Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke up in my bed. Brendon must've carried me up here. I took a minute to embrace the thought that I had just been adopted by my favorite music artist. It still felt like a dream and I was on cloud nine. This is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I went downstairs to see Brendon Periscoping on the couch.
"Guys sorry I never told you the surprise! I was so distracted with it that I- oh!" He yelled seeing me walk down the stairs.
"Okay speaking of that, it's right here!" He hollered motioning me to come over.
I jumped onto the couch and waved to the audience who was watching.
"This is the surprise guys! I adopted my own daughter and her name is Laurel!" He exclaimed happily.
I did a celebration dance.
"Hey guys! I'm his daughter! And Brendon, I'd appreciate it if you called me 'she' or by my name. Not 'it.'" I joked.
He laughed and I watched as a flood of comments came rushing through the screen.

Wow she's beautiful!
I never thought this day would come...
Ahh another member of the Urie fam!
Okay but seriously, she's goals

I laughed as I saw the comments.
"Thanks guys!" I replied.
"Sing for them Laurel!" Brendon demanded.
"Wait what?" I questioned.
"Sing damnit!" He yelled back playfully.
We both couldn't control our laughter and Brendon had to pause the broadcast.
"Sor-sorry guys... j- hold on." Brendon gasped in between his laughs as he paused the live stream.

We both got our laughing under control and went back on.
"Sorry about that guys!" He told them when he turned it back on.
"Yeah Brendon was just being immature, sorry!" I chimed in.
Brendon gave me a nudge to my arm and chuckled.
"Oh you wanna go?" He asked.
"Nope I just wanna sing!" I gleefully chirped.
"Ok then sing before I fight you." He responded.
"Alrighty!" I said cheerfully.
I sang out the lyrics to Be Alright by Ariana Grande.
The comments began flooding in again.

Damn I wish I could do that!
Gorgeous AND she can sing? Get her a record label Beebo!
I see a future backup singer!
Aaand I'm in love.

I laughed and thanked them again. Was I really that good of a singer?
"Alright guys I think that's it for today. I have a meeting today with Dallon, Dan, and Kenny and I also have to spend some time with Laur. Later fuckers!" He announced.
He turned the phone towards me and I waved too.
"Bye!" I remarked radiantly.
Brendon shut off the broadcast and put his phone on the couch. He walked towards the kitchen so of course, I followed him.
"Okay kiddo, what do you want for breakfast?" He asked.
"Pancakes!" I uttered out excitedly.
"I should've known..." Brendon responded as he started getting out all of the ingredients

       ==15 MINUTES LATER==

Brendon made the pancakes and sat down at the table with me to eat them.
"So, I was thinking that you could come to that band meeting today. You up for it?" He asked.
"Wait... I get to meet Kenny, Dallon, and Dan? For real?" I asked happily.
"Yeah. So I'm assuming that's a yes?" He asked.
"Yes yes yes!" I exclaimed.
I finally found my cool and chilled out so that I could eat. After I finished, I darted upstairs to go get changed. I paced back and forth trying to figure out what to wear to impress the guys that I've always wanted to meet.
"Hurry up, Laur! Bus leaves in 15 minutes!" Brendon shouted up the stairs.
"Okay!" I hollered back.
I finally picked out a Panic! At the Disco t-shirt, a red flannel, and a pair of leggings. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and put on my combat boots. I ran quickly into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. After that I washed my face and did my daily makeup routine.

            ==10 MINUTES LATER==

I ran down the stairs and jumped onto Brendon's back.
"I'm ready!" I exclaimed blissfully.
"Ok well if you wanna go, you're going to have to get off of my back first because I can't drive like that." He joked.
I hopped down and followed Brendon to the car. He put on KROQ and we listened to that all the way there. We got to the building and I saw two other cars parked outside. They must be Dallon, Dan, and Kenny's vehicles. I opened up my door and followed Brendon inside and before he opened the door to reveal Kenny, Dallon, and Dan, we made a plan.
"Ok so how about I go in and act like it's a normal day because they have no clue that I adopted you yet. Then you can randomly come in and act like an insane fangirl and see how they react... I'll act like I have no clue who you are either. Do we have a plan?" He explained and asked.
"Yes, we have a plan." I whispered back.
"Okay awesome now hide behind the wall so they don't see you when I go in. I'll leave the door open so you can bust in." He replied.
"Alright!" I said.
Brendon walked into the studio.
"Hey guys! What's up?" He said.
"Hey B, long time no see!" Kenny exclaimed.
"Well it's about time." Dan remarked.
"Well I'm a Urie, I'm fashionably late all the time. Get used to it." Brendon sassed.
I couldn't help but giggle quietly. I heard them starting to talk about things and that's when I ran into the room.
"O.m.g! Are you guys who I think you are? Brendon, Kenny, Dallon, and Dan! Ah I love love love you guys sooo much! You're totes amazing!" I exclaimed.
"Uh hi... um... do you want a picture?" Kenny asked.
"Oh my goodness! Did the Kenneth Harris just ask me for a picture?!" I screamed.
"Do you want the picture or not?" Kenny asked again.
"Of course I totes want a picture!" I gushed.
I gave Kenny my phone and took a picture with them all, still acting like I was a fangirl.
"How'd you get in here anyways?..." Brendon questioned.
"Let's just say, you people need to learn how to close the goddamn door!" I yelled with a fake laugh.
I ran out of the room around the corner and I heard Brendon start cracking up. I started laughing too and I stumbled into the room. Dallon and Kenny looked confused and I went over and high-fived Brendon.
"Wow... and you're a good actress?" He gasped in between laughs.
"I guess so!" I replied.
"Okay okay. Explaining time." Brendon said while facing the boys.
"Guys, I'd like you to meet Laurel... my daughter." He revealed.
"What? When did this happen?!" Dallon asked.
"Yesterday. I adopted her from a foster home and I think she's going to like it here... or at least she better because she's staying with me for the rest of her life." He joked and glanced over at me.
I laughed when he gave me that look.
"God Laur, it's not funny this is not a joking matter!" Brendon yelled.
That only made me laugh harder and Brendon smiled. He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top if my head.
The boys were still in shock at the fact that Brendon adopted me and they didn't know.
"Okay. I need to properly introduce myself." I said.
"Hi, I'm Laurel and I'm not an insane fangirl even though I am a fan." I explained with a smile.
"Hey Laurel! I'm Dallon and I had no clue that Brendon adopted you but you seem chill and I'm also chill so we're gonna be friends, I can tell." He introduced.
Kenny went after him.
"Hello. I'm Kenny and I as well had no clue Brendon adopted you but yeah you seem ch-" He paused as he saw Dallon giving him a death stare for copying his introduction.
"You seem sweet and welcome to Brendon's family." He finished nervously.
"How was that for you?" He asked Dallon.
"Better." Dallon said sweetly with a smirk spread across his face.
I laughed at the two's antics.
"Well as you probably know I'm Dan and it's cool that you're a Panic! fan. Welcome to California!" He greeted.
"Thanks!" I exclaimed.

I could tell that I was going to get along great with them. And they would get along great with me too.

Adopted by Brendon Urie♡Where stories live. Discover now