Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sounds of muffled voices downstairs. I went down to the living room to see Brendon talking to some girl.
"Hey Laur! This is my friend from high school, Sarah." He said to me.
"Hey I'm Laurel!" I said and stuck my hand out for her to shake.
"Well I'm Sarah. Great to meet you!" She said with a smile.
Brendon and Sarah continued to talk for a while and I just sat there awkwardly listening.

"Well it was nice meeting you Laurel and I'll see you later Bren!" She exclaimed as she walked out the door.
"Ooo... Bren?" I joked.
"Laur, she's just a friend. She's always called me that. Besides, she has a boyfriend." He explained.
"Mmhmm.." I said with a smirk.
He punched my shoulder and I punched his shoulder back.
"Okay I'm going to make us breakfast but we have something to talk about while we're eating." He said in a serious tone.
This isn't like him. Even when there were meetings, he acted like a little kid around Kenny, Dallon, and Dan. I'm a little worried now though... is it good news? Bad news? Oh God I hope he isn't giving me back. Every possibility was racing through my mind. Brendon brought out a stack of pancakes and two plates with silverware. He set up the table all fancy and called me over. I picked up three pancakes and put them on my plate. I drizzled syrup on top and began eating.
"Listen Laur, this is really important and I need to ask you this." He said.
Oh no.
"Okay... So as you know the band is going on tour soon. It would cause you to miss the first few months of school but... Do you want to go on tour with the guys and I?" He asked.
My mouth dropped open and I froze. My heart was pounding. This could be a life changing experience.
"Yes!" I yelled.
Brendon laughed and I ran over to hug him.
"I knew you'd want to." He remarked with a smile.

"Laur, you wanna go shopping?" Brendon asked.
"For what?" I questioned.
"For you of course. This is like my adoption gift to you. And don't worry about money, it's on me and I don't care what you get." He explained.
"Okay! Brendon you know you don't have to do this right?" I asked.
"Yeah but I want to do this. You need more clothes you only have like 4 outfits." He said.
"Alright. I'll get dressed and ready." I told him as I ran upstairs.
I quickly threw on a pair of shorts and a shirt from Forever 21. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and did my usual makeup. I ran down the stairs and threw my converse on.
"Ready!" I yelled to Brendon.
"Alright let's hit it." He said.

"So how do you like this?" I asked.
Brendon huffed.
"Yes, I like it." He said in an annoyed tone.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Well, we've been here for like 3 hours. Girls need to learn to make up their goddamn minds." He said.
"Well you wanted to take me. We can buy this outfit and then we'll go home. Okay?" I asked him.
"Alright then hurry up." He responded.

We got home and I ended up getting 2 pairs of shorts, 3 skater skirts, 4 pairs of jeans, a pair of combat boots, another pair of Converse, and 5 shirts. I also got some new makeup.

Later that night, Brendon and I were hanging out in the living room when there was a knock on the door.
"I'll get it." I said to Brendon.
I opened it and it was Sarah but she was sobbing. She ran in and hugged Brendon.
"Sarah, what's wrong?" He asked her.
"My boyfriend... broke up with me and I did nothing wrong and he told me to get out and because I was staying with him, I have no where to go!" She cried.
"Shh... It's okay. You can stay here with Laurel and I for a bit and watch a movie with us. Okay?" He said.
She nodded her head and sat down next to me. Brendon went and made popcorn and we all watched Fuller House on Netflix. I leaned over to Sarah and whispered to her.
"You know, boys are stupid." I said to her.
"Tell me about it. The only reason he broke up with me was because I accidentally broke a coffee mug of his." She explained
"Really? That's the only reason?" I asked.
"Yep." She replied.
"Well if he broke up with you just for that, then he's stupid. He doesn't deserve someone like you." I told her.
"Thanks Laur." She said to me with a smile.
Sarah got up and made a phone call but she came back to the couch where we watched Netflix for what felt like forever.

We continued to watch the show when we checked the time. It was 2:30.
"I better get going. I'm meeting my friends for breakfast tomorrow. Bye guys. Thanks a lot. This really cheered me up." Sarah said as she walked out the door.
"Wait, do you have some place to stay?" Brendon asked.
"Yeah I just called a hotel and booked a room for a week. Hopefully, I find somewhere to live by the time the week is up." She answered.
"Oh okay. Bye then!" Brendon said.
"Bye Bren." She replied.
"Bye Sarah!" I yelled to her from across the room.
Brendon shut the door and waved goodbye to her.
"Alright kiddo, I have to get to bed too. Our first practice for the tour is tomorrow. We have to be at rehearsal by 11:00. Do you wanna come since you're just coming along to watch or stay here?" He asked.
"Uh... I'll go with you. I haven't seen Kenny, Dan, and Dallon for a while so it'll be cool to see them." I answered with a smile.
"Okay. Well goodnight I love you." He said as he kissed my head.
We both went to our rooms and I flopped down on my bed. Pretty soon, I'll be touring with my favorite band ever. How could this have turned out any better?
I checked me phone and saw a text from Sarah. Tonight we exchanged numbers.

Hey Laurel I have a question... Well more like a favor

Okay. Shoot.

Do you think it would be okay with Brendon and the guys if I came on the tour?... I have nothing better to do and it'll get my mind off of this whole break up. Do you think tomorrow you could ask him?

Yeah sure! We have rehearsal early tomorrow
morning. I'll ask him then. I need a girl to be with anyways haha.

Haha thanks so much. You're really cool, you know that?

Yeah kind of😆 jk. You're cool too Sarah. Thanks for being so nice to me. Well hopefully he says yes. Let's pray for the best!

Yep! Goodnight Laur!

Goodnight Sarah.

And with that, I drifted happily off to sleep.

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