Chapter 18

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I woke up and the nurse was right. I felt a little less sore and could actually move without my chest burning up. I slowly sat up and looked at Brendon who was already awake and staring at the ceiling.
"Morning." I said to him softly.
"Morning Laur." He replied.
At least his voice sounded less hoarse than yesterday.
"Brendon. Why'd you protect me?" I asked.
"Laurel, why wouldn't I? You're my daughter and it's my job to protect you." He answered.
"Point taken... when do you think we'll get out of here?" I asked again.
"Probably tomorrow." He replied.
We laid in silence when suddenly someone came bursting through the doors, causing us to jump. I'm guessing it was a police officer or detective probably letting us know that Parker was put away and arrested.
"Brendon Boyd Urie?" The man asked.
"Yes?" Brendon replied.
"You and Laurel are required to attend court tomorrow after this incident." The officer said.
"Um what do you fucking mean? Parker kidnapped me and assaulted my dad and I shouldn't he just automatically go to jail?" I asked.
"Well you see, it isn't that simple. A court case is required by law. You can speak tomorrow but Parker is your brother after all." He said before leaving the room.

The next day in court

"Your honor, this psychopath who is apparently my 'brother' has kidnapped me, assaulted me, and assaulted Brendon. And I have witnesses." I explained.
"Objection your honor! This is my dear sister we're talking about. Why would I ever hurt her? Here's what really happened. Laurel messed up at the concert and Mr. Urie got mad at her. I just wanted to see my sister but when I got back to the bus, I was very concerned at what I saw. He was hitting her. Abusing her! So of course since I'm her brother, I went up to him and beat the hell out of him! I made sure he would never do that to my sister again. Mr. Urie punched her in the face repetitively and kicked her in the stomach when she fell to the floor. So again, I beat him up and that's how they both ended up in the hospital." Parker explained.
"Bullshit!" Brendon yelled.
"Quiet Mr. Urie!" The judge snapped
"Your honor that isn't even close to what happened!" I yelled.
"Miss Urie, hush." The judge ordered.
"See? He even brainwashed her. She believes that none of that happened and is on his side. She's against her own brother now and... I just want my sister back. He's just going to keep abusing her until one day, she's dead! I believe she has a case of Stockholm syndrome." He lied before breaking into fake sobs.
I gave him the dirtiest look that I could. Is the judge seriously going to fall for his bullshit?

I felt like I was stuck in that room for forever. I anxiously waited to hear the jury say if Brendon is guilty or not. The judge came back to her podium and slammed down her gavel twice.
"The jury has decided. Mr. Urie is being held guilty for his actions and will be arrested. Case dismissed." She said, slamming her gavel down.
Tears streamed down my cheeks. Parker walked by where I was sitting and gave me a creeper smile. A shiver ran down my spine as I stared at him with sheer terror in my eyes. This cannot be happening again.

Everyone met outside.
"Dad. What's gonna happen?" I asked.
"Laurel everything will be okay. I promise. In the end, we'll be back with each other. Just be brave and be good so Parker doesn't hurt you. Okay?" He assured.
"Okay. I promise." I replied.
"Dad?" I asked after a minute of silence.
"Yeah kid?" He questioned.
"I love you. And I'll miss you." I said.
"I love you too. I'll miss you a lot." He replied, kissing me on top of my head.

I watched as the police officers handcuffed Brendon. Parker had his hand on my shoulder. Everyone from the band was watching and so was Sarah.
"I still can't believe this happened." Sarah muttered to me with a single tear falling down her cheek.
"I... I know." I stuttered.
I hugged her and the guys.
"See you in two weeks guys." I said.
"Okay. We'll be waiting for you Laur." Dallon said.
Jett texted me.

J: Hey I heard what happened. That really isn't fair. Stay safe Laurel.

L: Hey Jett. I know. Brendon didn't even do anything wrong. I will stay safe.

J: Okay. I love you.

My face dropped. Did he just say that?  I stopped replying. I tucked my phone away and stood there for a minute.
"Ready to go?" Parker asked.
"No..." I mumbled.
"Well you're coming with me anyways. Let's go!" He scolded, grabbing my hair and pulling it.
"Ow!" I exclaimed.
"That's what happens to girls who run away." He said, shoving me into the car.
This was going to be a long two weeks. Tears spilled out of my eyes. I was going to be stuck with Parker for two weeks. I don't even know if I can get through a day with him. I decided that sleeping was the best way to get away from reality right now. I fell asleep and when I woke up, it felt like I had been sleeping for hours. The car suddenly jerked and we were at some random house.
"Parker... do you mind me asking where we are?" I asked. I
"Oh. I forgot to inform you. Did I mention we were going across the country?" He questioned.
"No! Dude you were supposed to stay with me at a hotel near the station so that when Brendon go out, he could drive there and take me home!" I informed.
"Oops." He replied sarcastically.
No one would ever find me now. I have no hope. This can't be happening. I let Parker kidnap me again? This time it would be for good.

I dragged my rucksack inside.
"I'll be in my room." I said.
"You better not try anything. Or you will be punished." Parker warned.
I ran up to the room that Parker claimed was my bedroom. I had to come up with another plan to escape. This was insane. I can't believe this was happening... And to all people, it was happening to me! An alert came from my phone. I turned my ringer down so that Parker wouldn't hear. It was a text from Sarah.

Um Laurel where are you? I went to the hotel so that maybe we could hang out for a bit but they said that no one ever checked in.

Sarah I need help! We're not there. I'm not sure what state we're in but Parker drove halfway across the country to kidnap me. You have to find me. Please!

Oh my God! Okay I'll get the cops right now. They'll track your phone. Don't worry Laurel we'll find you. I promise.

I felt relieved. Bad things could happen but in the end they'd be okay. Like Brendon said. I deleted the text with the chance of Parker seeing it and heard him coming up the stairs. I threw my phone into my bag and was laying on the bed in there, staring at the ceiling. Parker busted into the room.
"Come with me." He demanded, grabbing my wrist and dragging me off of the bed.
"Where are you taking me?" I asked.
"I'm punishing you. For running away last time." He informed.
Oh no. What was he going to do to me?
"Get the hell away from me bitch!" I yelled.
"Watch your language! You're getting extra punishment for talking to me like that." He said.

Pain washed through my body. I was still sore from Parker beating me and this made it hurt even worse. He was whipping me with one of his belts. He hit me right in the same spot where he kicked me that day and I fell to my knees. My vision went black and the pain is all I remember.

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