Bonus chapter: Brendon and Sarah's wedding/Laurel's 16th Birthday

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I stood on the side of the alter waiting for Sarah to walk out at any second. I smiled at Brendon as I waited patiently with the other bridesmaids. Suddenly, the music changed and I saw Sarah walking towards the aisle with her dad. She looked drop dead gorgeous. A huge smile spread across Brendon's face as Sarah began to shed a few tears. She finally made it to Brendon and stood directly across from him, not breaking eye contact the entire time. Looking at those two made me happy. They said their vows to each other and the pastor announced them husband and wife. Brendon and Sarah passionately kissed each other and everyone began to clap. Hell, I even shed a tear. Sarah was officially my mom. After the wedding, we all exited and went to the reception.

Once we got there, I immediately spotted Linda and Spencer. I walked over to them and gave them hugs. I sat down at a table with Dallon, Breezy, Dan, Maya, Kenny, and Victoria. We all ordered our food before Brendon and Sarah had their first dance together as husband and wife. The minute their song came on, the room grew quiet and everyone's focus was on them. They waltzed around while Brendon sang to Sarah. Well, here come the water works again. Why do I have to be so goddamn emotional? Sarah and Brendon never took their eyes off of each other. At the end of the dance, everyone clapped and the food was brought out. Brendon and Sarah sat at their own little table and people began to go up and give speeches. Pretty soon, it was my turn. I walked up and took the microphone from Zack.
"You got this girl." He whispered to me.
I smiled at him and began talking.
"So for those of you who don't know, hey, I'm Laurel. About a year and a half ago when I was fourteen, I was in foster care. Let me tell you, it was no picnic. Ever since I was nine, I had to deal with shitty foster parents after shitty foster parents after- well you get the point."
Everyone laughed a little which put a smile on my face.
"Yeah, there were a few good foster parents I'll admit," I continued, "for example my last foster mom ever, Carmen, showed me nothing but love even though I was only with her for two and a half days. Little did I know, my second day there I'd get a letter with a plane ticket inside saying that I would be adopted. I imagined what my family would be like. I imagined living happily forever. I mean, at first I thought she was joking with me. Then worry crossed my mind. I thought about how many times I'd been kicked out of places because they thought I wasn't good enough or caused too much trouble. I thought that if I fuck up... whoops sorry... language again. If I mess up, there are no more retries and I blew my chance of being adopted for good. So I went and packed my bags and waited for my ride. Mind you, I was a huge fan of Panic! too and I still am.  I kept seeing Brendon tweet something about a surprise. I was on the plane to LA and I thought that maybe I was the surprise, but then I told myself I was just daydreaming and I'd never get adopted by my favorite singer. I was thinking maybe I'd have siblings, maybe not. Maybe I'd have a pet or two, maybe not. Then I was informed that I just had a dad and his two dogs. So I went with it because I was just happy that I was being adopted permanently hopefully. The minute my chauffeur dropped me off, I took a deep breath, grabbed my bags, and thought about my new life. The door was unlocked so I walked in and heard someone singing softly. I laughed and the singing stopped. Brendon turned the corner to come into the room, and I was immediately in shock. We bonded instantly and we've never been apart since then. Unless you include my kidnappings but I'll save those stories for another time. We went through a lot and then Sarah came into the picture. She was one of the nicest people I'd ever met and I hoped that one day she'd be my mom even though they both denied that they had feelings for each other." I said, shooting them a glare.
Everyone started laughing again and then I continued.
"So then when we were on tour, Brendon said he was planning on proposing to Sarah and my heart soared. Obviously she said yes. So then when we came home a party came along and a while after that, Sarah confessed that she was pregnant. I was so overwhelmed with excitement. 8 months later my sister, Larissa Noel Urie, was born. We've been one big happy family ever since then and I'd like to thank them for giving me endless opportunities. Brendon and Sarah, congratulations, I love you." I finished.
Everyone started clapping and Brendon and Sarah had huge smiles on their faces. I sat down in my spot and the food came out shortly after. After eating, Brendon and Sarah cut their cake and everyone cheered. Brendon danced with his mom, Sarah danced with her dad, and I joined them on the dance floor once their sentimental dances were over. We danced until eleven o'clock that night until we finally went home. When we got there, we paid the babysitter that was hired for Larissa. She was asleep in her cradle and the babysitter went home. We all crashed on the couch and that was the end of one of the best nights of my life.

