Chapter 13

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Laurel's POV

I grabbed a rucksack and tucked my phone and it's charger, my laptop, a few outfits, a pair of my shoes (other than the ones I was wearing) and some hair accessories, makeup, and hair products. I could always buy some new outfits later plus I believe I left a few on the bus. Tonight was the night I was escaping. I ran downstairs with my bag on my back.
"Ready!" I yelled to Parker.
"Okay... hey what's that bag for?" Parker asked suspiciously.
"Oh. Well. I have asthma and this has my inhaler and an Epi-Pen for my allergies. Along with some girl stuff if you know what I mean..." I explained looking at him.
"Oh okay. Just wondering." He said.
We got into the car and drove off to the movie theater. We got our tickets and went into the theater that our movie was showing in. I have everything planned out now. About 20 minutes into the movie, I started my plan.
"Hey. Parker. I'm gonna go use the restroom. I'll be right back." I whispered.
"Okay." He replied as his eyes were glued to the screen.
He wasn't paying any attention so I grabbed my bag and hurried into the lobby. I grabbed my phone and texted Brendon. Luckily, he responded.

Brendon I need you to come pick me up. Please hurry before Parker realizes that I'm not actually using the restroom. I'm heading outside and I'm at the movie theater called CinemaX. I love you so much💓

Brendon's POV

I was wondering how I should get Laurel back when I suddenly got a text. I was thinking it was a friend or someone but it was Laurel! Yes! I read her text and it made me smile. I responded.

Hey kid! I know exactly where it is. It's about 15 minutes away but I'll hurry before we have to go on tonight. I'll text you when I'm here. Love you too. Don't freak out and hold tight. I'll be there soon I promise.

I told the bus driver to hurry and go to CinemaX. He drove as quickly as he could and then we arrived. Laurel was right in there.

Laurel's POV

I ran outside after about 15 minutes and saw the bus. I sprinted as fast as I could out the doors and began knocking on the bus door. It opened and Brendon stood right there.
"Laur!" He greeted with a hug.
"I'm so happy you're safe. I love you." He said to me.
"I love you too dad." I responded.
We had a moment until the theater doors burst open. It was Parker. Oh shit. We stopped and tried slamming the door but Parker put his hand on it and opened it.
"Laurel is my sister!" He shouted.
I grabbed onto Brendon and Dallon jumped in front of me. Sarah, Dan, and Kenny were ready to attack too.
"Well you're not my brother!" I yelled back.
The crew defended me as Brendon stepped forward in front of them and confronted Parker.
"You listen here. Laurel is my daughter. I'm not letting you take her again. We can do this the easy way or the hard way." He said shrugging.
"Well I'm not leaving here until I have Laurel back." Parker said.
"Really? That's funny because-" Brendon stopped talking and punched Parker in the face.
Parker stumbled and glared at Brendon.
"I thought I told you to stay away from my daughter." He finished.
It made me smile.
"Well Brendon... Hasn't anyone told you not to mess with me and my family?" He asked.
Brendon stared.
"No?... Well I think it's time you learn." Parker said, punching him in the stomach.
"Brendon!" I yelled.
"It's alright kid. I got this." He said clutching his stomach.
Oh God. No, this is terrible.
"Toss me my skateboard Laur!" He yelled.
I quickly responded and threw him his skateboard. Brendon grabbed it with two hands and smashed it into Parker's head. Parker fell to the ground and had a bleeding wound on his head.
"He's out cold go!" Brendon yelled to me.
He hopped onto the bus and slammed the door, locking it.
I high-fived Brendon.
"I love you." I said joyously.
I ran over to him and hugged him. I looked up and he was smiling. He hugged me back. Sarah and the guys joined in too.
"It's good to have you back Laur." Kenny said.
"Yeah. It felt pretty lonely for the few hours that you weren't with us." Dallon said.
"Laurel I don't know what I would've done if you were farther away. We may not have even found you." Brendon admitted.
"Yeah for real. I'd be the only girl here... With all of these guys!" Sarah jokingly said as she laughed, wiping tears off of her face.
The bus started moving to the performance destination.

In a matter of time, the show was over and we were heading back to the bus. It was really late. Later than I though. Probably because they did a two song encore. Everyone was tired out from what happened earlier today. How could I be related to Parker? He's a complete psycho! Anyways, I wasn't tired. Everyone went to bed except for Brendon and I. We sat in the lounge and Brendon had a note pad with him.
"Laur. I was thinking of writing a new song and I need inspiration. Anything?" He asked.
"How about what happened today. The fight." I suggested.
"Yeah..." He whispered beginning to jot things down.
"How do you like this for the chorus?" He asked after about ten minutes.
"If you wanna start a fight, you better throw the first punch. Make it a good one. And if you wanna make it through the night, you better say my name like the good, the bad, and the dirty." He read.
"Brendon I love it!" I exclaimed.
He grabbed his acoustic guitar since he doesn't have a piano on the bus and began singing and writing lyrics as they came to him. This was so exciting. I was helping write a song for a band!
After hours of messing around and tweaking lyrics, we finally finished the song.
"So Laur. Since you and I are the only ones that know the chords and lyrics to the song, you wanna play a duet with me in tomorrow night's show? We can introduce it mid show and give the guys a break." He explained.
"Hell yeah!" I exclaimed happily.
Brendon smiled back.
"Then it's settled. At tomorrow night's show, we're playing..." He began to say, but trailed off because we never named the song.
I looked over at the piece of paper that had the chorus on it.
"The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty." I finished.
"I like it." Brendon said.
"Same... you know Brendon, I really like it here. With you... Sarah... the guys... the fans. It makes me happy." I blurted out smiling.
Brendon smiled back.
"Come here kid." He said motioning for me to come over to where he was.
He out his arm around me and I curled up onto his side. We sat there in silence and both quickly fell asleep. Being adopted was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Adopted by Brendon Urie♡Where stories live. Discover now