Chapter 10

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Tonight's our first show and my first time getting to watch a concert backstage! This is so exciting! I was laying in bed, thinking about all the possibilities. Dan's bunk was below mine. Across from me was Dallon and Kenny and then Brendon and Sarah got their own room. Lucky ducks. I pulled the curtain away from my bed and hopped down from the top. I saw Kenny in the kitchen drinking a lot of water trying to talk.
"Kenny, what are you doing?..." I hesitantly asked.
"La...Laur..Laur.. I-I- can't s-sing." Kenny struggled to say.
"Oh no. No no no this isn't good." I whispered to myself.
"Brendon!" I shouted, running into his room.
He rubbed his eyes.
"What is it Laur?" He said groggily.
"Kenny's sick. He can't talk and probably can't sing." I explained.
"Shit..." Brendon mumbled.

Once everyone was up, we paced around the lounge trying to figure out what to do. It was getting closer and closer to performance time and we had no clue what we were going to do. It was completely silent until Brendon let out a gasp.

"What? What?!" I frantically asked.
"Laur..." He said to me with wide eyes.
"What?... spit it out Brendon!" I hollered, shaking his shoulders.
"You can perform for him." He said to me.
"Umm... Brendon I don't think that's a good id-" Dallon began to say but Brendon cut him off.
"Dallon hush!" Brendon scolded.
Brendon tossed me Kenny's guitar.
"You ever play before?" Brendon asked.
"Well I used to take lessons before my parents died and I took them for two years. Not sure if I remember the chords though." I answered.
"Well know is time to see if you remember. Play the first 20 seconds of Vegas Lights.
I began to strum the guitar and to my surprise, I did a pretty good job. Brendon looked ecstatic.
"Okay, now Sins." He said.
So I continued playing and Brendon looked amazed.
"You're in!" He exclaimed, fist pumping me.
Oh my gosh. This is it. I've waited for this. I've never even thought of going on stage. And my dream is coming true. Holy crap. Brendon showed me the set list and I got all of the songs down pat with some help from him. Showtime was getting closer and closer.
"Laur, you need to get ready!" Brendon called to me from his bedroom.
"Alright!" I replied.
I grabbed a white t-shirt and my black leather jacket. Then I put on a pair of black jeans and my Chuck Taylors. I went into the bathroom to do my makeup and fix my hair. I decided to put it up in a messy bun because why not.

Before I knew it, we were at the venue backstage. Kenny was back stage watching and sucking on cough drops. I was practicing a bit and then the lights dimmed. The crowd started screaming and everything happened at once.
"Love you kid. Good luck out there. You'll kill it." Brendon told me.
"Thanks same to you!" I whispered.
Brendon ran out onto the stage and so did Dallon and Dan.
"So tonight things are gonna be a bit different so listen up!" Brendon spoke out.
The crowd quieted down so they could hear.
"Break a leg kid, you'll do great." Kenny said, sounding normal.
"Yeah. You'll do great!" Sarah said.
"Thanks!" I replied.
"Kenny is sick tonight." Brendon announced.
The crowed 'awed' and sounded sad.
"However, my daughter will be performing in his place!" He yelled.
The whole place went nuts. Then it hit me. Kenny just spoke to me and seemed fine.
"Wait Kenny what th-" I began to say but was cut off by Brendon.
"Laurel come on out!" He called as I had to walk onto stage.
"But Ke- I- Kenny!" I tried saying over the crowd.
Kenny just winked at me. This was a set up. He faked being sick all for me just so that I would have this chance. I gave him a small smile as I walked on stage and the whole crowd was screaming. I waved to them and spoke into the microphone.
"Hey guys!" I greeted.
All of them started going crazy. It made me laugh a little.
"Alright so sorry that I'm not Kenny but he should be back soon so don't fret!" I explained.
Everyone screamed.
Brendon motioned for me to get to my spot so that we could start the show. I ran to my spot and got my guitar pick ready. The band started playing and we did pretty good.

The show was over before I could realize it.
"Alright guys! I have an announcement to make before we leave!" Brendon yelled over the crowd.
The people went silent and Brendon called Sarah out onto stage.
"I just told my daughter a few days ago but... Sarah and I are... dating!" He announced.
My mouth dropped open. I had no clue he was going to tell the crowd so soon. Brendon saw my expression and laughed. So did Sarah. The crowd was insane at that point. Everyone was ecstatic. People had their phones out, they were screaming, they were laughing. This was such an amazing feeling.
"Goodnight everyone!" I yelled over the crowd.
With that being said, the curtains closed.

"What a rush!" I commented, getting onto the bus.
"You like it?" Brendon asked.
"Like it? I loved it!" I yelled.
Kenny was still pretending like he was sick. I can't believe he'd do that.
"Can I talk to Kenny alone for a second?" I asked the rest of the crew.
"Yeah sure kid." Brendon said.
Dallon went to his bunk to lay down and Sarah and Brendon went to a different room. Kenny and I went to the lounge.
"Kenny, why would you do that?" I questioned.
"Because. I know what it's like to be your age. I was there once too before. I remember being left out of a lot of things. I wanted you to be able to experience that. You know, get a career going." Kenny explained.
"Yeah but you really didn't have to." I said to him.
"Yeah but you deserve it." He replied.
I yawned.
"Thanks. I'm gonna get going to bed. See you tomorrow." I told him.
"Okay. See you tomorrow." Kenny said.
I climbed into my bunk and Dan was already in his. Kenny laid down on the bottom bunk and Dallon was at the top. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep while thinking about the possibilities that might happen next.

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