Another Damn Alternate Universe (1/5)

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I hope you enjoy my mini-story things. If you do, be sure to vote and leave a comment. If you have any ideas for a future chapter, comment or message me it. Enjoy my Supernatural Fanfics.


You'd been hunting with Sam, Dean, Castiel and Gabriel, (who had tagged along once and just didn't leave) for a very long time. You'd fought off wendigos, vampires, ghosts and Gods together, you, Sam and Dean had gone to an alternate universe together. You'd seen everything.

Currently, in high annoyance, everyone, apart from you had fallen asleep in the beauty of a car, Baby, the '67 Chevy Impala. Dean had allowed you to drive as he was too tired to, he'd taken shotgun, whilst the other Winchester and the angels sat in the back. He'd given you a dangerous warning, saying: "if I wake to even one little scratch on Baby, I will rain Hell on you and then kill you slowly." You had laughed it out saying you'd be careful and to trust you.

But your eyes were heavy now, tire consuming you, sleep grabbing you by the ankles from the depths of Hell. If you did fall to sleep, you wouldn't live to see another normal day. With the way you've lived, you would live in Hell, seeing the horror of bad people. (Plus you'd made that one deal with that good looking demon- though you're not going to speak of that.)

Of course, this didn't stop sleep enveloping you, taking you hostage. You're eyes closed on their own, your hands fell from the wheel, causing the car to swerve to the left.

No one woke till it was too late though. The car swerving of the road, straight to the cliff's edge. The black beauty flew off the edge, plummeting down to meet the bottom.

You felt nothing, heard nothing when you hit the bottom. To be honest you don't remember. All you did remember was the shouts of Dean and Sam, Gabriel and Castiel attempting to zap you out of the situation, failing extremely. You remember watching the bottom coming to meet you.

The thing is, when you hit the bottom, it went black; everything did. Not a minute later you woke up. Woke up!

Everyone is in the car and everyone woke up at the same time, taking in a huge breath. Dean looked to you with more than one feeling displayed; anger, fear, sadness and more, but disappeared, coming to concern as he looked around.

"Is everyone okay?" He asked, then, "what the hell just happened? Did that actually happen?" He looked back at the two angels, thinking that they would have a clear explanation.

Cas replied to Dean. "This is impossible. We do not sleep Dean, and that fall... I don't know." He shakes his head, now looking to Gabriel.

"It wasn't me, I can assure you of that. If I was tricking you, I wouldn't be in the trick."

"But it would be more real if you were." You accuse, not happy. You needed air, so, after opening the driver side's door, you get out and look around. Your eyes widen at the sight you see and immediately you get back in the car. "Sam, Dean, look around. Look where we are." Your voice is filled with dread.

They turned their heads and looked outside, their eyes widen and Dean shuck his head.

"Not again." They both chorus.

"What do you mean 'not again'?" Castiel asks, Gabriel leaning forward.

You decide to fill him in. "Remember that time we told you about the alternate universe? Well, that is the place we can see now. We are there again, maybe it's different though."

Gabriel started to laugh. "Please, tell me your lying, sweet-heart." You shuck your head in regret. "How did you get out?"

"Raphael pulled us out."

"Oh, Father..." he said, looking up. Dean looked out of your window, an angry frown on his face.

"Please say we don't have to- oh, crap, (y/n)." He ducked down, hiding his head, his hand holding his head down. "It's me! There's a fake me out there!" He presses himself further down in the seat.

"A fake you oh my God! He's coming this way. Why is he?"

"What?" Sam comments looking through your window, then propelling himself back.

"Get out, talk to him, distract him from looking in here." Dean orders.

You scramble out of the car, unbuckling your belt, pushing the door wide, slamming it shut after and heading to meet a different Dean. You assumed his name's Jensen, as the last alternate universe, had that name as Dean's.

You smile politely at him, sitting on the bonnet, passenger side, to attempt to hide Dean.

(Morgan is the actors name.)

He walks a little faster, calling out, "Morgan, hey." You look behind you, into the car to see Sam, Castiel, Gabriel and Dean peeking out of the car at you, their eyes wide as they watch the next event take place.

A hand comes upon your cheek, gently pulling you to look at the replica of Dean, Jensen. He gave you a small smile and looked at your lips.

"Missed you. Even though it's only been a couple of hours." You smile, trying to play your part.

"Y-yeah-" before you could say anything else, fake Dean brought his lips to yours, gently kissing you. You gasp, surprised at his actions, letting his tongue enter your mouth.

The real Dean, had never kissed you. He'd flirt with you, but never went any further, but Dean wasn't the only one that flirted with you, as Gabriel seemed to have taken a liking to you as well. He too hadn't made any moves.

When Jensen was done, he kissed you on the corner of your lips, smiling happily.

"Our next scene's soon. Have you seen Rich?" You blink several times. Who could Rich be?

"Um, Rich.. no.." He looks over your shoulder at the car, his eyebrows gather together.

"Is that Richard? What are you doing in the car with Rich?"

"Uh, practicing our lines..." Jensen lets go of you and you look over to the car worriedly. This time you gather your eyebrows together, in confusion, seeing that only Gabriel is in the car. But then, you see the boys running to a trailer, hiding behind it.

You look back to Jensen and Gabriel. Jensen was bent forward talking to Gabriel, Gabriel, kept looking at you for help, he had no idea what to do.

"Jensen... why don't we uh, go and run some lines before our next scene." You call to him, his head cocks your way and he nods stiffly. He says something final to Gabriel before walking up to you and taking your hand, pulling you away. You look over your shoulder to the boys and silently plead for help.

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