Chapter 22

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Last show of the tour

I really don't know why I was so nervous tonight. Maybe because it's the last show of the tour and I wanna end it on a good note? I just don't know. My mind raced as I did my vocal warm-ups and practiced playing before going on. Brendon came in about 10 minutes later.
"Hey kid. You ready?" He asked.
"I guess..." I mumbled.
"Oh come on. Don't be nervous. It's gonna be fun!" Brendon exclaimed.
"How'd you know I was nerv-" I began to ask but was cut off by Brendon.
"Because. You're my daughter. I think I should know when you're nervous or scared or upset." He said.
"Well that makes sense." I replied.
"Yeah now come on!" He yelled.
"Why are you so excited?" I asked.
"Well I didn't tell you because it was a surprise but first, you and Kenny are performing together since it's the last show and we're having guests over tonight to celebrate. Our house is only an hour away from here." Brendon quickly explained.
"Sweet! But won't we be tired?" I asked.
"Screw being tired. Now we really have to go so let's move!" Brendon said running out of the room.
I laughed and followed him.

The crowd went insane when they found out that Kenny and I both were performing tonight. We played the set like usual and everything went perfect. I really don't know what I was so worried about.
"I'd like to thank everybody who came out for our last show tonight! We love you all and we're so grateful! Thank you!" Brendon yelled running off of the stage along with the rest of us. That was fucking amazing. I walked back to the bus and we headed home. I took a nap on the way there so that I wouldn't be tired when we got to the house. I woke up to Sarah shaking me.
"Hey honey. We're at the venue with the car. Get ready because I think you're going to be extremely happy when we get to the house." Sarah said.
"Okay." I whispered while stretching.
She smiled and walked out of the lounge area. I pushed myself up and yawned. I walked into the bathroom to make sure that my makeup and hair weren't messed up. My hair was a little crazy but a messy bun can fix that.

Once I put my hair up, I walked out of the bus. I didn't look too presentable. I had a hoodie on and a pair of leggings with my converse. Oh well. I went into the car and enjoyed the ride home. I sat there for a minute to get my thoughts gathered and then got out. Everyone was already in the house except for me. I heard music blaring from the inside as I walked closer and closer to our home. I twisted the doorknob and walked in. My eyes darted around the room. It was filled with people. I couldn't identify who they all were though for some reason. I walked around until I spotted Jett. I hadn't seen him for months.
"Baby!" I squealed while running towards him to give him a huge hug.
"Hey beautiful!" He said happily.
Jett kissed my cheek and hugged me back.
"How was the trip? How have you been?" He asked.
"The tour was absolutely amazing. I mean, you saw some of the crowds for the shows." I answered.
"Yeah. They seemed amazing." He muttered.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I just... I just wish I could've been there for you when you got taken. I'm the worst boyfriend ever. I'm sorry that I couldn't rescue you when you needed me most." Jett explained.
"Babe it isn't your fault. Don't feel bad. There was nothing you could've done. I mean, it's not like you can drive yet and you were already back here when that happened." I replied.
Jett gave me a warm smile.
"Thanks. I'm just happy you're here now and safe." He said, still embracing me.
"Me too." I said back.
"Guys. I'm sorry to break up your little moment here but Laurel I want you to come meet someone." Brendon informed me.
"Okay. Bye baby. I'll see you later. Love you!" I told Jett then gave him a peck on the lips.
"Alright. Love you too!" Jett exclaimed while waving bye.
I followed Brendon through the crowd of people until he got to where he wanted us to be. There was a group of five guys. Brendon tapped one on the shoulder and he turned around. My heart began racing when the guys turned around. I wanted to smile but I was too stunned. It was Andy Biersack.
"Guys, this is my daughter Laurel." Brendon introduced as the rest turned around.
Oh my gosh. The whole band was here.
"Hey Laurel. I'm Andy. And these guys are Ashley, CC, Jinxx, and Jake." Andy introduced.
"I... I know.. hi!" I said shyly and happily.
What the hell Laurel? 'I know'? Ugh there goes my first impression.
"So I'm guessing you're a fan then?" CC asked.
I nodded my head. The guys smiled.
"It's great meeting you guys! You're awesome." I said.
"Well it's a pleasure meeting you also. You're pretty fucking amazing at playing guitar." Jake said.
"That means so much coming from you. Thanks so much!" I exclaimed.
Jake laughed.
"No problem." He replied.
"They have something to ask you Laur." Brendon said.
I turned to the guys and waited anxiously for one of them to ask.
"Would you want to collab with us on our next album?" Ashley asked.
Holy shit. Whoa. Black Veil Brides wants to collab with me? Of all people, they choose me!
"Hell yeah!" I accepted.
"Alright! Here are our numbers so that we can discuss a date to record. We look forward to working with you Laurel." Andy said, handing me a sticky note with their numbers on it.
"I look forward to working with you guys too. Thank you all!" I exclaimed.
"Like we said before, it's our pleasure." Jinxx said.

I smiled and said goodbye to the guys to enjoy the party. I ended up seeing Ariana again and we talked for a while. I went outside and was dancing on the balcony along side some other people. I made Jett come out and join me. We danced and enjoyed ourselves. I was paying no attention when I backed up and bumped into someone.
"Oh I'm so sor-" I started to say but then stopped.
I was face to face with the Melanie Martinez.
"ry." I finished.
Melanie laughed.
"It's okay. Worse things have happened to me. You're Brendon's daughter Laurel, right?" She asked.
She knows my name?
"Y-yeah. And you're Melanie. I-I'm a huge f-fan." I stuttered.
She laughed again.
"Yep! Your dad told me that he'd introduce you to me but I don't know what happened to that." Melanie explained.
"He probably got drunk knowing him." I said.
Melanie giggled.
"Yeah you're probably right. Wanna go talk for a little bit. You know somewhere more quiet?" Melanie yelled over the music.
"Sure." I responded.

Melanie and I walked to the kitchen and talked for a while. She's really cool. I ended up getting her number and we found out that we like a lot of the same things. We went back out to the party and danced some more until the night was over. I said bye to the people that I met and gave Jett a goodnight kiss on the cheek as he left with Patrick, Joe, Andy, and Pete. I yawned.
"That was one hell of a party." I said.
"That was probably the best one I've ever been to." Sarah agreed.
"Same." I replied.
Brendon came out from the kitchen.
"Sarah's gonna spend the night tonight." Brendon informed me, still half drunk.
I laughed.
"Okay. I'm gonna go to bed because I'm really tired. Love you guys." I said while walking to my bedroom.
"Alright. Goodnight hun." Sarah answered.
"Night." I replied.

I shut my door and flopped down on my bed. Tonight was the best night ever.

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