Chapter 14

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I woke up laying on the couch in the lounge. I heard Brendon walking around and hopped up from the couch.
"Morning!" Brendon greeted kissing my forehead.
"Morning." I replied yawning.
"You ready for tonight's show?" He asked.
"Yep!" I said popping the 'P.'
He chuckled and motioned for me to follow him into the lounge. We turned on the TV and the news was on.
'Breaking News' was headlining the bottom.
"A Florida resident by the name of Parker Forrester was found unconscious in front of CinemaX theater in California! When asked what happened, Parker replied confused, not knowing of what occurred." The reporter announced.
They showed a clip of them trying to interview Parker.
"Parker, do you remember what happened and why you were knocked unconscious?" The reporter questioned.
"Not really. I just remember blacking out. I can't remember anything that happened today or earlier. I just remember yesterday." He explained.
My mouth dropped open and Brendon quickly changed the channel. I looked over at him still with my mouth hanging open and laughing.
"Well thank God he has no clue what happened." Brendon said looking at me.
I giggled.
"Yeah thank God." I agreed.

After lounging around with Brendon for an hour or two, I got ready for the day. The guys were rehearsing for tonight and Sarah was out sight seeing so I texted Jett.

L: Hey Jett! You wanna hang out today?
J: Yeah I'd love to! Where you wanna go?
L: How about...
J: Come on Laur HURRY THE HELL UP😂
L: Okay okay!😂 ummm... Starbucks?
J: Sure why not. I'm buying though.
L: Okay!

We met up about a half hour later at the Starbucks that was near the venue and ordered out drinks. We sat and talked for a while.
"So what's it like being in a band?" Jett asked.
"Well I'm not really in the band. I'm just kind of a fill in if someone's sick or can't do a show." I explained.
"Oh okay. It's still pretty cool that you got to go on stage as Kenny's fill in. My uncle never lets me go on stage." He said sadly.
"Maybe we can change that." I said.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Maybe tonight since you're opening for us again, we can convince Patrick to let you perform... what do you do anyways?" I asked.
"I love the idea and I play bass guitar." He answered.
"Sweet!" I exclaimed.

After a while, we began to walk back to our buses. Sarah was probably back by now so she'd keep me company. While we were walking back, I went to say goodbye to Jett but I heard someone skateboarding behind me. It was Sarah... again. Oh no I hope she doesn't fall again. All of a sudden I felt something shove my back and then Sarah glided by. I fell on top of Jett and my eyes were wide.
"Jett! I'm so sorry! Sarah push-" I began to say but suddenly Jett pressed his lips against mine.
I pulled away slowly and looked into his crystal blue eyes. God, he was perfect. We got up off of the ground quickly before anyone saw us and just stood there speechless. I had to say something.
"Well I guess I'll... see you around." I said awkwardly starting to walk to our bus.
"Yeah... see ya..." He said, still standing there watching me walk away.
I turned around and a smile spread on my face. He was too cute. But I just had my first kiss! And I'm going to be fifteen in a week too! Many things ran through my mind. I went onto the bus and sat on the couch in the lounge. Sarah came bursting through the door.
"You're welcome!" She exclaimed happily.
I smirked.
"Wait you saw?" I asked.
"Well yeah I had to see what would happen!" She admitted.
I laughed. Classic Sarah. I had to get that kiss out of my mind. Jett and I are just friends and nothing more. Unless he wants to be more than friends. No! His icy blue eyes came to mind and my lips being pressed up against his. I can't think like that though. That kiss meant nothing. It was an accident and we were caught in the moment... right?

Later that day I got ready for the show that night. I put some stage clothes on and did my everyday routine. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and put my makeup on. I was ready! This is so exciting... I can't wait to perform with Brendon again! He said that he had the guitar good so all I'd have to do is sing.
"Laur, you ready?" Brendon asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be!" I replied happily.
"Okay great. You're on after..." Brendon trailed off as he checked the set list.
"Let's Kill Tonight." He finished.
"Alright!" I said.
We all entered the venue and went backstage. I could hear the fans screaming already. As I was walking, I saw a glimpse of the stage. Jett looked over at me with a guitar and gave me a thumbs up. Our plan worked! I smiled back and kept following Brendon. Before we knew it, Fall Out Boy was over and it was time to go on.
"Goodluck Brendon! You'll do great!" I encouraged.
"Thanks kid! So will you." He said sincerely.
"Thanks!" I exclaimed.
I wished Kenny, Dan, and Dallon goodluck too. The boys ran on the stage and seemed like they were having a good time. The crowd was amazing too. I love performing here! Sarah and I were backstage dancing to their songs and having a fun time too. In a matter of time, it was my time to go on stage.

"So many of you probably know my daughter Laurel!" He yelled.
Everyone screamed. Wow.
"Laurel, come on out!" He shouted motioning for me to come onto the stage.
I went on with a smile and waved to everyone.
"Last night, her and I wrote a song together and it's not finished because we just have the chords and no other music yet. But you'll be the first to hear it as an acoustic version!" He hollered.
The crowd went insane. Damn this is crazy!
"This one's called The Good, the Bad, and the Dirty. Hope you guys like it." He announced.

Brendon and I sang together perfectly.
"Truth, is that it was always going to end, the symphonies buzzing in my head, took a market of filth and sold like summer." Brendon sang.
Here comes my part.
"True all of the good girls act so good, 'til one of them doesn't wait their turn. Turn the memory to stone and carve your shoulder. Hey holy roller." I sang out.
We both sang the chorus together perfectly.
This is amazing. This really made me realize how much I love performing on stage and for the fans. We finished up the song and the place went crazy. Fans threw stuff on stage like roses and bears. I picked one up and a rose and blew a kiss to the audience before walking off.
"Laurel Urie everyone!" Brendon yelled.
The crowd was screaming.
"Laurel that was amazing!" Sarah said pulling me into a hug.
"Thanks Sarah!" I said.
"Great job kid." Kenny complimented.
"Yeah. That was pretty awesome." Dan agreed.
"Thanks guys!" I said hugging them both.
All of the guys were on stage and finished up the show. Tonight was an amazing night.

We got back to the bus and I opened up my phone. I posted a picture of Brendon and I performing tonight that Sarah had taken from backstage. Fans were starting lyric chains to the new song in the comments. It made me smile.
"Brendon, they really like our new song." I said showing him the comments.
"Wow Laur. That's insane!" He yelled giving me a high five.
I got all of my makeup off and decided to go to bed early tonight. But something prevented me from going to sleep. Something kept coming to my mind... what if Brendon lets me join the band?

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