Chapter 17

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I kept playing and I looked at Brendon. Brendon kept singing but he looked back at me and I saw the worry in his face. We finished up the song and he said that we'd be right back on stage. The minute we got backstage I broke down. Everyone was surrounding me looking worried.
"Laur what'd you see?" Brendon asked.
"I saw Parker." I said through sobs.
"Oh God." Brendon remarked.
Sarah ran over to get security.
They looked at her concerned face and immediately asked what's wrong.
"Look there's a guy. Tall, brown hair, blue eyes. Do not let him anywhere near us." She explained.
"Okay miss." One of them replied.
I continued crying onto Brendon's chest.
"Brendon that bastard's going take me away again! Please don't let him near me. Protect me! I don't wanna lose you again!" I cried, still sobbing.
"Shh.. Shh it's okay. Sarah made sure that he won't get you. You're alright Laur. You're gonna be safe I promise." He whispered to me.
"Yeah. It's okay you'll be good." Kenny said.
"Mhm. We'll keep you safe. That loser won't get past our guards. Have you seen them?" Dallon assured me, laughing.
I sniffled and laughed a little.
"Yeah. Go back out there and steal the show away." Sarah encouraged.
The tears stopped and I smiled.
"Alright." I said softly.

We ran back out on stage and I waved to Kenny and Sarah as I ran on.
"Sorry about that guys! Something happened with Laur's guitar!" He exclaimed looking over at me and smiling.
I smiled back. He always covers for me. We played the rest of the show and had an amazing time.
"Thank you NYC!" Brendon shouted as the lights dimmed.
As we ran off, I looked into the audience and Parker wasn't there. I knew what he was plotting.
"Brendon, Parker wasn't in the crowd when we went off." I informed him.
"Hey. You'll be fine. Here. I'll give you a piggyback ride and the rest will protect you. If he tries to steal you, I'm going with you." Brendon said.
I laughed.
"Okay." I replied.
I hopped on Brendon's back while the others surrounded. We were walking out towards the bus when I caught a glimpse of Parker walking towards us.
"He's coming." I whispered to Brendon.
"It's fine, I've got you." He whispered back.
I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. I may be 15 but I'm actually pretty small for my age. I looked over to where Parker was but he was sprinting this time. Shit. Our group started running to to the bus too. We got there finally but he was still following us. We tried shutting the door but we were too late. Parker was there.
"I'm ready for a part two, Urie." Parker said eyeballing Brendon.
"Parker, I thought you lost your memory." I said in confusion.
"Silly Laurel. I regained my memory quickly. About a day or two after the incident." He explained.
Well shit we're screwed.
"Okay listen motherfucker! One, don't call me silly. Two, if you wanna fight my dad, you have to get through me first!" I hollered.
"That shouldn't be a problem." Parker sneered.
He tried punching me but I ducked. Unfortunately, he came back around as I was getting up and decked me in the face. I felt blood coming from my nose and it felt like he shattered my cheek bone. I fell to the floor when Parker kicked me in my stomach and I felt my ribs cave in. All I remember is the pain before black seeped into my vision.
"Laurel!" I heard Brendon yell.
And that's all I remember before I went unconscious.

Beep. Beep. Beep.
I woke up hearing the sounds of a heart monitor. There was a wire attached to my arm. I looked around groggily and sat myself up. I reached up to my cheek and when I touched it, all I felt was pure pain. It made me cringe. I scanned the room for people but all I saw was a hospital bed next to me. Someone was in it but I couldn't see who through the shear material of the curtain. I looked over to the window and it was pitch black. Everyone must've gone home. I mustered up the courage to get out of bed. I hobbled over to the curtain. I pulled it back and it revealed Brendon. I put my hand over my mouth and gasped, quickly regretting it because it made my chest burn up with pain. He was sleeping but he looked awful. He had bruises all up his arms, a breathing mask over his mouth, and cuts on his face and neck. I wonder if Parker brought weapons this time. I went back over to my bed and tried laying back down quietly. The bed let out a squeak and I saw Brendon's eyes flutter open. He looked over at me hazily. I went back over and sat on the edge of his bed. He took his mask off and played with my hair.
"Laurel." He uttered out, examining my wounds.
I looked at him.
"Dad. It's okay. I'm alright." I said forcing myself to smile.
Brendon smiled back and began taking deep breaths.
"Oh no... Brendon!" I yelled.
His breaths became long and deep.
I hobbled out into the hallway.
"Nurse! Nurse!" I called out.
A nurse came running down the hallway.
"Is it your dad?" She asked frantically.
"Yes! Yes please help him!" I pleaded.
"Laurel it's okay. He isn't going to die. He just overreacted. When he's in the condition he's in, it causes his heart to beat at a rapid pace and he can't handle it. He'll be alright." She explained.
"Thank you." I said.
"You're welcome. Now why don't you go back to bed. You'll be less sore in the morning." She replied.
"Okay." I answered, crawling back into bed.
I turned over to my side and a tear streamed down my cheek. This could have been so much worse but I'm glad it wasn't. Maybe the nurse was right. I would be less sore in the morning. I closed my eyes and dozed off to the nurse calming Brendon down with whispers.

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