Your God Given Cage

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Another one based on being in hell, though it's different to the Destiel one I did.


You'd been in your God given cage for thousands of years now -probably longer, you could never make out Hell's time. A minute could be an hour, and hour could only be a small minute. But you knew that it had been a very long time since you'd been up on the Earth, since you tasted fresh air, smelled the Earth's sent.

The place God, oh, dear father, had sent you is horrible, worse than nightmares can depict, all your brother's new of this, but no other angel, no other angel knows about you.

Solid iron bars rose from the ground, all shooting up into the ceiling, the pitch black hole of a ceiling. Holy fire surrounds the bars, the flames burning up, meters in the air, never dying down. The floor is drenched in blood from your tortured self. The one wall where you rest against, has one door. A door that only opens to high classed demons who want to torture you. If you could've moved, you would have attacked the demons, but you couldn't, you're to weak.

Your wings are torn, shredded, weak, not allowing you to even stretch them as the pain so bad. You wings hadn't many feathers left, the ones that are still there are slowly falling away, sizzling into dust. Your grace is limited, though you still had it all, you couldn't heal yourself because of how weak you are.

Throughout spending your time in this hell hole, in your pained fetal position, you heard talk from the demon guards of happenings up on earth, how two men, by the names of Sam and Dean had killed hundreds of demons and monsters a-like. How they would always have a baddie on their tail. From what you heard, they sounded brave and courageous, worthy of their many lives spared. You also heard of your siblings. Like, how Gabriel had tricked the two hunters many times 'til he came to his death from helping them, to the hands of Lucifer. This had upset you a little.

Lucifer had always been your closest brother, you'd always caused mischief with each other, on your other siblings. Sometimes it had gone out of hand though, sometimes someone would die at your hands. That was one of the reasons God didn't like you, the way his creations die because of your fun.

You couldn't help but think about your choices, your decisions, but you always came to the same point, you and Luci, always inseparable, together always. Of course, until you were both locked away.

The news you had heard was that Lucifer had escaped his cage, that the Winchester brothers had set him free and that he is roaming Earth and ruling over Hell. At least he could have some fun, instead of rotting down here, like you.

In your cage, you struggle to stand up. You look around at the familiar bars and darkness. You grab onto one bar, pulling yourself up. You tended to do this when you could, to see if there's any crack or gap in the box, anyway of escape, because this Hell was starting to drive you crazy, starting to make you see things. You close your eyes and take in a breath, exhaling slowly after. You attempt to roll your shoulders to release the muscle cramps in your upper back, around your shoulder blades, but it didn't work. You sighed and looked longingly at the one door that leads to freedom.

Not a moment after your sigh, the door creaks. Shit, another torturer. You move as fast as you can, ignoring the pain in every movement, to the back of the cage, the darkest corner. You fall into a ball and hide your head. You shiver as you hear footsteps sound as the next torturer walks in, they stop.

"Now, who do we have here? Must be a naughty one to land them-self here." That voice, that's the voice of your brother, Lucifer. After hearinh his voice, you weakly lift up your head and look straight at the being that entered.


"(Y/n)?! what have they done?" He rushes towards you, taking your face in his hands. He looks at your bruises, assessing each angel blade caused cut.

"Luci..." Is all you reply with, a small smile on your lips.

"Let me heal you." He doesn't wait for an answer, he didn't want one, he went straight at it, using his grace to heal you, to build your strength. Once the healing was done, you took a deep breath, a tear falling down your cheek.

"I'm going to kill him!" Lucifer shouts outraged, rising and punching the door. You stand from your fetal position and walk up to Luci, pulling him into a hug.

"It's been so long." You say into his shoulder, your tears falling freely now.

"I know, I know. I tried to get out, when I did, I looked for you, He had you hidden so well." You pull back and smile at him.

"Daddy's specialty, ain't it, hiding?" A frown falls on his face.

"Come, let's get out of this pit." Lucifer puts an arm around your shoulders, steadying you if need be, leading you out of your cage. He takes you to the surface of Earth, where you haven't been to for so long. You look around and almost gasp at what you see.

"W-what's happened?" Lucifer looks at you with a sad smile.

"This is what his creations have done to the world, they have led a lot of destruction on this world." You turn around, seeing less greenery and more buildings. You look down. It looked so much different from when you had last been on tge Earth's ground. "Your wings, (Y/n)." You look up then, seeing Luci looking at you back, worriedly. They hadn't healed fully when Lucifer had healed you.

"They'll heal eventually..." He shakes his head. "I heard that you don't like these humans. That you're trying to destroy them." You walk forwards to a bench and take a seat, Lucifer sits next to you.

"That's true, (Y/n). I'd like to demolish them all, end them." A look of anger passes over his face. "Their faults, imperfections, feelings. They are useless! Why can't it just be us?" You place a hand on his shoulder.

"Luci, you can't destroy them, just because they are not perfect, doesn't mean we need to rid of them." You let out a breath. "I- I know Father made them, they are meant to be like this, imperfect. Stop trying to anger Father through his creations."

"Hell's changed you." He states.

"It's changed us both, Luci."

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