Two Different Angels (3/?)

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I never left the room Castiel told me to stay and occupy. I didn't want to lose his trust, create another enemy. It's bad enough having to have darkness inside me, to have that part of me that thrives off every moment of destruction created in the world, or that which I can create, the pain I can cause if that side of me appeared. But I suppressed it for millions of years, only twice had the hostile overwhelming need to loath creation over power me, took my strength and used it for resentful devastation, make me kill hundreds upon thousands of innocent men, women, children. Images of the blood, the guts, the pain flood my vision when I close my eyes, when I think of bad times, when I attempt to rest my eyes. It horrifies me that I could do such monstrous things.

I may hold up a strong façade, a shield, hiding my true pain, feelings that would explode any human, my feelings being ten times worse than any car crash victim or depression sufferer, my pain could kill easily.

I sometimes cried. Not much though, I never really have time, the constant running from angels, demons, all creatures a-like, even the Darkness. But, now I felt I could finally cry for once, let my feelings overwhelm my vessel, my incredibly durable, well-built vessel, one I will always love and cherish.

I let my tears fall down my cheeks, I let my body shake as I took in big gulps of air, I let the feeling of pain take over, not to an extreme extent but just enough to rid myself of some of the pain. I settled my head into my palms, my elbows on my knees. I sniffles as I heard the room door open.

"Amitiel?" I look up to see the silky long brown haired tall man, who I'd come to know as the younger Winchester, Sam. "We think we have found something... Are you okay?" He asks standing a few meters away, still not trusting me. He's probably trying to figure me out.

My façade snaps back, like a lightswitch, the tears stop, my eyes dry, a smalk smile appears on my face. I look to Sam.

"I should be alright." I nod to myself. I didn't lie, usually I would be okay, I would move on. "What is it you have found?"

He sighs, "follow me." I do, I follow him through his... home, walking through many doors, down many halls, until, Sam stops in front of a closed, locked wooden door. It looked like the hinges had been replaced. He unlocks the door and gestures for me to go in. I hesitate and Sam sees my worry, heading in the room first. I go in after and find that the room has many books in, what also catches my eye, is the secret doorway behind the books, not the best hidden door.

I felt the trap behind that door, not pesifically for me, but there was one there, what sort of plan is this?

He opens the door and I find the trap I could feel. I turn to Sam, "I'm not going in that trap an I?" I listen closely, being the angel of truth, Io listened carefully.

"No, that's for who you're summoning." He wasn't lying, he must've found a way for me to pull Charoum here. I nod to him, walking over to a small table, with a range of ingredient, one most defdinetly looked like a heart, maybe one of a cow. "We just need a few drops of your blood." I walk over to him and hand him a vial, I'd used an old trick to fill it, as I didn't have grace, but darkness, I used that.

I hear the flap of wings from Castiel just outside the room, not a moment later is he in the room. He looks at me for a moment, a small smile lays on his lips, he turns to Sam.

"Did Amitiel give you her blood?" Sam holds up the vial, with my glistening dark blood inside. "Good, go ahead." Sam walks over to the bowl and starts mixing ingredients, an incantment flowing from his tongue also, creating the rope that'll pull Charoum here.

As Sam's spell moves into a quicker set of Latin words, Dean slides in the room, an angel blade in his hand. He gives it to Castiel. Dean then takes out his own knife, a glistening, sharp, soaked in burning holy fire, one. I can feel the holiness wafting into the air, I took a small step towards Castiel.

In the next moment, the lights blow out and the door explodes off its hinges, the walls shake, the floor thudders. It all felt like, like I was sat in the clouds, in raging storms.

Sam, Castiel and Dean all back away from the drawn circle on the floor, not knowing what to expect, I however stay in the same spot, keeping a hard exterior, totally different to the broken one back in the room.

A small fog appears in the circle, a thick small fog. It clears away. I make out bright colours through the fog, I make out a person just after. The fog clears.

Stood there was Charoum. My 'love' that I hadn't seen for thousands of years, a creature I didn't perticually want to see.

"Oh, wow, Amitiel!" He smiles, an odd look on him. "Looking good there, but you interrupted my party. Why!?" He hisses. There it was, that harshness, he was never nice to me for long. I look over o the three men stood back.

"This-" I sigh, sadly and admittedly with a little excitement, "Is Charoum." I gestured to the angel in a young late twenty year old meatsuit.

His hair looked soft and silky, the light brown suiting him. He wasn't short, about 6'1, and, he wore the brightest Hiwian shirts that did not suit him at all. Lastly, his eyes, dark, creamy brown eyes, freckles of black dotting them. He'd picked a nice human, without permission.

"Y'know, you could've called me babe, I'm always here for you, instead of this mess about." He looks at the circle in disgust, "it'll only last a few minutes, see it's burning." He crouched and points at a slightly glowing floor, he then rises and litteraly appears in the chair. The spell is definitely weak. I let out a tired breath. At least he wasn't angry.

Castiel finally comes forward, standing next to me, he faces Charoum. His hands keep clamping and unclamping, his itch to take down the Darkness in the room swelling and is coming close to popping.

"We need information on the Darkness." Charoum smiles.

"Course you do. Hey, I met Luci not long ago, we're officially arch-enemies. He's a right little dick! I can see why She doesn't like him." Charoum crosses his arms and shakes his head at me, "y'know She has been asking about you, wanting to know where you're hiding at, she isn't very happy with who you're working with." He looks at Castiel in hate, the same with the brothers. I nearly said something but he carried on. "Oh, she also said that she's coming for you next, "a failure should always be destroyed", I quote, she's gunna destroy everything you've been in contact with, apart from me, obviously, she likes-" I jump into the circle stupidly, wrapping my hand around his neck.

"Amitiel!" I block out the shouts from the guys and I lift Charoum in the air, he hangs.

"Can't you shut up! Can't you leave your mouth closed for once. I don't care that she's coming for me, you should know that... if she gets me, then she does and I'll fight her, but I don't need fucking reminders daily!"
I start to tighten my grip on his throat.

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