Chapter 25

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My alarm clock rang loudly through my room. I reached over onto my night stand to turn it off and went downstairs. Brendon and Sarah were sitting on the couch together drinking coffee.
"Morning sunshine." Brendon greeted.
"Morning." I replied walking into the kitchen.
I got the toaster out and put two waffles in it. It was only about a minute before they popped up. I put syrup on them and sat by Brendon and Sarah to eat.
"So you're having that meeting with the guys today right?" Sarah asked.
"Yep." I said while shoving a big bite of a waffle into my mouth.
"Okay. I'm taking you because Brendon has a meeting with Dallon, Kenny, and Dan." She replied.
"Meeting about what?" I questioned.
"Just about interviews and concerts and stuff." Brendon chimed in.
"Oh okay." I said shoving another bite into my mouth.

I finished my breakfast and went upstairs to get ready. I did the usual routine and decided to put my hair in a braid today. I grabbed my stuff and went back downstairs. I said goodbye to Sarah, walked out the door, and got into the car with Brendon. We arrived at the school soon enough.
"Later Brendon. Love you!" I called out to him.
"See ya kid! Love you too!" He called back.
I waved as Brendon drove off and went to the cafeteria since everyone is in there before the bell rings. I weaved in and out of tables until I found the one Poppy was sitting at.
"Hey Laur!" She said when I sat down.
"Hey Pops wha-" I started to say before being interrupted.
"I heard your new song with Black Veil Brides last night!" She exclaimed.
A few people looked at us from the table and other tables.
"Poppy shhh... it was leaked, you have to keep your mouth shut." I whispered.
"Oh sorry..." She whispered back.
The bell rang and all of us headed to our lockers. Poppy's was right next to mine so we got to talk before class.
"So how'd it get leaked?" She asked.
"We have no clue but I'm having a meeting with the guys after school." I answered.
"Wow you said that so casually." She said while giggling.
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I mean that you collaborated with Black Veil Brides and you're basically friends with them and you're having a meeting with them. I have no clue how you don't fangirl twenty-four seven." Poppy explained.
"Well I mean I'm used to it that's all. I obviously fangirled when I first met them but now that I'm friends with them there's no reason to fangirl really." I responded.
"Yeah but even if I were friends with them I'd still fangirl." She said while laughing.
I laughed too. Poppy and I walked to class and sat down at our desks.

"Good morning class. I hope you all enjoyed your first day but we're going to get started today." Mrs. Guller, our english teacher, said.
I felt so awkward being in class. Kids stared at me the whole time because I'm in Panic! At the Disco and that's a pretty well known band at this school. That took attention off of Cassidy Erwin who's the most popular- well was the most popular girl in school. She hates me now because I'm more popular than her so I have that going for me. I didn't even try to be popular thought, it just happened.
"Alright class so tonight for homework, you have an assignment. I need you to write a three paragraph essay on what you did this summer." Mrs. Guller announced.
Well that's gonna be easy for me I guess. The bell rang and everyone stormed out of the classroom to get to their next class. I walked down the hallway to study hall with Poppy. When we got there, we sat down at a table together.
"So Laur what are you writing yours about?" Poppy asked.
"Well I mean all I did this summer was go on tour so I guess that." I said chuckling.
"Oh yeah! That'll be awesome. This summer I actually got to go to one of your concerts when you played here in California. I never told you but it was amazing. And I also went on vacation to florida." Poppy explained.
"You came to one of the shows?!" I exclaimed.
"Girls keep it down over there." Mr. Edwicks demanded.
"Okay sorry sir." I said.
"Anyways, yeah. I came to one of your shows. Best concert ever." Poppy said.
"Wow little did I know that my best friend was in the same building as me and I didn't even know her name or who she was." I replied.
"Whoa... little did I know that a member of my favorite band would become my best friend." She remarked.
We smiled at each other and began writing our essays. Today was a good day so far. Usually I hate school but today was pretty alright. I kept writing until I saw a shadow over me. Oh shit. It was the one and only Cassidy Erwin.
"Hi Cass." I greeted.
"Ugh don't call me that." She scoffed.
"Would obnoxious snob be alright with you?" Poppy chimed in.
I had to laugh at that one.
"Oh shut up!" Cassidy growled.
"No need to get feisty." I said.
"Look.. I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to take over this school and steal my spotlight. Well guess what? It isn't going to work. You're just a rude, little brat who works for daddy in his stupid band." She spat.
"Laurel is a way better person than you'll ever be. And she's popular not only because of the awesome band that she's in with her amazing and talented father and his friends but also because she's kind and isn't a snobby bitch like you." Poppy shot back.
Cassidy looked furious.
"Just watch your back, Laurel. I'm going to take my crown back. And then no one will remember you or who your band is. I will get my revenge." Cassidy threatened.
"Alright. Have a nice day!" I sarcastically said with a smile.
Cassidy huffed and bolted out of the room.
"Damn... aren't you worried?" Poppy asked.
"Not really. I'm always nice to everyone so it isn't like she can blackmail me in any way. She's just trying to scare me that's all." I said.
"I wish I was that brave." She mumbled.
I smiled.
"Thanks for sticking up for me. I appreciate it." I sincerely said.
"Anytime." She replied with a smile.
Poppy and I began writing our essays and waited until the next bell rang. I'm proud to be best friends with someone like her.

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