1 week later

I woke up to a knock on my door. I hazily looked around a sat up. I rubbed my eyes and there was another knock.
"Come in." I said.
Brendon, Sarah, and Larissa entered my room. Brendon held a cake while Sarah held Larissa. They started singing happy birthday to me and I smiled. I almost forgot that it was my birthday today! I was about to blow out my candles when Brendon stopped me.
"Aren't you gonna make a wish?" Brendon asked.
"What would I be wishing for? Everything I could dream of is right here." I answered.
Brendon and Sarah smiled and both gave me kisses on my forehead.
"Happy birthday sweetheart!" Sarah said.
"Thank you!" I replied.
"Now, get dressed and ready. We have a big day planned for you ahead." Brendon announced.
I hopped out of bed and got dressed once they exited my room. I exited my bedroom and went to go brush my teeth, wash my face, do makeup, and then do my hair.

Once I finished getting ready and all, I went downstairs to see a plate of pancakes with rainbow sprinkles on top. I happily enjoyed my breakfast with my family and then Brendon told me to get into the car. We must've driven at least an hour away.
"Where are you guys taking me?" I questioned,
"Sorry, can't say. You'll find out when we get there." Brendon answered.
I sat back in my seat and played with Larissa. Before I knew it, we were at the biggest mall in California.
"I love it!" I exclaimed.
Brendon took Larissa out of her car seat and we all walked into the mall together.
"Okay go pick out whatever." Brendon said.
"Wait actually?" I asked.
"Yes! Lead us to the stores. We'll pay." Brendon replied.
"No, you really don't have t-" I began saying before being cut off.
"Laurel don't be ridiculous. It's your birthday!" Sarah said.
I smiled and led them to Forever 21 first. I got 2 pairs of ripped jeans, a skater skirt, a pair of short overalls, 2 long sleeve shirts, and a t-shirt. Next, we went to Hot Topic where I got a new pair of converse, two pairs of shorts, and a set of earrings. Once we left Hot Topic, Sarah took me into a dress store while Brendon made a few calls. I got a beautiful mint green dress with ruffles that went to my knees. I also got a pair of silver pumps to go with it. Once we checked out, all of us headed back to the car.
"Okay Laurel, put the dress and heels on." Sarah said.
"Okay but did you forget that there's a guy in the car?" I asked.
"Babe, he's your dad and he's not a pervert. He's going to be driving anyways." Sarah explained.
I shrugged and took my clothes off. I changed into my dress and took my converse off to put my heels on. After a while, we arrived at a venue. When we walked in, we turned the corner to go into a closed off room.
"Happy 16th birthday Laurel!" everyone shouted.
There were decorations snd banners set up everywhere. I looked around and saw Halsey, Dallon, Kenny, Dan, Zack, Pete, Joe, Patrick, Andy, Ariana, Melanie, Andy Biersack, Jake, Jinxx, Ashley Purdy, CC, Vincent, Poppy, Cassidy, and last of all Carmen. My hands went to my mouth and I ran over to them all.
"You organized this all for me?" I asked, turning to Brendon and Sarah.
"Of course!" Brendon said.
I gave everyone a hug and we partied for a while. We ate lunch, then cake. After that, it was time to open presents. I sat down on a chair in front of the present table and started opening them. I ended up getting a Crybaby vinyl from Mel, a pair of Mimu gloves from Ariana (A/N if you don't know, Mimu gloves are these things where you somehow sync them to a microphone and when you do certain motions with your hands, it changes the pitch and makes cool beats and stuff when you sing into a microphone. Okay continuing), a necklace with my first name on it from Vincent, la demo of Hopeless Fountain Kingdom from Halsey, two new outfits from the Black Veil Brides guys, a hoodie made specially for me that had Urie with a number on the back and Panic! crew on the front from all of the Panic! guys, a picture of me with all of the Fall Out Boy guys framed from the first time I met them, a cute jean jacket from Cassidy, a scrapbook with pictures of us from Poppy, and finally a gorgeous diamond bracelet from Carmen with a matching set of earrings. I thanked everyone and went over to catch up with Carmen. We laughed and talked about things and I told her everything that happened to me after being adopted. I also hung out with everyone else for a while before it was time to go home. I said my goodbyes and went home with Brendon, Sarah, and Larissa. When we got home, I changed into a pair of pajamas and fell asleep on the couch with my family watching movies.

What a happy birthday this was indeed.

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