A Case

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A new case had come about for the Winchester brothers. Both boys are happy to take a break from the big boss they are facing, so a simple hunt, did them just fine. The case is in a quiet area where not much happens, so when they read that another murder had been commited in an awfully strange way, they had to check it out.

Currently Sam was waiting shotgun in the Impala for Dean to finish changing into his suit. He got out his tablet and looked at the recent artical on the strange murder. As he read through it, Dean opened the driver's door and sat down quickly.

"Got anything?" He asks as he starts the car, turning the music on low.

"Yes. So, get this, it's actually the most recent death in a chain of murders, happening, at random times." Sam clicks on his tablet. "The oldest was fourteen years ago and they have been centred around the same kid."


"Yeah, kid. There's a fifteen year old, whos family's thinning around him." Sam looks up, briefly glimpsing outside. The weather is pretty good, though grey stormy clouds are brewing.

"Seems like the kid's in the middle of it. You reckon he's the one doing the killing?"

"Perhaps." Sam furrows his 'brow. "I don't know why he would though."

"Some weird shit."

* * *

They arrived at the police station around fifteen minutes later. The boys both quickly check that they have their fake FBI badges and guns on them, before getting out of Baby and heading into the station. They walk up to the the reception and to ask about the recent case.

"Agent Carters and Carters, no relation." Sam gestures to himself and then Dean. "We're here about the case, the one with the strange murders?"

"Ah, yes."

The Winchesters are directed to follow a member of the department. He directs them to the morgue where the coroner waits for them.

"Thanks." The boys mutter to the officer before following the coronor.

"It's a strange one." The coroner working on the body says as he leads the fake agents to the body.

"How so?"

"Well, the body its self has been crushed, but the internal organs seem to have exploded before the body was crushed, which is abnormal." The coroner takes them over to the body, pulling back the body back. Both boys' eyes widen in disgust, Dean's face scrunching up and a slight gag came from them both.

"That is not something you see everyday, and we see alot." Dean mutters, attempting to peer at the body, its sunken in skin and blood covered face making him gag all the more. He speaks up, "so, who is it?"

"Didn't you read my report." The coroner zips the bag back up and gives Dean a look.

"No... I didn't have time."

"Well, his name is Gary Daniels, late thirties, perfect health, no problems known about him. I have no conclusion on how this happened as it seems to of happened--whatever this is--the wrong way around. His organs should of exploded with the pressure from everything else being crushed." He looks at Sam. "There's nothing that could do this to a man in a family household." Sam and Dean nod to each other.

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