Another Damn Alternate Universe (4/5)

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Jensen and you sat in the front whilst Gabriel sat in the back of Jensen's car. You were already ten minutes away from filming and getting closer to your hope within the minutes.

You all had settled into a peaceful, comfortable silence until Jensen decided to spoil it, directing his question to you only.

"I kissed you earlier, didn't I?" He gives you a brief, soft look before looking back at the road.

"Yeah... You did." You admit, slightly embarrassed.

"And that was you in the Impala?" He look into the mirror, meeting his eyes with Gabriel's.

"Yup." He says simply.

"Sorry man... got a thing with Rich at the moment." Gabriel waved his hand, dismissing it.

"No, it's okay, would've got it same from Dean." You look at Gabriel confused, then look back at Jensen.
"What did you say to Gabe earlier?" You ask, maybe you'd find out.

"I basically said to leave my girl alone and not to go near you, with some other little things..."

"Oh." Why did Gabriel say that he'd get it from Dean to? "Hey Gabe... why did you stick with us after that one time, a few years back?"

He looks at you with wide eyes. "Ugh, we became friends..? Remember? Ha..ha..." He's hiding something.

Jensen had texted Mark a while back saying who to go back to, apparently now, we were a couple of minutes away from the witch. With your plan, you had so much hope.

"We're here." Jensen states, pulling into the driveway. He takes his seatbelt off, you and Gabe following action and you all get out, heading to the front door.

Jensen knocks several times, before the door is answered. A woman answers, a large smile on her face as she sees Jensen. She looks to you and Gabriel with the same smile, welcoming you in. She brings you into her living room, where she'd already set up everything for our arrival.

"I'm Madame Night." She informs the two outsiders. "I presume you want to do this right away?" You all nod. She gestures to gather around the table, with the symbols drawn and the candles set alight on. "Hold hands please." You take both Jensen and Gabriel's hands in your own as they take Madame Night's. (As she likes to be called.) "I take it you have something to channel."

"Yes, me." Gabriel speaks up.

Madame Night looks confused, but takes his hand tightly. She closes her eyes and holds her head back, muttering under her breath. The candles start to flicker as she progresses in her chant.

"It's strong, speak now, Gabriel." Gabe hadn't told her his name.

"If you can here me, know that we are stuck in a A.U, we need someone to pull us back, like now. Anyone, if you are getting this, help now." Gabriel looks to Madame Night for confirmation.

"Once again." She hums. As Gabriel spoke she mutters his reply.

"If you can here me, know that we are stuck in an AU, we need someone to pull us back, like now. Anyone, if you are getting this, help now." Gabriel repeats, his voice strong.

"There's something else stronger, it will help, it says not to worry, you can always escape."

"When?" You ask, you couldn't wait to get home, to do something productive.

"Soon and it will only be you two, not your friends."

"What!?" You shout, nearly letting go of the two hands, what's the point in being saved if it's only you and Gabriel.

"Don't worry, you can help them when you get back, all of them, I will help you." A touch of electricity flows through you. "He says that he's coming, stand outside, wait, he's coming, keep your hope (y/n)." Another electric shock goes through you and the connection breaks, every ones hands snap away from each others, everyone stands. "Wow, I've never felt something so powerful, dominating, who is it and what did you mean by AU?" Madame Night asks.

"I felt something with that person, something strong with him, like I was connected to him." Gabriel comments, yet unsure as to who it was.

"We don't know and it doesn't matter, thank you for this."

"That was no problem, any friend of Jensen's, is a friend of mine." You briefly hug her, feeling like you should, then step back, time to go outside. Gabriel thanks her and then follows you outside, Jensen not far behind.

"Thank you," you say to Jensen as you get out side, stood next to Gabriel, hands by both your sides.

"No problem. Oh, and Gabriel likes you alot!" As you were about to reply a bright white glow appears around you, stopping your reply, you grab Gabriel's hand and squeeze it tight. The glow brightens and you squint to see what's happening. You look to Gabriel to see he isn't squinting but he is crying tears of happiness, tears of relief, tears that you'd never seen before. The glow gets too bright for the human eyes. You shield your eyes with your arm as you close your eyes eyes tight.

"You can open your eyes," comes a familiar voice.

You do open then and you are hit with a huge surprise, a surprise that could shock you dead. Someone who was thought to be dead, someone who disappeared without a word, someone you actually missed. This was why Gabriel was crying his tears of joy, happiness, relief.

Cliff hanger.
Will be continued after two more chapter.

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