Chapter 30 (part 2)

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Once Jett and I met up, we waited until dusk to get the things we needed. He brought a list with him which read:

saran wrap
toilet paper
windshield wiper fluid
red dye

We both split up to find the items. I walked around and tried finding three of the things on the list while Jett looked for the other three. I finally found a bucket of blue paint, saran wrap, and some eggs. I met up with Jett at the checkout line. Once we were all checked out we headed back to his car.
"Okay so what's with all of this stuff?" I asked.
"Well I was planning on putting the paint on the toilet paper and then putting it everywhere. Hanging it from trees, putting it on her house, stuff like that. Then I was going to put the red food dye in the windshield wiper fluid. Then to top it all off, we would saran wrap her car and smash eggs on top of it." He explained.
"Wow that's a pretty thought out plan you got there." I said.
"Thanks." He replied.

Once he explained everything, we drove to her house.
"So... how's life been?" I asked after a long, awkward silence.
"Life's been good. I mean, except for the fact that my girlfriend broke up with me recently. But yeah it's been good." He said.
"Oh. Great." I replied sadly.
"Why? What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing. Just glad to see that after we broke up you were doing just fine while I cried myself to sleep almost every night for two weeks. Until Brendon and Sarah had a talk with me and told me that you are a worthless piece of trash that didn't deserve me. And you know what? I realized that they were right. I always seemed stressed when I was in a relationship with you but after we broke up and I got through my depression state, I was much happier being single." I ranted.
"I'm sorry." He said.
"Sorry won't cut it. I'm never getting back together with you no matter how hard you try. I need a man the way Brendon is with Sarah. He practically worships the ground she walks on and treats her like a queen. And she returns the favor by treating him like a king. But you don't deserve being treated right because of how you left me heartbroken. I get that couples fight. Brendon and Sarah even do. But the way you treated me was uncalled for." I continued.

After that, not another word was spoken. Finally I shut him up. The drive there only took about five more minutes and by the time we were there, it was dark out. We got out of the car and started to unload his trunk.
"Okay we have to be quiet." He whispered.
"Well duh." I whispered back.
We got everything out and began the revenge. I grabbed the paint bucket and slowly dipped each roll of toilet paper into it. I then set it down in the grass so that Jett could begin putting it everywhere. I grabbed the dye and put it into the windshield wiper fluid. Honestly, I'm a little upset that we wouldn't be here to see all of our hard work unfold. Oh well. I started grabbing a few rolls of the (now blue) toilet paper and helped Jett out. Honestly, it was a mess. Paint was dripping down the branches of the trees in her yard, the paper stuck to her house with the paint. It was going exactly as planned. After we finally finished, I grabbed the saran wrap.
"Hey make sure you're not just wrapping it in one circle. That'll be too easy for her to get off. Do it in various different ways." He said.
"Wow thanks for the advice captain obvious." I mumbled.
We continued to wrap until her entire car was covered. Jett handed me an egg from the carton.
"You do the honors." He encouraged.
I smiled and smashed the first egg right on the hood of her car. We started smashing them more rapidly when suddenly a light turned on. I whipped my head around and turned to Jett.
"C'mon!" I yelled, grabbing his wrist.
We started to make a run for it when I heard a familiar voice come from behind me.
"Laurel?" It spoke.

I turned around and couldn't believe who was standing there.


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