Chapter 8

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They pulled away and I quickly closed the door and ran to the living room where I plopped down on the couch. I grabbed a magazine and acted like I was reading it. I heard Brendon fiddling with the doorknob and then he walked into the house.
"Hey kid! How was the concert and you're meet and greet?" He asked.
"It was amazing! I had a lot of fun." I replied.
"That's good. You hungry?" He questioned.
"Yeah actually. I didn't eat anything there." I said.
"Alright well it's ten o'clock but since you're my daughter and I'm a good dad, I'm gonna make you pancakes." He stated.
I laughed.
"Okay!" I beamed.

It's been 2 hours and Brendon still hasn't told me about him and Sarah. I mean it's obvious that they're dating and he knows that I like her. So why wouldn't he just say something? Maybe he wants to keep it a secret for now but it makes me mad that he isn't being honest with me. It was really getting on my nerves. I couldn't hold it anymore. Without thinking I suddenly blurted out the words on my mind.
"Brendon how could you?" I asked.
"What? How could I what?" He asked, looking at me confused.
"Make out with Sarah!" I cried.
His eyes widened.
"Laur, listen. I swear I was going to tell you bu-" he began to say before I interrupted him.
"Save it. I thought you would've been honest and confessed to me that you were dating her but I guess I was wrong." I complained.
"Laurel, listen to me." He said seriously.
I glared at him and he began to talk.
"Look, we have been dating for about a week now but shouldn't you be happy? Don't you like her?" He questioned.
"Yes I like her and yes I'm happy but you at least could've told me instead of keeping it a huge secret!" I yelled.
"Well maybe I wanted it to wait! Maybe I didn't want you to find out because that is my business not yours!" He fired back.
I stood up and ran to my room. I grabbed my phone off of my night stand and began texting Sarah.


Hey... You seem upset. What's wrong?

Sarah idk if I should tell you...

Come on Laur you can tell me anything.

Okay fine... I saw you and Brendon kissing you tonight. So now I know you two are dating obviously but we got in a fight and it upset me.

1. Sorry that you saw that... He was going to tell you. Well we both were going to tell you 2. Ouch. That's terrible. I'm sorry.

It's fine. I'll get over it.

So are you mad at me?...

No. I'm kind of happy it happened but I'm just mad that he kept it a secret from me.

I see. Well I have to go. I'll talk to you later Laur. Bye.


Not long after that, Brendon came in and sat down on the end of my bed.
"Look kid... I'm really sorry for raising my voice earlier. That was not cool. And I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about Sarah and I. I was going to but I was going to wait until tomorrow with Sarah, I swear. And it was one hundred percent an accident. I'm sorry." He explained.
"It's fine." I said.
He smiled at me.
"I invited the boys over tonight for a movie night. You wanna come hang with us?" He offered.
"I'd love to." I accepted with a smile.

=== LATER ===

"That bitch better not open the door." I warned.
I looked over at Dallon who was holding his knees close to him with his face buried in them. Pff, scaredy cat.
"Yeah. She's gonna die." Brendon agreed.
"Come on guys don't think that wa- ayyy!" Kenny yelled as the serial killer came out of the door.
"Aaaand she's dead." Brendon announced.
"I told that bitch not to open the door but did she listen? No." I complained.
The credits rolled in so Brendon shut the movie off.
"Dallon, you can quit being a baby and open your eyes now. The movie's over." I said to him.
Dallon unfolded and stretched himself out.
"Wow that was a great movie." He said.
"Uh you're one to talk. You weren't even watching." I replied.
"Well you're just- You can't- But I..." Dallon struggled to come up with a come back. He then huffed.
"You know what Laurel?" He yelled as he stood up and walked to the kitchen where Brendon was.
I laughed.
"Well I'm gonna get going. See ya kid." Kenny said to me as he walked out of the door.

"Dallon Weekes you better run!" I heard Brendon shout a few minutes later.
Uh oh.
Dallon came speeding out of the kitchen and ran behind me for protection. A few seconds after, Brendon came out of the kitchen too. He was covered in whipped cream. This was the most entertaining thing ever.
Brendon ran towards me and Dallon so he used me as a human shield. I was being dragged across the room in front of him like a body guard.

I broke free from his grip and ran into the kitchen.
"Laur what the hell?!" Dallon asked.
"Sorry Dal!" I yelled happily.
I grabbed two cans of whipped cream out of the refrigerator and put one in each hand. I ran out of the kitchen quickly.
"It's on boys!" I yelled.
I ran around the room chasing them and spraying them everywhere with whipped cream.
"Laurel Urie!" Brendon yelled.
I sprayed him in the face and kept running. Brendon grabbed a can out of my hand and started spraying me. We were all covered in whipped cream by the time our fight was over.
We all made a truce and were standing there laughing. We heard the door knob turn and Kenny walks in.
"Hey guys I forgot my house ke-" He began to say but paused.
"I don't even wanna know." He said.
I walked over to him hiding a can of whipped cream behind my back.
"Kenny look out!" I yelled pointing behind him.
"What?!" He hollered turning around.
At that moment, I sprayed him with whipped cream too.

"Why did I even fall for that..." He said.
I laughed as I took a bit off of his jacket with my finger and dabbed his nose with it. I laughed and turned to the boys who were also laughing. Tonight is a night that I'd certainly never forget.

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