Chapter 19

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I woke up in my bedroom in the house that we were at. I hope they find me soon. This was really starting to suck. I don't know how long I was out for but I guess I'd just ask. I went down the stairs to see Parker in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Good morning." He said.
"Morning." I muttered back.
I sat down at the table and he placed a bowl of cheerios on the table in front of me.
"Why'd you give me cheerios when you're clearly making pancakes?" I asked.
"Because you don't deserve pancakes for running away." He answered.
I let out an exasperated sigh and rolled my eyes.
"Well how long was I out for?" I asked poking at my cereal with a spoon.
"Two days." He responded.
Two days? Damn, they still haven't found me. I'm starting to become hopeless.
"Ugh." I replied, shoving a spoonful of cheerios into my mouth.

Parker just sat down as I finished my breakfast. I put the bowl in the sink and went up to my room.
"Where you going?" Parker yelled.
"As far away from you as possible!" I hollered back, slamming my bedroom door.
God, he could be annoying. He was always on my back and asking me 'where you going?' 'whatcha doing?' I hated it! Brendon was my father and he wasn't even always on my back. I decided to shower. I was lost deep in thought. Were they ever going to find me? Questions buzzed in my head until I noticed there was a window with no bars! Score! I got into the shower and thought about how I'd escape through the window. Maybe I could sneak out at night while Parker is sleeping. Perfect! I smiled to myself. Thank God I'm getting out of here. I dried off and put new clothes on. I went into my bedroom and locked the door. I grabbed my phone from my bag and texted Jett.

L: Hey sorry I didn't respond the other day. I'm kidnapped... AGAIN if you haven't heard.

J: wait what?! They're trying to find you right? Please stay safe oh my god

L: Ha! Safe? I already got knocked out for two days with this guy. I just woke up today. I'm escaping soon though. Hopefully tonight.

J: Excuse me? I will beat his ass if I ever get a hold of him. He deserves it. But please be careful trying to escape.

L: Okay. I miss you too Jett. See you soon.

I tucked my phone back into my bag and flopped on my bed. I kept thinking about the conversation I had with Jett. Which lead me to when he said he loves me. And that kiss. I felt sparks when I kissed him. I tried shaking the thoughts out of my head of him but I couldn't. His sparkling blue eyes, his smooth skin, his hair. Everything about him was perfect. No, I wasn't falling for Jett. I just can't help myself anymore. I think... I think I like him. I smile to myself. Wait until I tell him that. Maybe we'll start a relationship. I saw something light up in my bag and of course, it was my phone.

S: Hey Laurel. Are you okay? Don't worry hun, we located the state you're in. Just not the address. We'll be coming for you soon. Love you.

L: Sarah! Oh my god. I was taking a shower and I realized that there was an open window. I was going to escape tonight but I'll wait for you guys. Want me to sneak out and text you the address?

S: That would be great! Stay safe and don't get caught though. I've been visiting Brendon and he looks terrible. He can't sleep knowing that his daughter has been kidnapped again. He'll be excited to know that we've found you.

L: That's terrible. I hope he gets some sleep soon. By the way... What state am I in?

S: Seattle, Washington. We were in New York City when you were kidnapped.

L: Wow that is far. Okay love you. See you soon.

S: See you soon. Love you too.

This made me feel even more excited. They've located where I am and they're on their way! I was going to be found and hopefully this time, Parker would be put into jail for life. Once I tell them the truth about him, he'll be locked up instantly. My phone was only on 15% and I couldn't charge it because it would risk Parker finding it. And then there would be no hope of me escaping. I tucked my phone away into my bag and lived out the day until night fall came. I stayed downstairs with Parker so I'd know if he was in bed or not. It made me sick being in his presence. Around midnight is when Parker finally called it a night. I went into my bedroom and laid awake in bed, waiting about an hour. I never shut my door so that the creaking wouldn't wake him if I had to open it. I crept out into the night and into the bathroom. I slowly shut the door and locked it. I went over to the window and unlocked it. I opened it up and peered down towards the ground. That was a long way down. I gulped and made my way down, slowly gripping onto the small grooves in between the bricks. My feet finally hit the ground and I took a picture of the address. I sent it to Sarah just in case Parker happened to find me. I tucked my phone away in the hoodie that I put on. I slowly made my way back up to the bathroom window and hopped through. I shut the window and locked it again.

"And what do you think you're doing?" a voice questioned.
I stopped dead in my tracks knowing that it was Parker. Oh God I was for sure going to be punished for this.
"I uh... I umm.." I stuttered.
"That's what I thought." Parker said.
He grabbed my hood and dragged me to my bedroom.
"For not being a good girl, you will not be let out of here for a week. You can have food and drinks but I will bring them up to you." Parker stated.
Aw man.
"Fine. If it means that I don't have to see your ugly ass face, then I don't care!" I argued back, slamming the door on Parker.
I flopped down on my bed. I thought of the consequences that would come and what would happen to me. Would I even be alive when they found me? No, I can't think like that. I'll get through it.

I just hope that the police are on their way because I'm not sure how much longer I can stand this hell hole.

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