Chapter 34

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Before you begin reading, shoutout to pineapplemacaroon for making the new book cover. Thanks girl!

Larissa decided to be my alarm clock this morning. She woke up crying and screaming as always and it's kind of hard to ignore when she's in the room right next to yours. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I was groggily walking down the hall when all of a sudden I collided with Brendon.
"Sorry my bad." He apologized, moving me to the side.
He rushed to Larissa's room and cradled her in his arms. He whispered to her and sang a little lullaby to her. I sat down outside of the door and listened to him. His voice was so soothing that it could even out me to sleep. I sat there in a daze and didn't realize that Brendon had put her back to sleep. He was waving his hand in front of my face when I snapped back into reality.
"Huh?" I remarked.
He smiled and pulled me up by my hands. We walked downstairs together and he popped a few waffles in the toaster for us.
"So kid, you excited?" He asked.
"For what?" I questioned.
"The release party for the album is tonight." He answered.
Oh right! I forgot! The album release party is here tonight.
"Oh yeah! Sorry it's really early for me. Still trying to get my thoughts together." I said.
Brendon chuckles and Sarah walks downstairs.
"Good morning loves!" She happily exclaims, planting a kiss on both of our heads.
"Morning babe." Brendon says, giving her a kiss back on the lips.
Aw. They're so cute. I find myself getting lost in thought again. The waffles popped up out of the toaster and startled me, making me jump a little. Brendon and Sarah have confused looks on their faces before they start cracking up. I smiled a little and then joined in.

All of us ate breakfast and then went to the store to go get things for the party. We do this thing called super shopping where we all split up and get different things so that it goes faster. It's like a race. We run down the aisle with our shopping carts and raid the shelves. We see who can get their things the fastest and then we all meet up at the checkout. I've won the past few times that we've gone grocery shopping. Sarah strapped Larissa into the front of her cart and gave Brendon a thumbs up.
"3...2...1... go!" Brendon says.
We all race off into different directions. I use my cart as a scooter and stop myself when I reach the party needs aisle. I grabbed everything that I could see. Streamers, confetti, glitter, plates, napkins, and balloons. I ran down the aisle and slid my hand across the shelf, knocking everything that I needed into my cart.

Sarah's P.O.V.

I went down the aisles for the baking supplies and ingredients. I grabbed cupcake holders and candles first. Then I ran to different sections of the store the get everything you need to make a cake and cupcakes. The last thing I had to get was eggs. I raced towards the cooler part of the store but as I was pushing my cart, I accidentally ran into Laurel.
"Move it old lady!" She joked.
I laughed and kept going. I ran to the place where they keep the eggs and grabbed a carton. I began to make my way to the checkout line when I hear my name. I turn around and can't believe my eyes. It's Carter, my ex boyfriend.

Brendon's P.O.V.

I ran down the snack aisle. I grabbed all of the snacks that I could. Pretzels, Lays, Pringles, Doritos, Fritos, and Cheetos. I smirked because I had the easiest job I think. In the very next aisle, there were the drinks. I grabbed Pepsi, Sprite, champagne, two cases of beer, and raspberry iced tea. There's water too but who wants that at a party? I went to the checkout line, thinking I'd be the first one there. But I was wrong. Laurel and I met there at the exact same time. We looked at each other for a while and she squinted her eyes at me.
"This needs to be settled." She said dramatically.
"You're right. We must battled this out." I played along.
"I say we have a staring contest." She said.
"Let's do it." I replied.
We stared at each other for a while before her eyes began to water and she blinked.
"Haha yes! Victory is mine!" I yelled, pumping my fist into the air.
I sang Victorious quietly to myself and danced all around. I got a lot of stares from other people but who cares, right?

Laurel's P.O.V.

I watched as Brendon did a little victory dance, like one that he would do one stage. He was singing Victorious to himself and I started laughing like crazy. Everyone began to stare, which made me laugh even more.
"I don't know him!" I exclaimed.
"Oh yeah right! That's my daughter!" He replied pointing to me.
I buried my face in my hands and kept laughing. Then I realized something. Where's Sarah?

Sarah's P.O.V.

"Long time no see!" Carter said, trying to pull me into a hug.
I pushed him off of me in disgust.
"You're telling me, buddy." I replied.
"Whoa whoa whoa. What did I do?" He asked.
"What did you do? What did you do?!" I mocked, raising my voice.
"I'll tell you what you did. You broke my heart. The night that you kicked me out do you know that I went out to my car sobbing? Yeah! Then I went over to my friend's house where him and his daughter welcomed me in and comforted me. They even let me stay with them! And guess what, bud? I should've known that you were never right for me and that Brendon was the right one all along. Now I'm living a perfectly happy life with them and as you can see, I have another child!" I explained, pointing to Larissa in the end.
Carter looked at me, then Larissa, then me again. People were staring at us in shock.
"No words? I understand why. Goodbye Carter." I said, walking off to the checkout line.

Laurel's P.O.V.

I saw Sarah heading our way with a look of rage on her face. Oh shit.
"Hey what happened? I heard you yelling over there." I asked.
"Nothing. Well. Just a stupid guy." She said.
Brendon stopped dancing and looked at her.
"A stupid guy? Where? I'll take him on for you!" He offered.
Sarah smiled a small smile.
"It's nothing Bren. You know Carter? My ex? Well it was him and he tried hugging me and stuff. But I gave him a piece of my mind and told him off." She explained.
"That's my girl!" Brendon exclaimed, pulling her into a hug.

We all checked out our things and went to the car. After putting all of the bags in the car and strapping Larissa into her seat, we were off and on our way home to set up for the party.
Hey! Sorry for the long wait but guess what my issue was again? School🙄 anyways, I just wanna tell you that the next chapter will probably be the last chapter. In an earlier chapter, I said that there would probably only be like 35 chapters in this book so yeah. I think it would just start to get boring if I kept dragging it on and on so I'm thinking it's for the best. But watch out for new books after this. Hint hint😏


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