Chapter 16

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I woke up the next day and went into the lounge. I got myself a cup of coffee and went on my phone. I posted the video I took last night to Twitter and Instagram and everyone was still sending 'happy birthday' messages to me. I sat around and then Brendon bursted through the doors.
"Laurel you and I have to talk." He told me.
"About what?" I asked.
He took a deep breath.
"You like Sarah... like... a lot right?" He questioned.
"Yeah I love Sarah! Why?" I said.
He pulled out a small box from his suit pocket and opened it. It revealed a diamond ring.
"Brendon it's beautiful!" I exclaimed.
Then it hit me. He was proposing. I paused for a second and looked at him.
"Oh my God Brendon!" I yelled jumping up to hug him happily.
He smiled.
"You think I should propose to her?" He asked.
"Totally! I love Sarah! Do it Brendon!" I exclaimed.
Brendon shushed me.
"She's still sleeping. I don't want her to hear." He said.
"Sorry." I whispered.
"It's alright kid. God I'm excited. I can't wait." He said.
By the way his face was when he talked about her, you could tell how much he was in love with her.
"I have a plan. We'll all go out shopping or something and when we're there I'll propose." Brendon blurted out.
"Okay! I can't wait Brendon!" I exclaimed.

A few hours later, everyone was out together. We were at the mall and there was a small stage set up in the middle. Someone was probably appearing here. I nudged Brendon and pointed to the stage. His face lit up and he smiled. All of us were walking around when Brendon suddenly stopped and grabbed Sarah's hand.
"Come here Sarah I need to show you something." He said to her.
"Oh okay!" She exclaimed nervously.
As he was pulling her onto the stage she shrugged and looked back at me. I just smiled back. She has no idea.
"Sarah..." He said seriously looking into her eyes.
"Yeah?" She asked smiling.
Brendon got down on one knee and pulled out the box. Sarah covered her mouth.
"Sarah..." He said again.
"Will you marry me?" He asked.
She nodded her head wildly and her eyes filled with tears. This is so cute! I got a picture of when Brendon was on his one knee and Sarah had her hands over her mouth. This is an amazing day. People gathered around and were clapping. Sarah took the ring and embraced Brendon. I began to tear up. This is definitely a huge highlight of the tour. Brendon took a picture of their hands intertwined with each other and posted it. Everyone noticed Sarah's ring and started freaking out.

Once we got back to the bus, we had at least 3 hours of time on our hands before the next show. The crew decided to go on a candy run. We went into the candy store nearby and practically raided the whole thing. We all ran around the store like a bunch of 6 year olds. Everything was in there from small packets of Nerds to jumbo sized Pixi-Stixs. I mean, this place was huge! I grabbed bags of sour gummy worms, skittles, and a giant gummi bear. I guess you could say I liked fruity candy. Dallon just grabbed a giant bag of Reese's pieces while Kenny grabbed Mentos and Lifesavers. Dan grabbed gummy bears, Snickers, and Sour Patch Kids Brendon grabbed M&Ms, Pixi-Stixs, and Hershey bars and Sarah got Nerds Ropes, Jolly Ranchers, and Cadbury Eggs. Whenever we found stuff we liked, we would gasp really loud.
When we got back to the bus we all sat in a circle in the lounge and shared our candy. There were mounds of it in the center of us. We sat there and kind of talked about life.
"So the tour's almost over... what do we do next?" I asked.
"Don't know..." Brendon said.
"Well we have like 10 more shows. Let's not think about that right now." Kenny said.
"Yeah let's just enjoy it while it lasts." Dallon agreed.
It's not like I'd never go on tour with them again or perform concerts. That stuff was still going to happen. So what was I worried about?

After we finished our deep talks about life and eating candy, we all got ready for the show. Tonight was me week to perform so I was psyched. Performing is my passion. I really enjoy it. All of us headed out of the bus. We were playing out Madison Square Garden in NYC. The show was sold out too! Sarah and Brendon walked into the venue hand in hand. We got here yesterday so they rehearsed yesterday. I took quite a few pictures. I mean, I might not get to see this place again until we come back for our next tour and who knows how long that's gonna be. I grabbed a guitar pick and put my guitar along my neck. We ran onto the stage and heard people screaming our names. It was insane seeing all of these people. I smiled as I got ready to play.
"Everyone I'd like to make an announcement before we start!" Brendon exclaimed.
The crowd went dead silent.
"Most of you may know already but Sarah and I are now engaged! This performance is dedicated to her!" He yelled out.
The whole crowd screamed and I saw Sarah backstage smiling. We began to play the first few songs of the show. I was having an amazing time until I spotted someone in the audience. My smile faded and my stomach felt like it was in knots.

It was Parker.
Hey guys! I know you all love cliffhangers so ha! But this chapter is dedicated to the wonderful Christina Grimmie. I didn't really listen to her music but I know so many people who did and I supported her on The Voice. I've also seen a few of her youtube videos and she was amazing. Her career was just starting and it's just sickening that someone would do that to her. If you haven't heard, she was at a concert in Orlando and was playing a show. She went out afterwards and was giving autographs to fans and some guy just walked up to her and shot her. After he shot her, he pulled the trigger on himself and I just can't get over the fact that she's dead. She was only 22 and she just had so much ahead of her.

RIP Christina
"Don't try to be someone that society wants you to be. That's stupid. So be yourself."
You'll never be forgotten♡

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