Chapter 28

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~One month later~

Boxes were piled up everywhere around the house. All of them contained our personal belongings. We're moving in a day or two so we decided to pack up now and not wait until last minute. It's crazy that we're leaving. I walked around, admiring the house and it's features. I looked at the door and thought of how excited I was when I first met Brendon. I then walked up the stairs to my bedroom. Man, I was so ecstatic when I first came here. I walked over to the living room where I recalled many movie nights with the guys and where Sarah had been crying because her jerk of an ex-boyfriend broke up with her. So many memories were made here. And honestly, I don't think I'm ready to leave them all behind.

More and more memories came to my head and a tear escaped my eye. I quickly wiped it away so that no one would see. Brendon and Sarah were in the kitchen making breakfast while Larissa was still asleep upstairs. Bogart ran up to me and started pawing at my legs and Penny soon followed. Having these two around the house really cheered me up. I sat down and called the dogs onto the couch with me. I started petting them since they obviously wanted attention and played with them until breakfast was ready. Sarah, Brendon, and I all sat down at the table to eat. We all talked for a little bit until we heard the sound of Larissa crying upstairs.
"I'll go get her. Be right back guys." Sarah said.
"Alright, babe." Brendon replied.
Sarah walked up the stairs and turned the knob to Larissa's bedroom door, closing it behind her. Brendon and I continued to eat when all of a sudden, he broke the silence.
"So Laur, I've been meaning to ask you something." Brendon said.
"Okay, shoot." I replied.
"What do you really think about moving?"
I stopped eating when he asked. I mean, I wanted to but I'd miss it. The more and more I thought about it, I realized I wasn't ready. I didn't want to move yet.
"I'm excited! I can't wait to see the new house." I lied.
"Really?" he asked, his face lighting up with happiness.
"Yes, really." I said, putting a fake smile on my face.
"Great! Because it seemed like when we first told you, you weren't really sure what to th-" he began saying before I interrupted him.
"That was weeks ago! I'm good now!" I lied again.
"Well, that's great!" Brendon exclaimed.
I can't believe I'd just lied to him like that. I never lied to Brendon. I always felt like I could be one-hundred percent honest with him at all times but I guess I was wrong. Sarah closed the door softly behind her and walked down the stairs.
"She finally fell asleep." Sarah remarked, sounding exhausted.
Brendon and I laughed. I continued to eat and tried to shake the sadness away. I still had a few days left here. I should make the most of them.

Later that afternoon, I put my bikini on and walked downstairs.
"Kid where are ya going?" Brendon asked.
"The pool. You and mom should come out!" I said happily.
Brendon rolled his eyes then smiled. He looked at Sarah and she shrugged.
"Alright. Why not? We'll be out in a second." Sarah confirmed.
"Okay cool!" I replied.
I opened the sliding glass door and made sure to shut it behind me. I set my towel down on a chair and laid there until Brendon and Sarah came out. I smiled at them and hopped up out of my seat as they were laying down. Brendon began to Periscope also.
"Laur what are you doing?" He asked.
"You'll see!" I answered.
Brendon and Sarah were smiling but looked confused. I smiled too and glanced up at the roof real quick. I made my way over to the ladder leading up to it.
"Yeah! Go Laur!" Brendon shouted.
"Honey be careful!" Sarah called out.
Brendon nudged her.
"Relax. She'll be fine." He assured.
"Well she's never done it before I don't want anything to happen to her." Sarah replied.
"Just chill." Brendon said back, giving her a peck on the lips.
They smiled at each other and Brendon turned his camera around to look at me.
"So Laurel's about to do a flip off of the roof like her dad usually does. She's never done it before... so we'll see how that goes!" Brendon said to the people watching.
I gave a thumbs up and mentally prepared myself for what I was about to do. I shook the nerves off and took a deep breath. I ran forward and at the last second, turned around to launch myself into the air. I moved my energy backwards, landing in the pool with a big splash. I shot up from the bottom of the pool and shook my head around.
"Woo! I did it!" I shouted.
Sarah laughed and Brendon was applauding me.
"You saw it here first guys. Laurel can do a backflip! I guess she gets it from me." He said.
We sat outside for a while talking and laughing on Periscope with fans and then went inside. I went upstairs to change and came back down. Brendon, Sarah, and I were all having a Netflix marathon so Sarah brought Larissa downstairs to feed her and hold her.

"Guys it's getting late we should probably get some sleep." Sarah said during a yawn.
I looked at the time on my phone. Two o'clock? Already? Wow we had an unproductive day. All of us went up to bed. For some reason I couldn't go to sleep. Thoughts raced around my head about moving and I couldn't get them to go away. I looked at the time. 2:45. I sighed and decided to walk downstairs to watch TV. To my surprise, Brendon was already there. Sitting on the sofa. He patted a spot next to him so I sat down. We looked up at the ceiling and began talking.

"Can't sleep?" He asked.
"Nope. You?" I questioned.
"No. So why can't you sleep?" He asked again.
I sighed and decided to be honest with him.
"I may not have been completely honest with you. I'm not ready to move yet. I keep thinking of all the memories that we've made here and I'm really gonna miss it." I explained.
"Laur... why didn't you just tell me?" He asked.
"Because. You and Sarah seemed so happy. I didn't want to ruin that." I answered.
Brendon shook his head.
"I haven't been honest with you either. I'll admit, I'm not ready." He confessed.
I smiled sadly. Knowing I wasn't the only one made me feel good.
"I have a lot of memories here too. Even before I adopted you." He said.
"I can only imagine." I responded.
"Remember the time that me, you, and the guys all got into that whipped cream fight?" Brendon asked.
I laughed.
Brendon also gave a sad laugh.
"I just keep telling myself that we're going to make plenty of new memories in the new house too. Larissa's going to be growing up there." He said.
I smiled at the thought. I looked down from the ceiling and looked at Brendon. He looked at me too and opened up his arms. I scooted over and cuddled with him. His hugs were the best.
"Do you want me to sing you to sleep?" He asked.
I nodded into his chest and he laughed a little bit.
"Alright." He replied.
I heard him begin singing Northern Downpour. I smiled and shut my eyes, taking in his lullaby that he sang to me. A tear rolled down my cheek as I began to think of everything. Brendon stroked my hair and sang to me softly. I began to doze off but I could've sworn I also felt a tear drop on my arm from Brendon.

At that moment, I realized I wasn't alone and I don't think I'd ever be as long as he was my dad.

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