Sweet - Gabriel

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You woke to small noises; sounds like something toppling over or something rolling on a wooden surface. You kept your eyes closed as you listened, attempting to figure our what the culprit to the noise was or who it was. Giving up, you opened up one of your eyes.

The first thing you noticed was the sparkles, rainbow sparkles and golden glitter flew around the room like small snowflakes, a layer of sparkly glitter on the floor. Then you noticed the eggs. The hundreds, hundreds, of Easter eggs piled on each other in neat castle like structures. Each box, egg, small basket, had its own pattern or design on them, each one special in its own way.

You slowly say up, blinking several times to get your bearings; that being that you're still in your room. You then look around you're room to notice the biggest of them all.

A chocolate Gabriel.

It stood at approximately 5'7, detailed precisely and excellently, with a pair of wings drooping down its back, you admired it, then let out a small, annoyed, angry, yet humorous laugh.

"Guys!" You shouted, getting the Winchesters attention easily. About a minute later, the two Winchesters barge in, Sam first, then Dean.

When Sam burst in, he stopped mortified, this probably reminded him of exploding clowns. All them sparkles.

When Dean came in after, he shouted, "holy shit!" and then he started laughing.

"Yes a holy shit did do this." You reply, angrily, getting out of your bed. How was this funny to him? Everyone knows who the angel with the sweet tooth is.

You hop over eggs, exiting as fast as possible. You storm into the library area of the Men In Letters bunker.

"Gabriel, get your sweet ass down here!" He doesn't appear, "do I have to curse in Gods name?" You here the flap of wings behind you. You turn around, hands on your hips.

"Hey, sweetheart." Ugh, his nicknames for you.

"Why, it's not even Easter!?" You question.

"Why not?" Gabriel Counters, suddenly appearing behind you.

"My room-"

"All in a snap of my fingers, cupcake." He stops you from complaining. "I thought you might like the amusing pleasure of my delicacy feast of sweet treats." He doesn't move from behind you, only moves his chin onto your shoulder. "Do you like it in all honesty?" You look up, seeing Dean and Sam spying on you, watching as Gabriel gets as close as possible to you.

To be completely honest, you did, you never got Easter eggs on Easter, even if it isn't Easter now. Easter had lost its meaning to you, ever since you had started hunting.

"In all honesty; yes, I love it, thank you." You turn around and stare into his eyes. "What's with the chocolate angel though?" You were getting increasingly curious as to why he did that. You didn't expect the reply you got.

"Pumpkin, that's so you can eat me anytime." Your mouth drops, into a small 'O'. He takes notice to the movement and looks at your mouth hungrily.

"Kiss already!" You hear the boys shout. You smile and look back up to Gabriel. He smiles back and brings his mouth onto yours.

Sorry that this is short... I don't like it particularly... and it was late when I wrote it, but oh, well..

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