing! I knew he was a bit of a jerk-jock but I thought he was becoming nicer." Kendall says.

"Camryn don't believe a word he says, he doesn't understand that you did the right thing. It sounds like he'd rather have you lie about your feelings and keep dating him, then for you to actually be real and open." Tabby says

"I agree" Kendall comments.

"Yeah but in a way he's right. I did break his heart, no matter what I felt like the right thing to do was. Him and his friends, the ones that I were friends with also, hate me now. I guess in a way I hate me now too." Tears are starting to build up but I refuse to cry in school.

"People are going to label you, no matter what. It's what you do to overcome those labels, that's what matters" Kendall says. (Brooke Davis quote from one tree hill😄)

Just as we are walking back to our table, Jackson approaches us.

"I need your help" he says.

Vampire crushDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora